Feeling Fatigued With An Unusual Need To Stay In Bed? You Might Be Suffering From Dysania
Needing ten alarm clocks, waking up in a bad mood every day, preferring to spend mornings on days off lying in bed rather than doing outdoor activities to...
July 31st, 2022
Needing ten alarm clocks, getting up in a bad mood every day, preferring to spend the mornings of days off lying in bed rather than doing outdoor activities to enjoy the fresh air...
Staying confined as if the outside was scary. If this applies to you and you consider that there is no safer place than your bed, it is possible that your obsession for it goes much deeper than what you can think of. Maybe you suffer from dysania (difficulty getting out of bed in the morning) or clinomania, an uncontrollable obsession with wanting to stay in bed.
Dysania is the difficulty we have getting up in the morning . Of course we all have our days where waking up in the morning is real torture, we find it hard to get up, and we set the alarm again and again to wake up as late as possible.
Dysania explains the fact that we like to stay in bed all day: the person feels unable to get up when they have to, and this disorder is accompanied by symptoms. Dysania is often associated with sleep disorders, or affective disorders. Moreover, this disorder is often linked to depression .
Dysania results in a person's discomfort and affects all areas of their life.
Symptoms of Dysania
Here are the symptoms of dysania :
- Strong concern of the person when he says to himself that he must get up
- Feeling constantly tired Need to go back to bed as soon as you get out
- Bad mood
- Irritability
- Lack of sexual desire
- Abulia, or inability to do something
- The person feels under pressure
If you suffer from it, it is important to make an appointment with a specialist to find out if this is indeed the case, and to be accompanied. Solutions exist, and professionals are there to guide you.
In the meantime, it is essential to review your habits to improve your sleep hygiene, to regulate your sleep time , to live in the here and now, to do physical exercise and to get to know yourself in order to be more aware of your emotional and physical changes.
Clinomania explained
Clinomania is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a subject's refusal to get up. The person prefers to constantly lie down. Generally it is people suffering from neurasthenia or an important depression who present with clinomania.
It's a kind of addiction, to stay in bed, to refuse to get up. Thus, people who show signs of clinomania, or clinophilia, can stay in bed for several days, even in the absence of sleep, without having the need or the desire to get up. What drives these people to stay in a horizontal position is an immense feeling of well-being and security experienced only in bed.
One of the biggest problems facing clinomaniacs is the huge lack of understanding among the population about their lazy habits and their inability to have the will to change. Ignorance of this pathology leads many people to treat those who suffer from it as "asocial" or "case". Without realizing it, people using these qualifiers favor the appearance of new damage of psychological origin.
However, the big difference between lazy people and clinophiles is that, while the former do not want to perform an activity that requires a minimum of physical or mental effort, the latter need to be lying down for hours even while remaining awake.
Clinomania also has physical consequences. The excess hours spent in bed by these subjects results over time in a greater feeling of fatigue, in the appearance of digestive disorders such as severe constipation as well as fecal impaction (accumulation of stools in the rectum), ulcers and bedsores, and a noticeable loss of muscle mass.
In addition to social misunderstanding and physical damage, the great difficulty is diagnosing an illness that is often confused with others sharing common signs, such as depression, apnea or other sleep and behavioral disorders.
Symptoms of clinomania
Some of the most common symptoms exhibited by clinophiles are obsession with objects such as pillows and cushions, a predilection for bad weather which serves as an alibi for them not to leave the house in order to constantly lie in bed, or chronic procrastination towards any kind of activity in or out of the house.
One of the curiosities of this disease is that, although anyone can present it at any time in their life, it has a particular incidence in women between the ages of 20 and 40, it is often the consequence of hormonal changes.
The other group at risk is made up of the elderly. On the one hand, it is the result of their greater sensitivity to disturbances of all types and, on the other, the fruit of the large amount of hours they spend at home without obligations that push them to move. or engage in physical activity. Being in bed can also be reassuring, the impression of leaving all the worries outside like fleeing one's own responsibilities.
Although the interest of the medical community in the face of this disease is growing, there is currently no cure for this disorder.
However, there are different types of treatments that allow the disease not to prevent the person who suffers from it from studying, working or carrying out their daily routine and household chores.
Support work in psychotherapy, physiotherapy, or even a medicinal supplement in the most severe cases, make it possible to set up daily exercises as well as the adoption of a healthy and balanced diet, in order to considerably improve the lives of clinophiles.
Photos: Shutterstock
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