Best Affordable Real Estate In The United Kingdom : Where To Buy Cheap In The UK?
Property prices in English cities have fallen in many cities, mostly located in the north of the country, as shown by a study by Loyds TSB.
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The city of Salford is the most affordable in the UK - Wikimedia
Property prices in English cities have fallen in many cities, mostly located in the north of the country, as shown by a study by Loyds TSB.
The city of Salford is the most “affordable” of all in the United Kingdom, in terms of property prices, according to the Lloyds TSB Affordable Cities review*. The average cost of a house in this area is in fact 102,391 pounds sterling, or 122,000 euros (-32% since 2008), which is equivalent to 3.81 times the average gross annual income.
Nationally, home ownership in the UK for city dwellers is at its most favorable level for at least a decade. The average price for a house in town is 173,202 pounds (208,000 euros), or 5.5 times the average gross annual income. This is the lowest ratio since 2003, well below the 7.2 recorded in 2008. “ Buyers are showing a wait-and-see attitude given the uncertain situation of the current market (…) elements that explain the fall in prices in the United Kingdom i”, announces Suren Thiru, economist at Lloyds TSB.
The north cheaper than the south
Seven of the eight most affordable cities are in the northern part of England and Northern Ireland, including Belfast, Londonderry, Bradford, Lancaster and Durham. The least affordable city in the ranking remains Truro, in the south-west of England, with an average purchase price of 250,489 pounds (300,000 euros), ten times the average gross annual income in the region. London is in the Top 15 least affordable cities, almost all located in the south of the United Kingdom. Indeed, " There is a clear divide between the north and the south ", remarks Suren Thiru.
List of the 10 most affordable cities
- Salford : North West (Ratio: 3.81)
- Londonderry : Northern Ireland (Ratio: 3.87)
- Bradford : Yorkshire and the Humber (Ratio : 3,98)
- Lancaster : North West (Ratio: 4.00)
- Stirling : Ecosse (Ratio : 4,04)
- Belfast : Northern Ireland (Ratio: 4.08)
- Durham : Nord (Ratio : 4,08)
- Lisburn : Northern Ireland (Ratio: 4.09)
- Hereford : Midlands ouest (Ratio : 4,26)
- Birmingham : Midlands ouest (Ratio : 4,43)
List of least affordable cities
- Truro : South West (Ratio: 9.71)
- Oxford : Sud ouest (Ratio : 8,80)
- Winchester : South West (Ratio: 8.76)
- Bath : South West (Ratio: 8.14)
- Salisbury : Sud ouest (Ratio : 7,51)
- Brighton & Hove : Sud est (Ratio : 7,31)
- Exeter : South West (Ratio: 7.26)
- Cambridge : Anglia est (Ratio : 7,01)
- Southampton : Sud (ratio : 6,84)
- Chichester : South East (Ratio: 6.83)
*The list is based on the ratio between the average house price and the annual gross income at the regional level.ON THE SAME SUBJECT
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