Make mascara with Oreos
By YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 1408 GMT (2208 HKT) September 29, 2021
Make Mascara from Oreos @youbeautysite /
What it consists of: Mascara with cookies.
Materials Needed: Lots of things, including cookies and a face primer.
Does it work? No.
This trick is meant to be used when you desperately need mascara, but you don't have it on you: if you have rubbing alcohol, cottons, Oreos, a primer for face, a plastic bag, a spoon and a little water, you could make your own mascara! Don't you believe it or think it's not worth the effort? You might be right, but the real question is, does it work?
The answer is quite simply: NO! Mixing crushed Oreos with water and a face primer is not a substitute for mascara. Applying food products to your eyelashes is probably not a good idea either. It is probably best to stick to regular makeup that has been tested to be harmless to our skin and eyes.