Healthy Eating Habits: Foods to Consume in Moderation, Expert Advice

Healthy Eating Habits: Foods to Consume in Moderation, Expert Advice
Balanced Nutrition: Everyday Foods to Enjoy in Moderation, Expert Insights

Balanced Nutrition: Everyday Foods to Enjoy in Moderation, Expert Insights

We all lead busy lives, and it's sometimes challenging to eat healthily. As a result, we end up eating whatever is convenient, prioritizing convenience over nutrition. Most of the products on this list are foods we consume almost daily.

However, if they are not consumed in moderation (or completely avoided), they can lead to long-term health problems. Some of these products are well-known for their adverse effects on health, while others are foods believed to be healthy.

1. Sunny D :

Manufacturer: Procter & Gamble

Average price: $3 per liter

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SunnyD may be delicious, but you should consider giving it up. It contains loads of sugar, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and much more, and its nutritional value is very poor. This drink is much worse for your health than orange juice (which also contains a lot of sugar and should be consumed in moderation).

In fact, the manufacturer Procter & Gamble admitted that the drink could cause a yellowish appearance to the skin in some cases after a pediatrician in Wales blamed the drink for giving a four-year-old patient a "yellowish color." The child, who drank 1.5 liters of SunnyD per day, saw his skin turn yellow over time. Although this is an excessive amount, his skin likely wouldn't have changed color if he had only been drinking water, even in those quantities.

Few facts about Sunny D :

Drinkin Sunny D not good for you and here's why :

Sunny D is not a healthy choice for several reasons:

  • High sugar content: Sunny D contains excessive added sugars linked to health issues like obesity and diabetes.
  • Artificial ingredients: It often includes artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.
  • Limited nutritional value: While it has some vitamins, they are often added, and it lacks the benefits of whole fruits.
  • Caloric density: It's calorie-dense due to sugar content, potentially contributing to weight gain.
  • Low fiber: Lacks dietary fiber found in whole fruits, essential for digestive health.
  • Not a primary source of hydration: Water is a better choice for staying hydrated.
    In summary, Sunny D should be enjoyed in moderation as an occasional treat but not replace healthier beverage options like water or 100% fruit juices. Prioritize a balanced diet with minimally processed foods for overall health.

Sunny D is not a natural juice.

It is a fruit-flavored drink that contains a blend of water, sugars, and various artificial flavors and additives. While it may provide some vitamin C and vitamin D, it is not made from 100% fruit juice, and it contains added sugars and artificial ingredients. Therefore, it is not considered a natural or pure juice like freshly squeezed orange juice or 100% orange juice without added sugars or artificial additives. Sunny D is a processed beverage and should be consumed in moderation, with an understanding of its nutritional content.

Sunny D is not good for weight loss

Sunny D is not ideal for weight loss due to its high added sugar and calorie content, low satiety, limited nutritional value, and potential impact on blood sugar levels. For effective weight loss, opt for beverages like water or herbal tea with fewer added sugars and focus on a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, alongside regular physical activity.

Sunny D healthier than soda

Sunny D and soda have some similarities, including high sugar content, lack of nutritional value, and potential health drawbacks. While Sunny D may offer a few vitamins, it's still sugary and calorie-dense, so moderation is key. For a healthier option, choose water or 100% fruit juice in small amounts. Ultimately, limiting sugary drinks and opting for a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is best for your health.

Sunny D good when sick

Sunny D, like many fruit-flavored drinks, may provide some vitamin C, which can be beneficial when you're sick because vitamin C supports the immune system. However, it's important to consider the overall nutritional content of Sunny D, which includes added sugars and artificial ingredients.

If you're looking for a beverage to consume when you're sick, it's generally better to choose natural options like pure orange juice or simply water. These options provide hydration and essential nutrients without the added sugars and artificial additives often found in Sunny D. Additionally, warm herbal teas with honey can be soothing and beneficial when you're feeling unwell. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on what to consume when you're sick.

While Sunny D provides some vitamin C, it also contains added sugars and artificial ingredients. When you're sick, opt for natural choices like pure orange juice or water for hydration and nutrients. Warm herbal teas with honey can also be soothing. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on sick-day beverages.

Sunny D has only minimal vitamin c

Sunny D is often marketed as a good source of vitamin D because it is fortified with this vitamin. However, it's essential to note that its vitamin D content can vary depending on the product and brand. While it may provide some vitamin D, it may not be as effective as other natural sources of this vitamin, such as sunlight exposure, fatty fish, or vitamin D supplements, for meeting your daily vitamin D needs. If you're specifically looking to increase your vitamin D intake, you may want to consider these other sources in addition to or instead of Sunny D, depending on your dietary preferences and health needs.

Sunny D list of ingredients includes :

Sunny D's list of ingredients typically includes the following:

  1. Water
  2. High Fructose Corn Syrup
  3. 2% or Less of Each of the Following: Concentrated Juices (Orange, Tangerine, Apple, Lime, Grapefruit), Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Thiamin Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Natural Flavors, Modified Cornstarch, Canola Oil, Sodium Citrate, Cellulose Gum, Sucralose, Neotame, Acesulfame Potassium, Sodium Hexametaphosphate, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Yellow #5, Yellow #6

Please note that the specific ingredients and their proportions may vary slightly depending on the flavor and formulation of Sunny D products. It's essential to read the label of the particular Sunny D product you're interested in for the most accurate ingredient information.

Sunny D contains only minimal amount of orange juice

Sunny D typically contains only a minimal amount of orange juice, despite its orange-like flavor. The primary ingredient in Sunny D is water, followed by high fructose corn syrup and a small percentage of concentrated juices, including orange juice. While it may have some orange juice content, the majority of the drink is water and sweeteners, which provide the orange-like taste. Sunny D is not considered a substitute for 100% pure orange juice in terms of its nutritional content.

Sunny D is a negligeable source of vitamin c

Yes, Sunny D is not a significant source of vitamin C, despite its association with citrus flavors. While it may contain some vitamin C due to the inclusion of orange juice concentrate or other ingredients, the amount is typically minimal compared to what you would get from consuming whole citrus fruits or 100% pure orange juice. If you're looking to boost your vitamin C intake, it's generally better to choose natural sources like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sunny D is not 100% juice.

Sunny D is not 100% juice. It's a fruit-flavored drink that typically contains a blend of water, sugar or high fructose corn syrup, and a small percentage of fruit juice concentrate, along with various artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. While it may provide some fruity flavor, it's important to note that Sunny D is not the same as 100% fruit juice, which is made solely from fruit juice without added sugars or artificial ingredients.

100% pure orange juice - The healthiest orange juice

The healthiest orange juice is typically 100% pure orange juice that is freshly squeezed or made from 100% orange juice concentrate without added sugars or artificial ingredients. Look for options labeled as "100% pure orange juice" or "100% orange juice" on the packaging. These juices contain natural sugars from the oranges but do not have added sugars or artificial additives.

Additionally, some orange juices are fortified with additional nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, which can provide added health benefits. However, it's essential to check the ingredient label to ensure there are no added sugars or artificial additives.

Freshly squeezed orange juice at home or juices from reputable brands that focus on natural, minimally processed ingredients tend to be good choices for a healthy orange juice option.

2. Go-Gurt

Manufacturer: Yoplait

Average price: $6 per box*

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Yogurt is a convenient and affordable snack that has made its way into many children's lunchboxes. In tube form, it's even quicker and easier to eat, and kids love it. Although Go-Gurt contains vitamin D3, vitamin A, and calcium (which the manufacturer never fails to remind us), it contains less than ten percent of the recommended daily allowances for these nutrients.

Furthermore, it has a high content of high-fructose corn syrup and sugar. According to Healthline, high-fructose corn syrup and sugar have inflammatory effects that are associated with heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, and many other conditions.

3. Oreo

Manufacturer: Nabisco

Average price: $2.79 per pack*


Oreos are one of the best-selling biscuits worldwide. However, in addition to their high sugar content, these biscuits contain another ingredient that can be harmful to health: butadiyne (diacetylene).

Butadiyne is a chemical used as a flavor in Oreos and can lead to long-term respiratory problems if consumed in excess. Their sugar and fat content makes them addictive, so it's rare to eat just one.

4. Corn Syrup

Manufacturers: Archer-Daniels-Midland, Cargill, Tate & Lyle, etc.

Average price: $1 to $3 per bottle*.

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Sometimes we need to buy corn syrup at the supermarket because certain recipes require it. So, if you're making cakes, frostings, jams, jellies, and other sweet treats, it can be challenging to avoid it.

However, you should be cautious and not be fooled by its sweetness and low price compared to regular sugar. These advantages should not make you forget its toxicity, and consuming too much corn syrup (which is easy due to its addictive nature) can lead to insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, type II diabetes, and many other ailments.

5. Pepsi

Manufacturer: PepsiCo

Average price: $1 per can

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Just like its competitor Coca-Cola, Pepsi is a carbonated beverage that can lead to various health problems. Diabetes and obesity are just a few of the conditions associated with this type of sugary drink due to its high sugar content, but there are many others.

From kidney stones to anemia, depression, and Alzheimer's disease, the health risks associated with consuming such sugary beverages have earned them a reputation as one of the least healthy drinks among sugary beverages. According to Healthline, "sugary sodas" like Pepsi are simply "bad for health."

6. Strawberries

Manufacturers: Driscolls, Naturipe, and others

Average price: $2 per pound*

The Secret Behind Japan’s Wintry Strawberries

While strawberries can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet, you need to be very cautious when consuming them due to factors that occur during their cultivation. These delicious fruits can contain up to 20 different pesticides.

Since strawberries are consumed with their skin, it's essential to clean them thoroughly before eating to avoid consuming the chemicals used in their cultivation. Simply rinsing them with water may not be sufficient, so it's better to disinfect them with fruit sprays.

7. Pork Rinds

Manufacturers: Rudolph Foods, Utz, Benestar, etc.

Average price: $3.50 to $6*

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Technically, pork rinds are compatible with a keto diet. While it's true that this fried and crispy snack contains no carbohydrates, it's not comparable to spinach and broccoli. Pork rinds are high in saturated fats, sodium, and calories, so you shouldn't indulge in a huge bag every day.

Eating too many pork rinds can lead to high blood pressure and weight gain, increasing the risk of diabetes or heart disease. Pork rinds are high in protein (9 grams per serving), but they do not qualify as a "healthy snack," as pork rind manufacturers often try to suggest.

8. Caramel Popcorn

Manufacturers: Cracker Jack, Fisher's, Pop Secret, etc.

Average price: $2 to $4 per bag*

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Caramel popcorn is a very tasty snack, but it's also bad for your health. This product is rich in almost everything that should be consumed in moderation: calories, sugars, fats, and sodium. If you don't consume a small portion of this sweet snack, you could have problems.

What's worse is that due to its high sugar content, this snack can be addictive. Sugar affects our brain in the same way as addictive drugs like cocaine. Anyone can easily overeat treats like caramel popcorn and want to keep eating because their brain doesn't realize it's full.

9. Hot Dogs

Manufacturers: Oscar Mayer, Sabrett, Hebrew National, etc.

Average price: $2 to $5 per 12-pack*

May be an image of hotdog

Hot dogs are highly processed foods that contain many ingredients other than animal meat. Among them is maltodextrin, which, if consumed in excess, can cause damage to the intestines and stomach.

Furthermore, a serving of hot dogs contains 33% of the recommended daily sodium intake. As if that weren't enough, hot dogs typically list "poultry" among their ingredients, an ambiguous term that raises doubts about the true origin of the meat they contain.

10. Tomatoes

Manufacturers: Conagra, Agrofusion, etc.

Average price: $1.70*

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Tomatoes can contain many pesticides, and their skin is so thin that sometimes washing and peeling them is not enough to remove the chemicals. So, if you have the choice, it's always better to buy organic tomatoes.

But pesticides are not the only problem. Tomatoes can be harmful to people with digestive system problems because they contain large amounts of organic acids. If you are prone to heartburn, you probably can't eat these fruits.

11. Fried Beans

Manufacturer: Rosarita, Isadora, Old El Paso, etc.

Average price: 1 to 3 $  per can*

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Homemade beans can be a very healthy food as they are high in fiber and protein, which are good for the body. However, their processed version, although convenient and versatile, is not as healthy.


© TonelsonProductions /


Processed fried beans are high in sodium and saturated fats. This can lead to issues such as hypertension, obesity, and high cholesterol, among others. Preliminary studies have also shown that a diet rich in these unhealthy ingredients can increase the risk of cancer.

12. Potato Chips

Manufacturer: Lays, Tostitos, Utz, etc.

Average price: 2 to 4 $  per bag*

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The vast majority of potato chips contain petroleum-based dyes, starches, preservatives, and saturated fats. Furthermore, a serving of just 0.11 pounds of chips provides 32% of the recommended daily value of sodium.


Potato Chips ©stock-enjoy /


To make matters worse, chips, which are a close cousin of everyone's favorite snack, also contain monosodium glutamate, a flavor-enhancing compound that makes you want to keep eating more and more. There's a reason you can't eat just one.

13. Sunflower Seeds

Manufacturer: Conagra, David's, and others

Average price: 1 to 3 $  per bag*

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Sunflower seeds have often been promoted as a healthy snack, but even the consumption of healthy snacks can lead to a high calorie intake. Weight gain can result from excessive calorie consumption. Additionally, sunflower seeds can be high in sodium, leading to excessive salt intake if consumed in large quantities.


Sunflower Seeds © thewet nonthachai /


In 2017, according to Science Daily, another concerning revelation was made about these seeds. Researchers found that sunflower seeds were traceable as a source of "toxic molds" and were "contaminated" with toxins produced by molds. These toxins can act as potent liver carcinogens, and the consumption of sunflower seeds, if they contain these toxic substances, poses an "increased health risk."

14. Froot Loops

Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Average price: 3.50 $  per box*

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Froot Loops are particularly attractive to children due to their bright colors and sweet taste. Unfortunately, these Loops are not very healthy. Although the box claims that the cereals have a natural fruit flavor, fruits are not even among the ingredients of Froot Loops.


Froot Loops @JanelPierovich2 /


Furthermore, the high amount of sugar in these cereals can lead children (and adults) to obesity, diabetes, or hypertension. Froot Loops are certainly not the best choice for breakfast; try something rich in protein and fiber instead.

15. Imitation Cheese

Manufacturer: Sandwich Mate, Whitehall, and others.

Average price: 3.50 $ *

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The packaging of fake cheeses is often misleading. These products, instead of being made from ingredients like milk fat as normal cheeses are, contain vegetable oils, trans fats, artificial flavors, and preservatives.


© TonelsonProductions /


All these ingredients make imitation cheeses much less healthy than real cheeses. You can identify imitation cheeses, among other things, because they are considerably cheaper than real cheeses.

16. Canned Tuna

Manufacturer: Ocean Naturals, Safe Catch, Wild Planet, and others

Average price: 1 $  per can*

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You may have heard that tuna is one of the favorite foods of nutritionists in weight loss diets. Indeed, it is rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. However, before incorporating it into your daily diet, you should know that canned tuna can contain mercury. Even in small amounts, mercury is highly toxic and can cause problems for your nervous, immune, and digestive systems.


Canned Tuna © HandmadePictures /


17. Chocolate Milk

Manufacturer: Nestlé, TruMoo, Fairlife, and others.

Average price: 3 $  for 3 liters*

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Chocolate milk, a favorite of children and adults worldwide, is delicious and contains calcium, vitamin D, and protein. Drinking a small amount from time to time won't harm you, but if you consume a large quantity of this sugary drink, you can increase your risk of weight gain and certain chronic diseases.


© Nami Uchida /


Chocolate milk contains almost as much sugar as a cup of soda. One cup contains twenty-five grams of sugar and quite a few calories. Considering that one-third of American children are overweight or obese, this is a product you should avoid when it comes to choosing your children's (and your) drink.

18. Artificially Flavored Creamer

Manufacturer: Nestlé, Dean Foods, Danone SA, and others

Estimated price: 1 to 3 $  per container*

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A morning cup of coffee can be just what many of us need to get started. And since most people prefer not to drink their coffee bitter, creamer is often added. There are many artificially flavored coffee creamers available, from regular vanilla to "white chocolate raspberry" (International Delight).


© Sheila Fitzgerald /


While a splash of creamer won't hurt, if you're one of those who like to dilute their coffee until it's practically milk, think twice. These creamers have a high sugar content, and the artificial flavors used could be linked to stomach aches, food sensitivities, and more, depending on the flavor chosen by the company.

19. Raw Beets

Manufacturer: Various

Average price: 1 $ *

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Raw beets have been filling our stomachs and conquering our plates for about a decade now. This is mainly due to the trend of colorful raw vegetables used for summer salads that are very Instagrammable. However, this food trend is not without risks.


Raw Beet ©Anna_Pustynnikova /


French and Canadian authorities are alerting and advising against this vegetable unless it is cooked. There is a significant risk of food poisoning: several cases of digestive disorders, nausea, and vomiting, occurring rapidly after consuming raw red beets, have been reported. Chemist-columnist Anne-Marie Desbiens explains that grated raw beets can cause very intense vomiting within minutes of consumption.

  1. Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water
    Manufacturer: Perrier
    Average Price: €2 per liter*

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as "forever chemicals," are man-made chemicals used in everything from stain-resistant fabrics to food packaging. PFAS chemicals have been around since the 1940s, and while they are not federally regulated, they have been linked to health issues such as thyroid disruption, cancer, and low birth weight, according to the EPA.

Some brands of sparkling mineral water, like Perrier, have been tested and found to contain measurable amounts of these PFAS chemicals. According to CBS News, there are 1.1 ppt of PFAS chemicals in Perrier's natural sparkling mineral water. The presence of these chemicals could be due to high levels of PFAS in the source water or the carbonation process.

**21. Cadbury Creme Eggs**

Manufacturer: Hershey

Average Price:$ 3 per pack of 5*

Thief Steals Nearly 200,000 Cadbury Creme Eggs in Britain

Every spring, there are two groups of people: those who love Cadbury Creme Eggs and those who don't. In America, these chocolate eggs filled with creme are made by Hershey, and although they are a sweet treat for the spring holidays, it's best not to eat more than one or two.

22. Frozen Vegetables

Manufacturer: Birds Eye, Green Giant, Market Pantry, and others.

Average Price:$ 1 to$ 2 per bag*

We would never discourage anyone from eating vegetables, so if frozen vegetables are your thing, don't throw them out. Just know that you may need to eat more of them if you want to get all the nutrients that fresh vegetables contain. Freezing helps preserve some of the nutritional content of frozen fruits and vegetables.

But if the product has been frozen for more than a year, the nutrients start to degrade. Vitamins and minerals are also lost during the blanching process. In fact, the most significant nutritional loss occurs during this time. So, if you have frozen vegetables, don't be afraid to eat a lot of them and consume them right away.

23. Margarine

Manufacturer: Land O'Lakes, Imperial, Fleischmann's, Country Crock, etc.

Average Price:$ 1 to$ 3 per tub*

Margarine began as a cheaper substitute for traditional butter. It's interesting to note that it contains very little cow's milk, and some brands have even completely eliminated any animal-derived ingredients from their recipe.

Instead of milk fat, margarine is made from various vegetable oils. The result is an alarming amount of trans fats, which can lead to several serious illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

24. Donuts

Manufacturer: Krispy Kreme, Hostess, Dunkin' Donuts, etc.

Average Price:$ 1 to$ 2 per donut*

Donuts are one of the most popular treats. These sweet indulgences offer endless options to suit all tastes. They come in various flavors and are decorated with all sorts of toppings and glazes.

The problem with donuts isn't just that they tend to contain a lot of sugar; they are also fried. Being fried means they contain trans fats. Sorry, donut lovers, but donuts should definitely not be a part of your daily diet.

25. Diet Coke

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola

Average Price:$ 1 per can*

Diet Coke is marketed as a healthier alternative to regular Coke. After all, it's sugar-free and contains fewer calories. It's often the drink of choice for people on a diet. According to the Mayo Clinic, Diet Coke is not harmful if consumed in small amounts, but those who drink more than one can a day may expose themselves to serious long-term issues.

Studies have shown that Diet Coke may not be as "light" as it seems. Artificial sweeteners can lead to chronic kidney diseases, cavities (due to acidity), and an increased risk of osteoporosis, depression, and heart diseases. Further research is needed to fully validate these findings, but it suggests at least considering reducing or eliminating it from your diet.

26. Meat

Manufacturer: Tyson Foods, JBS USA, Cargill, etc.

Average Price:$ 6 to$ 17 per kilogram*

You've probably heard that meat is essential for a healthy balanced diet. While that's true, excessive consumption of meat poses health risks. Much of the meat sold today contains pesticides consumed by the animals, which stay in their bodies until we consume them.

Most red meats also contain hormones and antibiotics administered to animals to accelerate their growth. The industrial farming process often uses hormones like testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone for livestock, which are then ingested by end consumers, causing problems. Fish aren't much better off, as they can sometimes contain heavy metals like mercury. However, this doesn't deter companies like Tyson Foods, which make millions.

27. Breakfast Sandwiches

Manufacturer: Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, Tim Horton's, etc.

Average Price:$ 3 to$ 4 per sandwich*

It can be tempting to grab a quick breakfast sandwich from a fast-food establishment like McDonald's, Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, or Tim Horton's. They are often very tasty. However, eating one every day is not the best service you can do for your body.

Occasional consumption is not problematic, but be aware that most of these sandwiches are high in cholesterol. According to The Nutrition Twins, eating such a sandwich at a fast-food place for breakfast three times a week can lead to nearly four kilograms of weight gain in a year due to the extra 300 calories in the sandwich, which you would avoid by having breakfast at home.

28. Coffee

Manufacturer: Starbucks, Folger's, Dunkin' Donuts, Market Pantry, etc.

Average Price:$ 2.50 per coffee*

Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world after water. People enjoy it immensely,

 but too much caffeine can be problematic. Caffeine, the active ingredient in coffee, can lead to health problems, especially when consumed in excess.

Excessive caffeine intake can cause nervousness, restlessness, stomach upset, rapid heartbeat, and muscle tremors. It can also lead to addiction and withdrawal symptoms like headaches and fatigue when you try to cut back. So, enjoy your coffee in moderation, and be mindful of how much caffeine you consume daily.

Please note that product availability and prices may vary depending on your location and the time of purchase. It's essential to make informed choices about your diet and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary advice.

Here is the translation of the provided text to English:

29. Candies

Manufacturer: Haribo

Average Price:$ 8 per kilogram*

Each bag of bear-shaped candies contains only 100 grams of candy. However, this small quantity, at first glance, contains the equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar, which is two to three times the recommended daily intake for a child.

In addition to the risks associated with excessive sugar consumption, these gummy bears also contain artificial ingredients such as petroleum-based colorants, which can lead to issues such as attention deficit or hyperactivity.

30. Coca-Cola Classic

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola

Average Price:$ 1 per can*

The (harmful) effects of Coke on health have been the subject of many debates and studies. As mentioned earlier, even Coca-Cola Light is bad for your health if consumed in excessive amounts. But do you know exactly why? Each can of classic Coca-Cola contains 7.4 tablespoons of sugar, which represents more than 100% of the recommended daily intake for an adult.

This carbonated beverage also contains ingredients that can be harmful to bones, such as phosphoric acid. Finally, the coloring used in its preparation contains ammonium and sulfurs, which are associated with cancer risks.

31. Ready-Made Salad Dressings

Manufacturer: Newman’s Own, Hidden Valley, Wishbone, Kraft, etc.

Average Price:$ 2 to$ 4 per bottle*

Vegetables are very good for your health, but the problem is that many of them don't have much flavor without seasoning. No matter how hearty your salad is, it won't have much taste without dressing. This, in itself, is not problematic, but you should avoid store-bought ready-made dressings.

Many of them contain impressive amounts of vegetable oils, sugar, and trans fats, all of which are bad for your health. They also tend to contain artificial chemicals. These unhealthy ingredients reduce the benefits that consuming salad is supposed to provide. Try making your own dressing with olive oil, vinegar, a bit of salt, and pepper before rushing to Costco.

32. Hostess Cupcakes

Manufacturer: Hostess

Average Price:$ 2.50 per box*

Hostess cupcakes are delicious for dessert or a snack, but their nutritional content will leave a very bad taste in your mouth. Each box of Hostess cupcakes contains almost three times the recommended daily value of sugar for an adult.

Another unhealthy ingredient they contain is high-fructose corn syrup, which can contribute to the development of high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome. Excessive consumption of this product can also promote obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease, to name a few.

33. Instant Ramen Noodles

Manufacturer: Maruchan

Average Price:$ 0.20 per package*

Instant noodles have become increasingly popular due to their affordable price, at only twenty cents per package. They are also very easy to prepare and can be found in supermarkets like Walmart. However, due to their low fiber content, they are not the best choice for satiety.

Furthermore, noodle soups are very high in sodium: each packet contains half of the recommended daily value. Frequent consumption of this product can lead to issues such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, among others.

34. Takis Fuego

Manufacturer: Barcel

Average Price:$ 2.50*

As popular as Takis Fuego may be, their nutritional value is very poor and even raises concerns. These chips are indeed extremely high in sodium, calories, saturated fats, and trans fats, all of which are detrimental to health.

As a result, regular consumption of Takis Fuego can lead to issues such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The list doesn't end there; these very spicy chips contain a red dye that has been associated with the development of tumors. So, the next time you go to Walmart, opt for a different food!

35. Tortillas

Manufacturer: Mission Foods, Guerrero, Maseca, etc.

Average Price:$ 3 to$ 4 per package*

Although harmless when consumed in moderation, tortillas, like most carbohydrate-based foods, are not healthy if consumed in large quantities. Flour tortillas are consumed worldwide, but they are not the healthiest choice due to their often high calorie content.

The flour used in tortillas is usually produced industrially and contains many preservatives and additives. While these chemicals allow tortillas to have a longer shelf life, they are detrimental to the body. Finally, flour tortillas often contain a lot of sodium. In summary, opt for corn tortillas (or homemade ones) if you're looking for a healthier alternative.

36. Hot Sauce

Manufacturer: Valentina Mexican, Cholula, Frank’s Red Hot, Tabasco, and others.

Average Price:$ 1.50 to$ 3 per bottle*

Hot sauce is one of the most popular condiments. Its flavor can complement almost anything, from a simple sandwich to a more elaborate dish. It has no equal in enhancing the flavor of any meal.

However, while the spiciness of this sauce is what makes it interesting, it can also damage the lining of our stomach and cause gastritis. The prudent approach is to consume this product in moderation without ordering 10 bottles on Amazon! and to consider the negative effects it can have on our health.

37. White Bread

Manufacturer: Wonder Bread

Average Price:$ 0.70 per slice

White bread is very convenient for making packed lunches for school or work. It is also very cheap, costing less than one euro per slice. However, it is also very addictive, which explains why it is often consumed in such large quantities.

Indeed, white bread contains sugar, an essential ingredient in the bread fermentation process. It also contains fats and salt, which, when consumed in excess, can be harmful to your health. Finally, this type of bread does not contain many fibers, which is why it is not very satisfying.

38. Pancakes

Manufacturer: Hungry Jack, Whole Foods, Mrs. Butterworth, and others.

Average Price:$ 2 to$ 3 per package*

While pancakes are beloved for breakfast by millions of people around the world, young and old alike, they are not very healthy. First of all, they contain high amounts of salt and preservatives, both of which should be avoided in a balanced diet.


Pancakes © Brent Hofacker /


Furthermore, they generally contain trans fats, which increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Some of them also contain partially hydrogenated soybean oil, which is not one of the healthiest fats.

39. Coconut Water

Manufacturer: Vita Coco, O.N.E., Zola, and others.

Average Price: $ 17 for a pack of 12*.

Coconut water has many health benefits, including electrolytes and excellent hydration. However, it's not the best choice if you're looking to limit your calorie intake. Like many sports drinks, coconut water contains 45 to 60 calories per 30 cl serving.


Coconut Water © Valentina_G /


If flavored, it can also be high in sugar. Coconut water has a third drawback: excessive consumption can lead to a dangerous rise in potassium levels. Drinking too much of this beverage can also cause stomach problems, so be mindful of the quantity you consume, or you might end up needing Imodium.

40. Chewing Gum

Manufacturer: Trident, Dentyne, Wrigley, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 3 per pack*.

Many chewing gum brands tout the supposed benefits of these small gum pieces, ranging from promising fresh breath to whiter and cleaner teeth. However, excessive chewing gum consumption is associated with several oral health problems.


Chewing Gum @hazielemanuel81 /


Some chewing gums can cause stomachaches, diarrhea, and jaw pain, especially if they are high in sugar. Additionally, the risk of choking when swallowed remains a concern, particularly for children.

41. Coco Pops

Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Average Price: $ 3.50 per box*.

Coco Pops, formerly known as Choco Pops, are often marketed as an excellent breakfast option for kids. What they don't tell you, however, is that they are among the least healthy cereals on the market.


Cocoa Krispies @miss_aguilera /


A bowl of Coco Pops provides between 55% and 73% of a child's recommended daily sugar intake. Additionally, Cocoa Krispies contain artificial colors that can contribute to hyperactivity and attention disorders.

42. Danone Yogurts

Manufacturer: Danone

Average Price: $ 1 per pot*.

While the Danone brand often boasts about helping children grow up healthy, the reality is somewhat different. Danone yogurts often contain sugar, fats, and artificial colors, the excessive consumption of which can lead to various health problems.


Dannon Yogurt © JJava Designs /


These risks include diabetes, metabolic and heart problems, and obesity. As if that weren't enough, the excess fat in Danone yogurts can become carcinogenic. The high calcium content of Danone yogurts does not offset all the aforementioned disadvantages.

43. Flavored Popcorn

Manufacturer: The Popcorn Factory, Market Pantry, Popcorn Shed, Orville’s, etc.

Average Price: $ 3 to $ 4 per bag*.

Natural popcorn can be a tasty and healthy snack as it is low in calories. However, store-bought flavored popcorn is quite different, especially when it contains artificial flavors. For example, caramel popcorn can be incredibly high in sugar and fat.


Flavored Popcorn @Backgroundy /


Even a small bag of caramel popcorn can contain as much as 12.8 tablespoons of sugar and up to 564 calories. It's undoubtedly better to prepare plain popcorn at home than to buy flavored popcorn at the supermarket. After all, Disney movies will still be fantastic with or without popcorn.

44. Cheese Spray

Manufacturer: Easy Cheese

Average Price: $ 3.50 per can*.

It's no surprise that any type of cheese you can spray from a can doesn't bode well for your health. Sold primarily under the "Easy Cheese" and "Cheez Whiz" brands, cheese spray is essentially whipped cheese. You don't need a "danger of death" label to understand that it's not really good for you.


© melissamn /


Cheese spray contains more chemicals and processed ingredients than regular cheese. Its salt content is also extremely high, with almost twice the salt content of regular cheese. As The Daily Meal puts it, the chemicals in cheese spray should not be consumed "by any living being."

45. Fried Chicken

Manufacturer: KFC, Zaxby’s, Bojangles, Raising Cane’s, etc.

Average Price: $ 13 for 8 pieces (KFC)*.

Where to begin with fried chicken? The fact that it's fried in oil immediately makes it an indulgence to consume in moderation. In addition to being fried, this delicious dish is also made with a lot of flour.


Fried Chicken ©Darryl Brooks /


Fried chicken is also generally high in calories, which can lead to problems such as overweight, diabetes, and heart diseases. If you want to enjoy chicken, it's better to grill it instead.

46. Pre-Packaged Hamburgers

Manufacturer: Mount Pleasant, Omaha Steaks, White Castle, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 9 per bag*.

Pre-packaged or frozen hamburgers are generally cheaper, which is why people like them. However, because they are pre-packaged, they are made with questionable meat, allowing companies to cut production costs.


Prepackaged Hamburgers © etorres /


In fact, many packages indicate that the content of the hamburgers is "meat" only up to a certain percentage. The rest can be made up of various things, from soy to animal skins. This last part, of course, is usually not listed on the labels.

47. Frosting

Manufacturer: Baker’s Corner, Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 2 per box*.

As Nutrition Action puts it, frosting is definitely on the list of "what not to eat." Looking at the ingredients of frosting, it's easy to see why this food should be avoided. While you might think it's only a small amount on a cake or cupcake, even that small amount contains a ton of sugar.


Frosting © BWM Infinity /


Let's examine the nutritional label of a very popular canned frosting, the rich and creamy Betty Crocker vanilla frosting. A serving size is two tablespoons, and these two tablespoons contain 140 calories, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, and 19 grams of sugar. Not to mention adding this to the sugar content of the cake itself.

48. Pre-Cut Watermelon

Manufacturer: Stores like Giant Eagle, Publix, Whole Foods, etc.

Average Price: $ 2 to $ 5 per container*.

It was once believed that watermelon could cause diseases like yellow fever or typhus. While this is not a proven fact, there are indeed conditions associated with its consumption. These conditions mainly occur when pre-cut watermelon is purchased at the supermarket.


Pre-Cut Watermelon © puhhha /


The issue with consuming pre-cut watermelon is that the fruit could be contaminated with bacteria that can eventually lead to salmonellosis. In 2019, according to WebMD

, an outbreak of salmonellosis was linked to pre-cut watermelon. Undoubtedly, the safest option is to buy the whole fruit and cut it yourself at home.

49. Potatoes

Manufacturer: Fresh Idaho, Lamb Weston, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 2*.

Like other vegetables, potatoes can be contaminated with pesticides that are harmful to human consumption. But that's not the only danger associated with these tubers. You may have noticed that when potatoes get old, they start turning green.


Potatoes @AdriBoschMarti /


This means they have produced a large number of glycoalkaloids, which can cause moderate to severe food poisoning. If a potato has turned green, it's best not to eat it. Another rule of thumb is that if potatoes taste bitter, do not eat them.

50. Alkaline Water

Manufacturer: Essentia, Flow, Bai, Core Hydration, etc.

Average Price: $ 2 for 3 liters*.

Natural alkaline water forms when water passes over rocks, and its pH is higher than that of tap water. Alkaline water promises to be better for your body than regular water and even claims to help conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.


Alkaline Water @CeciliaParodi01 /


However, if you suffer from a chronic illness or kidney or liver disease, it is recommended to consult your doctor before starting to drink alkaline water, as it can increase sodium levels in your body.

51. Agave

Manufacturer: Wholesome, Kirkland Signature, Market Pantry, and others.

Average Price: $ 4 to $ 9 per bottle*.

Agave nectar is often presented as a healthier alternative to sugar or other syrups made from refined sugar. But to what extent is this true? The truth is that agave nectar has the same sugar content as many other sweeteners, and in some cases, it may even contain more.

A tablespoon of refined sugar contains 40 calories, while the same amount of agave nectar contains 60. Furthermore, agave is high in fructose, which can lead to fat accumulation in the liver and increased bad cholesterol.

52. Sausages

Manufacturer: Jimmy Dean, Aidells, Hillshire Farm, etc.

Average Price: $ 2 to $ 5 per pack of 4 or 6 sausages*.

Sausages are very versatile and can be consumed and prepared in a wide variety of ways. However, they are not a good option if you want a healthy diet. Their main problem is their high saturated fat content.

Moreover, all sausages contain alarming amounts of sodium and nitrates, which are carcinogenic. When consumed in excess, this product can contribute to the development of obesity and even cause heart attacks and strokes.

53. Onions

Manufacturer: Various

Average Price: $ 1 for 500 grams*.

It is true that onions have their advantages. According to Healthline, onions contain sulfur compounds and antioxidants, and early studies suggest they are linked to a reduced risk of cancer, lower blood sugar, and improved bone health.

So, what's the problem? Onions are not suitable for everyone. They are highly acidic, which means that if you suffer from heartburn or gout, you should avoid onions, as they can cause serious discomfort. Other conditions that make onions inadvisable include colitis, acid reflux ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, and rosacea. According to Healthline, sensitivity or intolerance to onions is a fairly common phenomenon.

54. Hamburgers

Manufacturer: McDonald's, Burger King, White Castle, and other fast-food restaurants.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 4 per hamburger*.

Hamburgers are probably the most popular fast-food items. Much has been said about their contribution to weight gain. However, the health risks associated with hamburger consumption go far beyond extra pounds.

Fast-food hamburgers contain large amounts of saturated fats, sugar, and sodium. This can eventually affect your circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems. Furthermore, the ingredients used in their preparation add a lot of calories but provide very few nutrients.

55. Tortilla Chips

Manufacturer: Tostitos, Lay's, Utz, etc.

Average Price: $ 3.50 per bag*.

Tortilla chips can be used in a multitude of ways. The most popular is probably preparing them as nachos, with beans or guacamole. The bad news is that, despite their versatility and delicious flavor, they are not the healthiest snacks.

All tortilla chips are made from fried corn dough, instantly making them calorie-rich, high in cholesterol, and sodium. For this reason, it is strongly discouraged for people with hypertension, obesity, or heart problems to consume them frequently.

56. Mole Sauce

Manufacturer: Dona Maria, La Costena, etc.

Average Price: $ 7 to $ 9 per jar*.

Mole sauce is a Mexican dish found at many Mexican celebrations and festivals. This sauce, which has also become popular in the United States, is typically made from chilies, spices, butter, dark chocolate, almonds, and thickeners like corn paste, bread, or tortilla, depending on the recipe followed. Unfortunately, it's not a dish you'll typically find on a healthy menu.

Due to the chilies used in its preparation, mole can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort. Additionally, the fact that it's usually consumed with rice, tortillas, and meat significantly increases its calorie count.

57. Milk

Manufacturer: All Dean Foods products, Danone, Lactaid, Hiland, Prairie Farms, etc.

Average Price: $ 3 for 3 liters.

There are some curious things about milk consumption. First, humans are the only species that consume milk even after their growth is complete. Furthermore, we are also the only ones who consume the milk of another species.

As if that weren't enough, some of the hormones that can be found in this drink have been associated with the development of breast and prostate cancer. Of course, milk is undoubtedly rich in protein and calcium, which is beneficial for bones. Just make sure the milk you drink is organic.

58. Energy Drinks

Manufacturer: Monster, Red Bull, and others

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 3 per can*.

There are people who rely on energy drinks to get through the day. If you're one of these energy drink aficionados, you might want to reconsider this habit, as these products do more harm than good to your body. Energy drinks often contain caffeine, taurine, and sugars.

All of these ingredients are stimulants, which can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea. If consumed in excess, the situation can worsen, as they can lead to alterations in heart rate and blood pressure. It's not uncommon for energy drinks to exacerbate anxiety, and you can even become addicted to them, according to Addiction Helper.

59. Dried Fruits

Manufacturer: Bare, Market Pantry, Rind, etc.

Average Price: $ 4 to $ 14 per bag*.

Dried fruits can be deceptive. It's true that they contain nutrients similar to fresh fruits. However, the dehydration process can destroy some of these nutritional benefits. Vitamin C, for example, is highly sensitive to heat and oxidation and is often lost during dehydration.

In addition to that, dehydration reduces the weight and size of fruits, which is why it's easy to overeat them if you're not careful. Dried fruits can be a great snack, but you should check their nutritional value on the label and see if they contain added sugars. Even "unsweetened" dried fruit bags can contain a lot of sugar.

60. Raw Cashews

Manufacturer: Planters, Nut Harvest, Terrasoul Superfoods, etc.

Average Price: $ 11 for 500 grams*.

Raw cashews, also known as cashew nuts, are typically sold roasted in stores. This is for a very important reason: when they are raw, they contain a highly toxic resin called urushiol. Among the discomforts this substance can cause is urushiol dermatitis, which can lead to symptoms such as inflammation and suppuration.

This dermatological problem can be quite severe. In addition to that, consuming raw cashews in large quantities can even have fatal consequences. But don't worry: most cashews you can find in any store have been roasted and can be safely consumed. If you come across raw cashews, avoid them.

61. Roasted Peanuts

Manufacturer: Planters, Market Pantry, etc.

Average Price: $ 4 for 500 grams*.

Roasted peanuts and raw peanuts both have many benefits, and they are similar in terms of calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Roasted peanuts are often preferred to ordinary peanuts because they have more flavor.

Roasting nuts can add flavor, but the process can damage the healthy fats in nuts, reducing their nutritional value. In fact, ro

asting nuts can even lead to the formation of acrylamide, a harmful substance that forms during high-temperature cooking. According to Science Daily, acrylamide can cause nerve damage, muscle coordination problems, and muscle weakness if you are exposed to high doses of this chemical.

62. White Wine

Manufacturer: Barefoot, Kim Crawford, Bota Box, La Crema, etc.

Average Price: $ 9 to $ 13 per bottle*.

White wine can be an ideal drink for a romantic date or a great reward after a long day of work. But consuming it daily is not at all ideal. Firstly, because drinking wine could become an addiction and increase your alcohol tolerance, leading you to need more to feel satisfied.

But that's not all. White wine can also increase your blood pressure, and if consumed daily, it could even lead to cirrhosis and have a negative impact on your fertility. Moreover, each glass contains approximately 200 calories that could be better utilized in a healthier drink.

63. Salt

Manufacturer: Morton, Saxa, Tata, etc.

Average Price: $ 0.30 per 500 ml container.

You've probably heard that, for a healthy diet, you should avoid sodium. But do you know exactly why? There are several reasons, but the first is that by eating too much salt, you will retain water, increasing the pressure on your heart and blood vessels.

Salt raises blood pressure, which can lead to serious issues like heart attacks, strokes, and heart and kidney failure. Furthermore, salt is dangerous because it triggers a withdrawal reaction in our bodies, making it very addictive.

64. Peppers/Jalapeños

Manufacturer: Jalapeños Embasa, La Costena, La Victoria, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 per 500 grams*.

Many people enjoy spicing up their food with peppers, jalapeños, or hot sauces. While these ingredients can enhance the taste of your food and make it more enjoyable, it's advisable not to consume these spices in excess, as they can cause issues for your digestive system.

Spicy foods can worsen symptoms of gastritis, heartburn, and hemorrhoids. Furthermore, some studies suggest that people who consume around three jalapeños a day are more likely to develop stomach cancer. So, if you must eat spicy foods, do so with caution and moderation.

65. Honey

Manufacturer: Crockett, Wholesome Organic, Honest, Market Pantry, etc.

Average Price: $ 4 to $ 5 per 500 grams*.

Honey is often presented as an alternative to sugar. After all, it's more natural than white sugar, so why wouldn't it be better for you? It's true that honey has been associated with many health benefits, including increased blood antioxidants, improved heart health, and wound healing.

If you use honey to replace other sugars, that's good, but don't use too much. Honey still has a high calorie and sugar content, and you'll experience adverse effects if you consume too much. Stick to a maximum of one tablespoon of honey per day. This is the recommended amount for a healthy person without weight issues.

66. Fruit Juice

Manufacturer: Tropicana, Ocean Spray, Bolthouse Farms, Sunsweet, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 4 per container*.

For some people, breakfast wouldn't be the same without a large glass of orange juice. While fruit juice consumption is often considered a healthy alternative to soda, it's not. According to UC Davis, fruit juices are concentrated in sugar and calories, the consumption of which can lead to weight gain.

Fruit juices can even cause blood sugar spikes if you drink them daily, according to Eat This Not That. Fructose, the natural sugar found in all fruits and fruit juices, isn't harmful in small amounts, but the results can be deadly if you consume too much. According to CBS News, drinking excessive amounts of fruit juice can increase your "risk of early death" by 42%.

67. Pears

Manufacturer: Pears USA, California Pears, etc.

Average Price: $ 0.50 per pear*.

Pears are very healthy fruits. However, due to how they are grown, they can be full of highly harmful pesticides for the human body. One of these pesticides, known as EDC, can cause sleep disturbances, affect appetite, and even negatively influence reproductive processes.

Unfortunately, pears are one of the 12 most pesticide-contaminated fruits, according to a list compiled by the American Environmental Working Group. So, if this juicy fruit is one of your favorites, don't forget to wash and disinfect them before eating.

68. White Pasta

Manufacturer: Barilla, Mueller’s, Ronzoni, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 2 per box*.

Simple carbohydrates are also known as "white carbs." These carbohydrates have been refined during processing by removing the germ and bran. You can find these carbohydrates in white pasta, white rice, and white bread. These carbs aren't good for your health and can lead to weight gain due to how your body breaks them down.

When you consume white pasta, your body rapidly converts the carbs into glucose. This causes a blood sugar spike, giving you a feeling of hunger later and making you more likely to overeat in the long run. White pasta is devoid of nutrients as well, so in the grocery aisle, it's better to stick to whole wheat noodles.

69. Iced Tea

Manufacturer: Snapple, Arizona, Honest, Pure Leaf, Tazo, etc.

Average Price: $ 2 to $ 3 per container*.

Iced tea is a deceptive beverage because it appears light, healthy, and naturally sourced. But don't be fooled: this product is much closer to harmful soft drinks than to a tea you could brew at home with a tea bag.

Each bottle of iced tea contains a staggering amount of fifteen tablespoons of sugar. Consuming such a quantity of glucose at once can cause spikes in blood insulin levels, increasing the risk of diabetes.

70. Parmesan Cheese

Manufacturer: Kraft, Igourmet, Mama Francesca, etc.

Average Price: $ 10 per 500 grams*.

Parmesan cheese is one of the favorite Italian foods that has been adopted worldwide. While Parmesan is an excellent addition to pasta, lasagna, and salads, it's recommended to consume it in moderation because it's very high in sodium.

Furthermore, due to its delicious taste and versatility, it's easy to overindulge in this product and end up consuming extra calories, which, if it happens frequently, can lead to overweight or obesity. People don't realize they're eating too much of it because they simply consider it a sprinkled garnish. Stick to the recommended portion of a quarter cup or less.

71. Doritos

Manufacturer: Frito-Lay

Average Price: $ 2.50 per bag*.

Doritos are among those products that contain a lot of calories and ingredients but don't provide anything positive to our bodies, except their taste. If you've ever eaten them, you know it can be difficult to stop once you've started. This is not ideal because each bag of Doritos contains 150 calories.

In addition to the calorie count, this snack is high in sodium and saturated fats, and it also contains a wide variety of seasonings, flours, sugars, and colorings that can have negative effects on the digestive and circulatory systems. There's no doubt that Doritos have no place in a healthy diet.

72. Pizza

Manufacturer: Papa John’s, Domino’s, Pizza Hut, frozen product brands, etc.

Average Price: $ 6.50 to $ 13 per pizza*.

Pizza is a food that you can find in many fast-food restaurants and even frozen at the supermarket. It

's super convenient and can be a great option when you don't have time to cook. An occasional pizza is fine, but don't make it a frequent or regular indulgence.

Pizza is a combination of potentially harmful foods for the body: cheese, which is very high in saturated fats, processed meats that contain high amounts of sodium, and bread and sauce made with a lot of sugar. Preservatives and food colorings are also present in pizza in high amounts.

73. French Fries

Manufacturer: McDonald's, Burger King, Raising Cane’s, other fast-food restaurants, and frozen product brands.

Average Price: $ 1 per bag* (McDonald's).

French fries are one of the most common side dishes. However, they should not be consumed too often. A recent study revealed that eating French fries two to three times a week doubles the risk of premature death. This risk is partially due to a substance called acrylamide, a carcinogenic chemical that forms when foods are heated above a certain temperature.

This substance is often found in French fries due to the heat required for their preparation. As if that weren't enough, these fried foods typically contain high amounts of flour, salt, and oil. It is certainly better to opt for another side dish if possible.

74. Atkins Low-Carb Bars

Manufacturer: Atkins

Average Price: $ 5 to $ 8 per box*.

Atkins low-carb bars are often a quick snack when you're trying to eliminate or reduce carbohydrates from your diet. These bars are part of a diet plan, and many people assume that, while they are not a "health food," they are at least not actively harmful.

There are ingredients to watch out for in these low-carb bars. Many of them contain canola or soybean oil, both of which can have a negative impact on metabolism and heart health, according to Time. These bars also contain a high dose of sugar alcohol and artificial sweeteners, which can cause gas and digestive problems.

75. White Chocolate

Manufacturer: Ghirardelli, Lindt, Hershey, Nestlé, etc.

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 3 per bar*.

You may have heard that white chocolate is not "real" chocolate. This is because white chocolate is not made from cocoa solids but rather from the fat obtained from cocoa beans. Milk and sugar are added to this fat to give it flavor.

As you may have noticed, white chocolate is essentially fat with sugar. This treat lacks the nutrients of cocoa but has the calories. Therefore, its consumption is not recommended for those looking to lose weight or individuals with diabetes or hypercholesterolemia.

76. Baguette

Manufacturer: Artisanal production

Average Price: $ 1.5*.

The baguette is the quintessential symbol of France, often eaten solo or with family, and many French people admit to eating it morning, noon, and night. However, it's essential to remember that consuming white bread is bad and potentially dangerous for your health.

The French High Council of Public Health recommends opting for whole-grain baguettes rather than white ones for several reasons, such as the levels of salt, sugar, gluten, and nutritional value that can make a difference to your health. So, going forward, prioritize whole or semi-whole bread and baguettes with all your meals, alright?

77. Instant Mac & Cheese

Manufacturer: Kraft

Average Price: $ 0.98 per box of Kraft*.

Instant macaroni and cheese is often a lifesaver for broke students and picky toddlers, but be mindful of the amount you consume. You don't need to be obsessive to experience the harmful effects of boxed mac and cheese, as this microwaveable treat contains dangerous chemicals.

According to the New York Daily News, phthalates, a toxic industrial chemical, are found in ten different varieties of mac and cheese. Kraft products appear to be the biggest offenders, with eight out of nine of their regular blue and orange boxes containing these harmful chemicals due to their plastic packaging, which leaches into the pasta itself.

78. Protein Drinks and Bars

Manufacturer: Cliff, KIND, and more

Average Price: $ 10 to $ 20*.

Protein bars and powders have hidden dangers. While these quick snacks may seem like the best option, especially when you can't stop for a full meal, be sure to read the label on the back of the container. It will only take a few seconds, and it could make the difference between gaining or losing weight.

According to Harvard Health, many protein powders contain a significant amount of added sugar, up to twenty-three grams per serving. This means that a glass of milk becomes an unhealthy beverage with over 1,200 calories. Bars are not much better, as they can contain as much sugar as protein powders. In summary, read the label.

79. Salami

Manufacturer: Oscar Meyer, Margherita, etc.

Average Price: $ 4.48 for a 200g pack of Oscar Meyer salami*.

While meat is rich in minerals and vitamins, like anything else, it should not be overconsumed. Limit your meat consumption to 300-600 grams per week. Salami is a good example of why you should eat meat in moderation, as it is high in sodium.

It is true that sodium is essential for regulating your fluid balance, but consuming too much can raise your blood pressure. People with a family history of hypertension should avoid salami and other pre-packaged meats, as their sodium content can only cause problems.

84. Artificial Sweeteners

Manufacturer: Splenda, Sweet 'n Low, Stevia, and others.

Average Price: $ 3 to $ 6 per box*.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved five different artificial sweeteners for human consumption. These are sucralose, aspartame, neotame, saccharin, and acesulfame. These sweeteners are sugar-free, but that doesn't make them healthy.

The AHA and ADA have stated that artificial sweeteners can help people reduce their calorie intake, but according to Harvard Health, you may end up consuming less healthy and less nutritionally valuable foods as a result. You might have had a diet soda, but that doesn't mean you should reward yourself with a slice of cake. Furthermore, critics of artificial sweeteners have linked these artificial sugars to a range of issues, from weight gain to cancer. However, it's important to note that these studies are highly controversial.

85. Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

Manufacturer: Jif, Market Pantry, Skippy, etc.

Average Price: $ 4 to $ 7*.

Reduced-fat peanut butter may appear to be a healthy option at first glance. After all, if you're trying to follow a low-fat diet, you'd want to stay away from fats, right? It turns out that peanut butter is a source of "good" fats, specifically monounsaturated fats. You don't want to eliminate them from your diet.

Monounsaturated fats, found in nuts, avocados, olives, and other healthy foods, can help lower your "bad" cholesterol levels. Lower LDL levels mean a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Even though you shouldn't eat half a jar of peanut butter in one sitting, one or two tablespoons a day can't hurt.

86. Frozen Yogurt

Manufacturer: Kemps, Froyo, etc.

Average Price: $ 5 to $ 10*.

People trying to clean up their diet often turn to frozen yogurt as a dessert because it's lower in calories and fat than regular ice cream. Frozen yogurt shops are popular everywhere as more people switch from ice cream.

However, you still need to be careful not to overindulge because frozen yogurt doesn't skimp on sugar. Half a cup of vanilla frozen yogurt contains seventeen grams of sugar, according to the USDA. A regular bowl of frozen yogurt can easily contain four times that amount. Ironically, half a cup of vanilla ice cream averages only fourteen grams of sugar.

87. Packaged Gelatin

Manufacturer: Brachs, Sour Patch Kids, Jell-O, etc.

Average Price: $ 2.42 for a box of Jell-O*.

Gelatin is good for a number of things as it's rich in proteins. It has an amino acid profile that offers many health benefits, from reducing joint and bone pain to improving brain function. However, according to WebMD, you shouldn't exceed ten grams of gelatin per day.

Consuming more than this limit can lead to severe digestive issues, including bloating, gas, heartburn, and a heavy feeling in the stomach. It can even cause allergic reactions. Packaged gelatin is much less healthy than natural gelatin, as foods like candy corn, Jell-O pudding, and Sour Patch Kids contain a lot of sugar. If you want to consume gelatin in a healthy way, consider purchasing a supplement.

88. Microwaveable Rice

Manufacturer: Various

Average Price: $ 1 to $ 3 per box*.

Rice, especially brown rice, has many benefits. Rice is a carbohydrate that contains a wealth of nutrients, from magnesium to selenium to B vitamins. Unfortunately, brown rice contains 50% more arsenic than white rice. Additionally, white rice has fewer vitamins and fiber than brown rice.

According to the journal Science of the Total Environment, which published a study on arsenic in rice, prolonged rice consumption can lead to chronic arsenic exposure. This poisoning can lead to premature deaths. It's hard to claim that you can die from eating microwaveable rice, but don't overindulge day after day.

89. Veggie Burgers

Manufacturer: Boca, MorningStar Farms, and others.

Average Price: $ 3.63 on average per patty*.

When you hear the words "veggie burger," your mind likely goes to the natural foods aisle in the frozen food section of your local store. Veggie burgers are the ideal solution for anyone looking to forgo meat, and they contain less cholesterol and more fiber than regular beef patties.

However, veggie burgers have their downsides as well because they contain much more sodium than meat patties. An average veggie burger contains 398 milligrams of sodium, compared to 74 milligrams in a beef patty. Excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure. If you're eating a veggie burger that day, try to ensure that your other meals are low in sodium.

90. Low-Fat Ice Cream

Manufacturer: Breyers, Wink, Yasso, and others.

Average Price: $ 5 to $ 10*.

Low-fat ice cream may seem like a healthier option than regular ice cream, but, just like frozen yogurt, you shouldn't rely solely on the "low-fat" label. Reduced-fat ice cream can be high in sugar and carbohydrates, causing blood sugar spikes that leave you wanting more.

Even low-calorie and sugar-free ice creams have their drawbacks, as they can be highly processed, even more so than regular ice cream. Additionally, reduced-fat ice creams can lead people to overeat because they assume they can eat more because they're "healthier" than full-fat desserts.

91. Breakfast Cereals

Manufacturer: Post, General Mills, etc.

Average Price: $ 3 to $ 6*.

Picture the cereal aisle in your grocery store. There are tons of brightly colored boxes, each with its

94. Vegetarian Chips

Manufacturer: Sensible Portions, Terra, EatSmart, and others.

Average Price: $ 3 to $ 6 per bag*.

According to Cooking Light, the provider of all things healthy and diet-friendly, vegetable chips aren't really any healthier than regular potato chips. Sure, the word "vegetarian" might sound better than "potato," but it doesn't necessarily make them a wiser choice. It might not even be worth choosing one over the other.

Vegetarian chips are still processed and full of salt. They're still fried in oil, making them subject to all the health downsides that regular potato chips have. If you want a healthier and more satisfying option, try a handful of unsalted nuts, veggies dipped in hummus, or celery with peanut butter.

95. Pre-Made Pie Crusts

Manufacturer: Pillsbury, Trader Joe's, Betty Crocker, etc.

Average Price: $ 3 to $ 11*.

Although pre-made pie crust isn't the worst thing you could eat, it's not healthy for you. It doesn't contain added sugars or trans fats, but it tends to contain a lot of sodium. For instance, one whole Pillsbury pie crust contains 1,040 milligrams of sodium, which translates to 130 milligrams for an eighth of a pie.

Even an eighth of a pie represents six percent of your daily value. Furthermore, the ingredients in pie crusts are not really healthy foods. Practically all pies you can think of are full of sugar. If you want to avoid processed foods and sodium, make your pie crust at home. This way, you can control what goes into it.

96. Turkey Bacon

Manufacturer: Oscar Meyer, Butcher

Average Price: $ 6 to $ 8 per package*.

Turkey bacon, compared to pork bacon, contains less fat and fewer calories. It's often considered a "healthier" option for people who can't eat pork or are on special diets. However, it would be incorrect to label turkey bacon as a "health food."

Turkey bacon is still a processed meat, which means it contains all the toxic chemicals that come with that process. Additionally, turkey bacon contains more added sugar and less protein than pork bacon. It still contains four grams of saturated fat, a problematic substance that can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems like heart disease.

97. Impossible Burger

Manufacturer: Impossible Foods, Inc.

Average Price: $ 5.49 per package of patties*.

Impossible Burgers have garnered a lot of attention because they taste almost identical to beef patties but are entirely plant-based. While veggie burgers are not a new concept, the taste of the Impossible Burger is so close to meat that it has even won over carnivores.

However, the Impossible Burger is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and protein, but it's high in saturated fats, containing eight grams, making it comparable to a regular burger. Additionally, the Impossible Burger is highly processed and contains much more sodium (370 milligrams) than an ordinary beef or turkey patty. While the Impossible Burger has its advantages, it's not a perfect solution to avoiding red meat.

98. Rice Cakes

Manufacturer: Quaker and others

Average Price: $ 3 per package of Quaker rice cakes*.

According to Medicine Net, rice cakes should not be considered a "healthy replacement" for other foods because they are not "nutrient-dense." They often contain a lot of added salt, which means people at risk for cardiovascular issues or advised not to consume sodium should steer clear of these cakes.

Additionally, rice cakes are not the easiest foods to digest. While bodybuilders consume them for a quick energy source, the process of preparing the cakes can make them chemically and physically hard to digest.

99. Acai Bowls

Manufacturer: Restaurants, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc.

Average Price: $ 7 to $ 15*.

Acai berries have become a health food superstar in recent years. These berries offer impressive health benefits as they are a source of antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. They contribute to heart health, brain health, and overall well-being. Acai bowls are prevalent on restaurant menus for breakfast because they contain yogurt and a portion of these superfood fruits.

Be cautious with acai bowls, especially commercially prepared ones, as they are often high in sugar and calories. While they are packed with antioxidants, these bowls can contain between twenty-one and sixty-two grams of sugar per serving.

100. Maple Syrup

Manufacturer: Aunt Jemima, Great Value, Market Pantry, etc.

Average Price: $ 7 to $ 9 per bottle*.

Maple syrup is a delicious topping for pancakes, waffles, or French toast. As tasty as it is, keep your consumption of maple syrup to a minimum because this topping contains fourteen grams of sugar per tablespoon. That's an extremely high sugar content for such a small amount.

Maple syrup contains all the sugar without any fiber to temper it. This means that individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance should avoid maple syrup as it can lead to blood sugar and insulin volatility. While maple syrup may be slightly healthier than refined sugar, it's still a food you shouldn't consume daily.

101. Granola Bars

Manufacturer: KIND, Quaker

, NutriGrain, and others

Average Price: $ 2 to $ 5 per box*.

Granola bars often play up their reputation for being healthy. They are marketed as a healthy snack, and almost all granola bar commercials feature some nature or exercise-related scene to promote the product. The truth is that many of these granola bars can contain ingredients that, far from keeping you fit, could cause health problems.

This product can be high in refined sugars, and on top of that, it rarely includes significant amounts of fruit. Granola bars are one of those foods where the fewer ingredients they contain, the more likely they are to be healthy.

102. Pickles

Manufacturer: Maille

Average Price: $ 3*.

Pickles are a favorite for social gatherings with friends or family, found in most supermarkets, and their price varies from one brand to another. However, when you buy pickles in a can or jar, you need to be careful about several things. First, check the label on the back of the product; the least harmful to health are those without artificial flavors or added sugars. If you don't do this, you are exposing your health to risks.

The best thing to do is to buy natural pickles from a store or a large bio-supermarket. Remember that this food, although low in calories, has a high salt content. This can lead to water retention, weight gain, and, in the long term, kidney problems. It's also worth mentioning that studies have shown that pickle consumption doubles the chances of developing esophageal cancer. Although the study didn't provide conclusive results, the risk factors cannot be ignored.

103. Fruit Jelly Cups

Manufacturer: Trenton Trending, others

Average Price: $9.99*.

As you can imagine, the nutritional value of fruit jelly cups isn't ideal. They are high in sugar and often made with artificial flavors and colors that are generally not recommended as part of a healthy diet. But that's not even the worst part about these candies.

Fruit jelly cups have been banned in a few countries because they pose a choking hazard due to their shape and size. They can be particularly dangerous for young children, so there are more than enough reasons to keep them off your table.

104. Canned Sardines

Manufacturer: Great Value, others

Estimated Price: $0.88*.

Canned sardines are an excellent choice when you need a quick snack. They are rich in protein, helping you maintain your muscle mass, and they contain calcium and omega-3s. However, even though they are relatively healthy, they also have some downsides you should be aware of.

To package canned sardines, some companies use materials containing BPA, which can be toxic and has been linked to cancer, diabetes, and infertility. If you intend to eat canned sardines, you can avoid this issue by ensuring the product you purchase has quality packaging.

105. Turmeric

Manufacturer: McCormick, Great Value, others

Estimated Price: $1.98*

Turmeric is one of the essential spices in Indian cuisine. Lately, it has also gained popularity for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, it also has some drawbacks that you may not be aware of, but should be cautious about.

Ironically, even though it's an anti-inflammatory, consuming large quantities of turmeric can lead to bloating. Some people have also experienced diarrhea, headaches, and nausea after consuming too much of it. If you plan to include turmeric in your diet, make sure to use it in moderation!

106. Sweet Potatoes

Manufacturer: N/A

Estimated Price: $1.02*

Sweet potatoes have become increasingly popular over the past two decades. In fact, between 2000 and 2014, sweet potato consumption increased by 80%! Many people have touted the benefits of this tuberous vegetable, but are you aware of the risks that come with its consumption?

Sweet potatoes can trigger allergic reactions such as headaches, itching, or nausea in some individuals. Moreover, when consumed in excess, they can raise blood sugar levels. Even though they are healthy root vegetables, you should consume them as part of a varied diet rather than as a primary source of nutrients.

107. Soy Sauce-Marinated Eggs

Manufacturer: Great Value, Kikkoman, others

Estimated Price: $6*

Soy sauce-marinated eggs have gained popularity in recent months, primarily because they are a key element in ramen, which has also become a favorite dish among food enthusiasts worldwide. But what about their nutritional content? Are these eggs as healthy as they are delicious?

Excessive egg consumption has been linked to elevated blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, consuming a significant amount of eggs has been associated with higher risks of prostate cancer. If you cook eggs, marinate them in soy sauce, toss them in a bowl of ramen, and eat them, you'll likely be consuming a very high amount of sodium. While this dish can be a tasty treat, you probably shouldn't make it a staple in your diet.

108. Leafy Greens

Manufacturer: N/A

Estimated Price: $2.08 to $4.98*

Who would have thought that even leafy greens could pose a health risk? While spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and arugula are among the healthiest foods, they may not be entirely harmless if consumed carelessly. So how can these foods potentially harm your health?

The main issue isn't the greens themselves but what can stick to them. These leafy greens are often laden with pesticides, bacteria, and dirt. Thankfully, you can address this issue by thoroughly washing and disinfecting the leaves. If you ensure the greens are clean, you can safely enjoy leafy greens every day without any problems.

109. Beer

Manufacturer: Busch, Heineken, Miller, local breweries

Estimated Price: $ 20 to $ 25 per 24-pack*

Beer (and really, all alcohol, if we're honest with ourselves) isn't good for you. It should be consumed only in strict moderation or not at all. One of the primary reasons beer makes the bad list is that it contains empty calories. Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of obesity and weight gain, leading to the terms "beer belly" or "beer gut."

Excessive alcohol consumption, in general, is a bad idea that can even lead to alcohol addiction. Alcoholism can increase the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, a deadly disease that puts a strain on all your body's organs.

110. Pretzels

Manufacturer: Auntie Anne’s, Rold Gold, Nabisco, Federal Pretzel Baking Company

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 6 per bag*

Pretzels are often a go-to snack for anyone looking for a quick, salty, carbohydrate-rich food. While pretzels contain only one gram of fat per serving, it doesn't mean they are a good snack choice.

These are refined carbohydrates, meaning they have low or no nutritional value. Additionally, pretzels are very salty. Just ten pretzels can provide over half of your daily sodium needs. Excessive salt can lead to greater water retention, causing bloating and puffiness. Moreover, an excess of salt, in general, can lead to high blood pressure and heart diseases.

111. Bottled Smoothies

Manufacturer: Naked, Evolution, Suja, Splendid Spoon

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 5 per bottle*

Smoothies have a reputation for being healthy, and it's not entirely clear why. While they are made from fruits, which are technically healthy foods, it doesn't mean that everything that goes into smoothies is equally healthy. The number one problem with these beverages is their sugar content.

Bottled or not, smoothies are often sugar-rich. While the fruits used can provide you with calcium, potassium, fiber, and other minerals, they also provide you with a hefty dose of refined sugar. For instance, a bottle of Naked's Green Machine juice contains fifty-three grams of sugar and sixty-three grams of carbohydrates.

112. Pepperidge Farm Cookies

Manufacturer: Pepperidge Farm

Estimated Price: $ 3 per 200-gram bag of Milano cookies*

Pepperidge Farm is one of the most popular cookie manufacturers. Their double chocolate Milano cookie is perhaps the most famous among their offerings, and they market them as being baked with "real kitchen ingredients."

As with any snack, these cookies should be consumed in moderation. A bag of Milano Milk Chocolate Cookies contains fifty-five grams of sugar. While there are sugar-free versions of Pepperidge Farm cookies, they are still high in carbohydrates and white flour. Additionally, sugar substitutes, when consumed in large quantities, can wreak havoc on your stomach.

113. Soybean Oil

Manufacturer: Bunge Limited, DuPont, LDC, Wilmar

Estimated Price: $ 7 per tonne*

Soybean oil is the most consumed oil in America, and that's bad news for Americans because, according to Science Daily, it comes with numerous issues. Not only can the consumption of soybean oil lead to obesity, which in turn can lead to diabetes, but it can also affect neurological conditions.

If you suffer from conditions like depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's, and autism, soybean oil can worsen these issues. While soybean oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, you can easily obtain these nutrients from supplements rather than consuming foods filled with all the unhealthy stuff that soybean oil has to offer.

Here is the English translation of the text you provided:

105. Turmeric

Manufacturer: McCormick, Great Value, others

Estimated Price: $1.98*

Turmeric is one of the essential spices in Indian cuisine. Recently, it has also become quite popular for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, it also has some disadvantages that you may not be aware of, but you should be aware of.


Turmeric ©Natthapol Siridech / Shutterstock.comTurmeric ©Natthapol Siridech /


Ironically, although it is an anti-inflammatory, turmeric can cause bloating if consumed in large quantities. There have also been cases of people experiencing diarrhea, headaches, and nausea after consuming too much of it. If you plan to include it in your diet, make sure to consume it in moderation!

106. Sweet Potatoes

Manufacturer: N/A

Estimated Price: $1.02*

Sweet potatoes have become increasingly popular over the past two decades. In fact, between 2000 and 2014, sweet potato consumption increased by 80%! Many people have talked about the benefits of this starchy vegetable, but do you know the risks that come with its consumption?


Sweet Potato ©Nutricao em casa / Shutterstock.comSweet Potato ©Nutricao em casa /


Sweet potatoes can trigger allergic reactions such as headaches, itching, or nausea in some individuals. Additionally, if consumed in excess, they can raise blood sugar levels. While they are healthy root vegetables, you should consume them as part of a varied diet and not as the primary source of nutrients.

107. Soy Sauce Marinated Eggs

Manufacturer: Great Value, Kikkoman, others

Estimated Price: $6*

Soy sauce marinated eggs have gained popularity in recent months. The reason? They are a key element in ramen, which has also become a favorite dish of food enthusiasts worldwide. But what about their nutritional content? Are these eggs as healthy as they are delicious?


Soy Sauce Marinated Eggs ©sungsu han / Shutterstock.comSoy Sauce Marinated Eggs ©sungsu han /


Excessive egg consumption has been linked to increased cholesterol levels in the blood. Moreover, consuming a lot of eggs has also been associated with higher risks of prostate cancer. If you cook eggs, marinate them in soy sauce, toss them into a bowl of ramen, and eat them, you are likely consuming a very high amount of sodium. This dish can be a tasty treat, but you probably shouldn't make it a staple in your diet.

108. Leafy Greens

Manufacturer: N/A

Estimated Price: $2.08 to $4.98*.

Who would have thought that even leafy green vegetables could pose a health risk? While spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and arugula are among the healthiest foods, they may not be entirely harmless if consumed without caution. So how can these foods be harmful to your health?


Leafy Greens ©buzzfeed.comLeafy Greens ©


The main issue is not the leaves themselves but what sticks to them. These leafy greens are often loaded with pesticides, bacteria, and dirt. Fortunately, you can address this issue by carefully washing and disinfecting the leaves. If you ensure that the leaves are thoroughly clean, you can eat leafy greens every day without any problems.

109. Beer

Manufacturer: Busch, Heineken, Miller, local producers

Estimated Price: $ 20 to $ 25 per 24-pack*.

Beer (and alcohol in general, if we're honest) is not good for you. It should be consumed only in strict moderation or not at all. One of the main reasons beer is on the bad list is that it contains empty calories. Excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of obesity and weight gain, leading to terms like "beer belly."


Beer ©S_Photo / Shutterstock.comBeer ©S_Photo /


Excessive alcohol consumption, in general, is a very bad idea and can even lead to alcohol dependence. Alcoholism can increase the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, a deadly disease that strains all the organs in your body.

110. Pretzels

Manufacturer: Auntie Anne's, Rold Gold, Nabisco, Federal Pretzel Baking Company

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 6 per bag*.

Pretzels are often a snack of choice for anyone looking for a quick salty and carbohydrate-rich snack. Although pretzels contain only one gram of fat per serving, it doesn't mean they are a good snack choice.


Pretzels ©Esin Deniz / Shutterstock.comPretzels ©Esin Deniz /


These are refined carbohydrates, which means they have low or no nutritional value. Moreover, pretzels are very salty. Just ten pretzels can provide you with over half the daily sodium you need. Excess sodium can lead to greater water retention, causing bloating and puffiness. Of course, excess salt in general can even lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

111. Bottled Smoothies

Manufacturer: Naked, Evolution, Suja, Splendid Spoon

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 5 per bottle*.

Smoothies have a reputation for being healthy, and we're not quite sure why. Although they are made from fruits, which are technically healthy foods, it doesn't mean that everything that goes into smoothies is equally healthy. The number one problem with these drinks is their sugar content.


Bottled Smoothies ©Doris Heinrichs / Shutterstock.comBottled Smoothies ©Doris Heinrichs /


Bottled or not, smoothies are often high in sugar. While the fruits used can provide you with calcium, potassium, fiber, and other minerals, they also deliver a hefty dose of refined sugar. For example, a bottle of Naked's Green Machine juice contains fifty-three grams of sugar and sixty-three grams of carbohydrates.

112. Pepperidge Farm Cookies

Manufacturer: Pepperidge Farm

Estimated Price: $ 3 per 200-gram bag of Milano cookies*.

Pepperidge Farm is one of the most popular cookie manufacturers. Their double chocolate Milano cookie is perhaps the most famous one they offer, and they sell people on cookies because they are baked with "real kitchen ingredients."


Pepperidge Farm Cookies ©Roman Tiraspolsky / Shutterstock.comPepperidge Farm Cookies ©Roman Tiraspolsky /


As with any snack, these cookies should be consumed in moderation. A bag of Milano Milk Chocolate Cookies contains fifty-five grams of sugar. While there are sugar-free versions of Pepperidge Farm cookies, they are still high in carbohydrates and white flour. Additionally, sugar substitutes, when consumed in large quantities, can wreak havoc on your stomach.

113. Soybean Oil

Manufacturer: Bunge Limited, DuPont, LDC, Wilmar

Estimated Price: $ 7 per ton*.

Soybean oil is the most consumed oil in America. This is bad news for Americans because, according to Science Daily, the oil leads to many problems. Not only can the consumption of soybean oil lead to obesity, which can in turn lead to diabetes, but soybean oil can also affect neurological conditions.


Soybean Oil ©Anda Audy / Shutterstock.comSoybean

 Oil ©Anda Audy /


If you suffer from disorders such as depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, and autism, soybean oil can exacerbate these problems. Although soybean oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, you can easily get supplements of these nutrients rather than consuming foods filled with all the unhealthy things soybean oil has to offer.

114. Croissants

Manufacturer: Jimmy Dean's, Pillsbury, Starbucks

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 6 per package*.

Croissants are the epitome of empty calories. While they go well with a cup of coffee now and then, you should limit their consumption to a minimum. Croissants are a significant source of saturated fats because the amount of butter used to make their flaky pastry makes them very high in bad fats.


Croissants ©nelea33 / Shutterstock.comCroissants ©nelea33 /


In a croissant, you'll find over 40% of the recommended limit of saturated fats. Croissants are even more calorically dense than white bread, and they also contain less fiber. This junk food should only be recommended as an occasional treat.

115. Deli Meats

Manufacturer: Applegate, Boar's Head, Hillshire Farm

Estimated Price: $ 5 to $ 10 per kilogram*.

Processed meat should always be avoided. When we say "processed," we refer to meat that has been modified to extend its shelf life and/or enhance its taste. There are many methods of processing meat, including salting, fermenting, curing, smoking, and more.


Deli Meats ©Olga Nayashkova / Shutterstock.comDeli Meats ©Olga Nayashkova /


Deli meats are a classic example of processed meat because they have been modified to have a longer shelf life than regular meat. Deli meats tend to contain large amounts of saturated fats, as well as a hefty dose of sodium. Saturated fats and sodium have been linked to heart disease, cancer, and, of course, obesity.

116. Waffles

Manufacturer: Eggo, Kashi, Nature's Path, 365

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 7 per box*.

When you think of waffles, you might think of the classic yellow Eggo boxes. While waffles are delicious, they shouldn't be your daily breakfast. Waffles are often high in calories, refined flour, and added sugar. Making waffles at home is a way to ensure that the ingredients are healthier, but even then, you should only consider them an occasional treat.


Waffles ©Vezzani Photography / Shutterstock.comWaffles ©Vezzani Photography /


If you order a waffle at a restaurant, you may be consuming a ton of sugar. For example, IHOP's Belgian waffle contains nearly 600 calories, seventeen grams of sugar, and twenty-nine grams of fat. The high sugar content means you'll be hungry shortly after eating the waffle—it won't fill you up like a nutritious breakfast would.

117. McDonald's Apple Pie

Manufacturer: McDonald's

Estimated Price: $ 1*.

McDonald's apple pie is a popular dessert in fast-food restaurants, and people often mistakenly believe it's healthy because it doesn't contain as many calories as other menu desserts. McDonald's has also revamped the pie, giving it better numbers than the old version. The new pies contain less saturated fat than the old ones.


McDonald's Apple Pie ©Ekahardiwito / Shutterstock.comMcDonald's Apple Pie ©Ekahardiwito /


However, apple pies still contain six grams of saturated fat and 240 empty calories. They also contain sixteen grams of sugar. While it's not as bad as a small chocolate milkshake (74 grams of sugar), it still spikes your blood sugar.

118. Crackers

Manufacturer: Ritz, Club, Town House, Cheez-It, Nabisco.

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 6 per box*.

WebMD has ranked crackers as among the "worst snacks" you can eat. When you're hungry, you might be tempted to grab a box of crackers and dig in. However, this won't satisfy your hunger as well as a high-fiber and/or protein-rich snack.


Crackers ©Dmitriev Mikhail / Shutterstock.comCrackers ©Dmitriev Mikhail /


Crackers are low in fiber and don't give you an energy boost. They're also high in sodium, which means they can make you feel bloated after consumption. According to Eat This, Nabisco's Wheat Thins Originals are among the worst crackers on the market because they are actually quite bad for your health, despite the word "Wheat" in the title.

119. Jam

Manufacturer: Smucker's, Polaner, Briermere Farms, Market Pantry

Estimated Price: $ 2 to $ 7 per jar*.

Jams and jellies are among people's favorite condiments. They are particularly good when added to a bagel or a piece of toast. According to Statista, Americans' favorite jam is strawberry, and nearly 164 million Americans consume it each year.


Jam ©Iren_natty / Shutterstock.comJam ©Iren_natty /


Homemade jams are often healthier than store-bought brands because they are at least made without preservatives. But jams and jellies have a high sugar content, as well as trans fats. This can lead to inflammation, weight gain, tooth decay, and heart problems. Eating jam

 every morning for breakfast can even, due to its sugar content, increase your risk of type II diabetes.

120. Canned Soup

Manufacturer: Progresso, Campbell's, Trader Joe's, Wolfgang Puck, Amy's Organic.

Estimated Price: $ 1 to $ 5 per can*.

Your body needs a small amount of sodium to function, but many Americans consume far too much. Too much sodium leads to fluid retention, which can cause an increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for deadly diseases like strokes, heart failure, and heart attacks.


Canned Soup ©calimedia / Shutterstock.comCanned Soup ©calimedia /


If you're watching your sodium intake, canned soup won't be your friend. While it's a tasty meal now and then, these foods can be very high in salt. Some canned soups even contain up to 1,000 milligrams of sodium, which is more than half of the recommended daily intake.

121. Muffins

Manufacturer: Little Bites, Krusteaz, Otis Spunkmeyer

Estimated Price: $ 2.50 per box of Little Bites*.

Muffins have a reputation for being a great breakfast food. While they go well with a cup of coffee, it would be wise not to make them your daily breakfast. Muffins are often high in calories, refined flour, and added sugar. Making homemade muffins is a way to ensure that the ingredients are healthier, but even then, you should only consider them an occasional treat.


Muffins ©zoyas2222 / Shutterstock.comMuffins ©zoyas2222 /


Store-bought muffins are the biggest culprits for health because many contain over 400 calories per muffin. For example, a Dunkin' Donuts chocolate chip muffin contains forty-nine grams of sugar and eighty-five grams of carbohydrates.

122. Barbecue Sauce

Manufacturer: Sweet Baby Ray's, Kraft, Jones, Stubb's, King's

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 10 per bottle*.

Barbecue sauce is often people's favorite when it comes to seasoning chicken and beef. After all, its taste is smoky and sweet, reminiscent of summer picnics and the 4th of July. However, be careful about how much barbecue sauce you consume.


Barbecue Sauce ©HandmadePictures / Shutterstock.comBarbecue Sauce ©HandmadePictures /


Bottled barbecue sauce is generally not very healthy. For example, Sweet Baby Ray's honey barbecue sauce contains 16 grams of sugar, of which 15 are added. Fortunately, more and more bottled sauces are made with less sugar, and there are even brands that make sugar-free barbecue sauces. Make sure to read the labels on the bottles before buying.

123. Fried Foods

Manufacturer: Various restaurants, including fast-food chains

Estimated Price: $ 10 to $ 20 per meal*.

The way fried foods are prepared is what makes them so bad for you. These foods are prepared at very high temperatures with vegetable oil. Vegetable oil already contains a lot of trans fats, and when heated, it only increases these toxins.


Deep Fried Foods ©Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock.comDeep Fried Foods ©Brent Hofacker /


Trans fats are the worst fats you can eat, and fried foods are among the biggest carriers of trans fats. Trans fats increase your bad cholesterol while decreasing your good cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease, the leading cause of death among American adults. Avoid fried foods and try baking them or air frying them without oil instead.

Translation to English:

124. Bacon

Manufacturer: Smithfield, Jimmy Dean's, North Country, Hatfield

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 7 per pack*.

In America, people believe that everything is better with bacon. Although bacon is not as horribly unhealthy as it has been portrayed, it is certainly not a health food. Bacon contains high levels of sodium, saturated fat, and preservatives, making it a food to consume in strict moderation.


Bacon ©Andrey Starostin /


Foods containing these toxins can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, and heart diseases. The typical serving size for bacon is small, but people often consume much more than they should. The portion is usually one or two slices, but it's not uncommon for people to double, triple, or even quadruple that amount in a single meal.

125. Donuts

Manufacturer: Krispy Kreme, Entenmann's, Dunkin' Donuts

Estimated Price: $ 1 to $ 3 per donut*.

For many Americans, starting the day with a donut from Dunkin' Donuts is a favorite activity. However, these fried pastries will cost you between 250 and 550 calories. If that's not the main issue, it's still more than you'd want to consume for a nutrient-poor food.


Doughnuts ©AlexeiLogvinovich /


The real problem with donuts is what makes them delicious in the first place: their sugar content. A donut contains between fifteen and thirty grams of sugar, which forces your body to produce insulin to process it. This leads to a blood sugar spike followed by a significant drop by lunchtime.

126. Cream Cheese

Manufacturer: Philadelphia, The Laughing Cow, Dutch Farms, Prairie Farms

Estimated Price: $ 4 per 500-gram pack of Philadelphia*.

Cream cheese is quite versatile. You can put it on almost anything, from bagels to celery to cake. Cream cheese is rich in vitamin A, and it doesn't contain much lactose, which can increase the risk of heart disease. However, cream cheese is not a healthy food in itself.


Cream Cheese ©Gamzova Olga /


The topping is low in protein and typically high in calories and fats. In an eight-ounce portion of Philadelphia cream cheese, one of the most popular brands in America, you'll find two grams of protein and ten grams of fat. Whipped cream cheese, on the other hand, is often lower in calories and fat. So, if you have to choose, opt for whipped cream cheese.

127. Frozen Entrees

Manufacturer: Lean Cuisine, Amy's, Michelina's, Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, Bob Evans

Estimated Price: $ 5 to $ 15 per entrée*.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, frozen meals are notoriously bad for health. They are often high in saturated fats and sodium, and some of the worst ones contain up to 7,000 milligrams of sodium and four or five grams of saturated fats. It's best to keep the sodium content of your frozen meals below 600 milligrams and choose meals with the least saturated fats possible.


Frozen Entrées ©TonelsonProductions /


WebMD has found that there are healthy frozen meal options, including Smart Ones Rigatoni with Broccoli and Chicken, Healthy Choice Mushroom Roasted Beef, Gardenburger Meals Meatless Glazed Chicken, and Michelina's Lean Gourmet Chicken Alfredo Florentine.

128. Charred Meats

Manufacturer: Various restaurants and fast-food establishments

Estimated Price: $ 15 to $ 30 per meal*.

Charred meat, for some reason, is very popular among certain people. Charred meats contain many toxins not found in the unhealthiest foods. According to Cooking Light, recent studies and government reports have revealed that meats charred over an open flame can contain carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).


Charred Meats ©Brent Hofacker /


Science Focus has found that charred foods can also develop polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines. But the most concerning carcinogen is acrylamide, a compound that has been linked to nerve damage and cancer. Choose baking over charring when it comes to meat.

129. Drive-Thru Fast Food

Manufacturer: McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Taco Bell, In-N-Out, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 5 to $ 15 per meal*.

We all now know that fast food is bad for us. Of course, it's convenient to hit the drive-thru and grab a hamburger and fries or a bucket of chicken, but these indulgences can have real consequences if done too often. Fast foods are low in or devoid of nutrients.


Drive-Thru Fast Foods ©Aladdin Studio /


These foods, whether from Taco Bell or Burger King, tend to contain saturated fats, trans fats, high sugar and salt content, as well as a ton of processed ingredients and preservatives. It's highly likely that an hour after eating your fast-food meal, you'll be hungry again.

130. Granola

Manufacturer: Bear Naked, Nature Valley, Quaker, Cascadian Farms, Kellogg's, Heartland

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 10 per bag*.

Granola has its nutritional benefits, and it can be quite filling because it often contains

Here's the translation of the text into English:

130. Granola

Manufacturer: Bear Naked, Nature Valley, Quaker, Cascadian Farms, Kellogg's, Heartland.

Estimated price: $ 4 to $ 10 per bag*.

Granola has its nutritional advantages, and it can be quite filling as it often contains whole grains and fiber. While we're not saying granola is bad for your health, it's definitely a food item you should read labels carefully for. Many varieties of granola contain excessive sugar and high calories, which can be harmful to your health.

131. Cinnamon Rolls

Manufacturer: Cinnabon, Pillsbury, Meijer, Annie’s Organic, Rhodes

Estimated price: $ 10 for four Cinnabon rolls*.

A cinnamon roll is one of the most common sweet pastries in America. While we all love the sweet aroma that wafts from a Cinnabon, cinnamon rolls should be reserved as an occasional treat. These rolls are high in carbohydrates and sugar, with an average roll containing seventeen grams of sugar and thirty-two grams of carbs (not counting the sweet icing).

132. Onion Rings

Manufacturer: Sonic, Whataburger, Culver’s, Dairy Queen Grill, Carl’s Jr., and A&W.

Estimated price: $ 2 to $ 4 per side*.

Onion rings are often seen as a substitute for fries, which we all know are not good for health. However, just because they are a substitute doesn't mean onion rings are a healthier choice. These fried onions have nearly identical nutritional value to fries.

133. Fruit Jelly Cups

Manufacturer: Trenton Trending, others

Estimated price: $ 9.99*.

As you can imagine, the nutritional value of fruit jelly cups is not ideal. They are high in sugar and often made with artificial flavors and colors, which are generally not recommended in a healthy diet.

134. Pop-Tarts

Manufacturer: Kellogg's

Estimated price: $ 4.50*.

Pop-Tarts have been described as one of the "15 unhealthiest junk foods in America." These tasty and convenient breakfast pastries are full of sugar, unhealthy oils, and refined flour. They contain almost no protein or fiber, meaning you're likely to get hungry shortly after eating one (or two).

135. Dinosaur-Shaped Turkey

Manufacturer: Bernard Matthews Foods Limited

Estimated price: $ 1 per package*.

While not all processed foods are automatically bad for your health, in the case of Bernard Matthews' Turkey Dinosaurs, they aren't actually very good for you. These childhood favorites contain an excess of salt, sugar, and fat that Bernard Matthews adds to improve texture, flavor, and shelf life.

136. Oat Milk

Manufacturer: MALK, Elmhurst, Planet Oak, Silk, and others

Estimated price: $ 2 to $ 5 per carton*.

There are many alternative milks, including almond, soy, hemp, and oat milk. Oat milk is rich in protein and nutrients, but it's not suitable for those with gluten sensitivities, whether or not they have celiac disease.

137. Vitamin Water

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola

Estimated price: $ 1 for a 600ml bottle*.

According to Men's Health, the "health claims" of Vitamin Water are actually "sweet lies." Vitamin Water claims to be one of the healthiest beverages because it adds nutrients to its flavored waters. However, there's also a lot of sugar in Vitamin Water. Plus, very few people actually have nutrient deficiencies that Vitamin Water adds to its bottled drinks, so you're drinking a very sugary beverage with little to no benefit.

138. Peanut Butter

Manufacturer: JIFF, Skippy's, 365, Market Pantry, and others

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 4 per jar*.

Peanut butter is calorie-dense and protein-rich, making it a common snack for those trying to avoid high carbohydrate intake. The fats in peanut butter are mostly healthy, but note that peanuts contain saturated fats, which can lead to heart issues when consumed in excess.

139. Subway Sandwiches

Manufacturer: Subway

Estimated price: $ 4 to $ 7 per sandwich*.

Don't listen to Subway's disgraced spokesperson; you probably won't lose weight by only eating Subway sandwiches. While Subway is one of the world's most popular fast-food chains, it's not a good idea to eat there too often. When you consume a 12-inch Subway sandwich, you're taking in approximately 1,020 calories.

140. Sushi

Manufacturer: RiceSelect, Natural Earth, Tamaki, Lundberg, Annie Chun's, etc.

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 4 per roll*.

Sushi is a popular takeout item, and sushi restaurants generate billions of dollars each year. There are so many different types of sushi, and they are almost all delicious. The main problem is that sushi contains a lot of sodium, according to WebMD. This is a problem because most Americans already consume too much sodium. Soy sauce, a common sushi condiment, also contains a lot of sodium. It's also challenging to practice portion control when it comes to sushi. A roll (between six and nine pieces) can contain up to 500 calories, but who eats just one roll?

Here's the translation of the text into English:

141. Jalapenos

Manufacturer: San Marcos, Ortega, La Costena, and others

Estimated price: $ 10 for 500g*.

If you've ever eaten a jalapeno pepper, then you can probably guess why these foods are bad for you. They are quite spicy, and WebMD states that the capsaicin in peppers can cause severe heartburn and very unpleasant problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome. If you have any digestive issues, steer clear of these spicy peppers.

Even in people without any pre-existing conditions, capsaicin might not be very well tolerated. Be cautious when eating them – start with just one or two at a time until you're sure your system can handle jalapenos.

142. Canned Fish

Manufacturer: StarKist, Safe Catch, 365, etc.

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 5 per can*.

Fortunately, most canned seafood is "perfectly safe" and very healthy, according to The Daily Meal. Nutritionists have noted that some brands have higher levels of sodium and mercury than their counterparts. Too much sodium can lead to strokes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

However, canned fish is just as rich in omega-3s and protein as fresh fish. Salmon, kippered herring, canned tuna, and sardines are "on par" with fresh fish, according to Harvard Health. Still, always check the sodium content on the cans to make sure you're not consuming too much salt.

143. Overcooked Toast

Manufacturer: Not available

Estimated price: Not available

It's all too easy to burn toast, especially if you're not paying attention. Some of us might resign ourselves to eating it anyway, but be careful because overcooked toast contains acrylamide. Acrylamide is a compound that starchy foods form during high-temperature cooking methods like frying and roasting.

Animal studies have shown that consuming large amounts of acrylamide can increase the risk of cancer, though research in humans has yielded mixed results. It's better to be safe than sorry – just scrape off the burnt bits if you accidentally overcooked your toast. Or, even better, make a new one.

144. Chia Seeds

Manufacturer: Viva Naturals, Healthworks, Better Body Foods, etc.

Estimated price: $ 7 for 500g*.

First of all, chia seeds, which have become another darling of the natural foods industry, can be harmful to your body if consumed in excess. These seeds can cause gastrointestinal issues because when exposed to liquid, they expand up to ten to twelve times their weight.

This also poses a choking hazard. Swallow these seeds carefully, especially if you're eating them dry. If you don't give chia seeds liquid to absorb before eating them, it could potentially lead to an intestinal blockage. If things get really bad, you might end up in the emergency room.

145. Matcha

Manufacturer: Starbucks, Pure, Tazo, Encha, and others

Estimated price: $ 4 for a large matcha latte at Starbucks*.

Drinking matcha (and green tea) is generally a safe and healthy activity, but you should know that matcha contains a lot of caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you need to be cautious. Too much caffeine can cause tremors and heart palpitations.

Also, pay attention to the type of matcha drink you consume. A Matcha Tea Latte from Starbucks contains 28 grams of sugar in a Venti, along with over two hundred calories. Matcha drinks have become some of Starbucks' most popular offerings, but many people don't realize just how sweet they are.

146. Vegetable Chips

Manufacturer: SunChips, Brad's, Tostitos, and others

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 4 per bag*.

Vegetable chips have often been marketed as healthier than regular potato chips. In reality, they are no healthier than potato chips, according to Cooking Light. Despite their name implying they're nutritious, don't be fooled. Vegetable chips are fried to give them a crispy texture.

These fried snacks are just a step above potato chips. If you want to replace vegetable chips with something unprocessed, try fresh vegetables with hummus, lightly salted nuts, or make your own homemade vegetable chips. You'll still get the salt and crunch without all the processed ingredients.

147. Salted Caramel

Manufacturer: Bakeries, Tara's, Sanders, etc.

Estimated price: $ 9 to $ 19*.

Salted caramel isn't just delicious; it creates a physical addiction, according to studies from the University of Florida. These studies have found that when you eat something sweet, fatty, or salty (i.e., salted caramel), your brain releases endogenous opioids. That's right – salted caramel is essentially the heroin of sweets.

Caramel contains no nutrients – there's no potassium or calcium. There's a ton of sugar, along with sea salt. We're not saying you can never eat this treat, but make sure you're not regularly eating it by the spoonful (as tempting as it may be).

148. Calamari

Manufacturer: SeaPak, Great Value, and others

Estimated price: $ 5 to $ 11 for 500g*.

Calamari, also known as fried squid, is consumed in many different countries. There are plenty of different ways to cook and prepare calamari, but fried calamari is a common item on many seafood restaurant menus. Once calamari is fried, it results in a high overall fat content.

If calamari is not fried, it's actually relatively healthy. Although calamari, even when fried, contains minerals and vitamins, you'll still want to consume it sparingly due to its high cholesterol, sodium, and fat content. It does make for a delicious appetizer, though.

149. Coca-Cola Zero

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola

Estimated price: $ 4 for a 12-pack*.

Coke Zero is a way for people to enjoy the taste of Coca-Cola while avoiding calories and sugar. Coke Zero, along with other diet beverages, often reignites the debate about aspartame and artificial sweeteners. Coke Zero has lower aspartame content than Diet Coke, but if you believe artificial sweeteners are bad for health, you should avoid it.

Some studies have shown a link between artificial sweeteners and heart disease, according to Healthline. At the same time, conflicting research suggests these sweeteners are safe. It might be better to cut your losses and opt

 for water with lemon instead.

150. Decaffeinated Coffee

Manufacturer: Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, Folgers, Market Pantry, etc.

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 3 for a small cup*.

Eat This says it's the decaffeination process of coffee that poses risks. While the National Coffee Association disagrees, some research has shown that the decaffeination process increases fatty acids. These fatty acids can increase your risk of heart disease and affect your metabolism.

Additionally, if you drink decaf coffee because you're sensitive to caffeine, be aware that the beverage still contains small amounts of caffeine. The caffeine in decaf coffee can cause insomnia, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, restlessness, and even anxiety in sensitive individuals. Decaf isn't truly caffeine-free as it contains about two milligrams of caffeine. It's better classified as "low-caffeine."

151. Raw Cake Batter

Manufacturer: Not available

Estimated price: Not available

Health advisories have recommended against it for years, but many of us still do it anyway. Apparently, raw or uncooked cake batter can make you sick. To support these claims, there was indeed an E. Coli outbreak in 2021 that triggered a new round of warnings by health organizations.

Yes, raw cake batter is delicious, but you must resist the temptation. Raw eggs and uncooked flour can harbor salmonella and E. Coli, both of which are at best unpleasant and at worst require hospitalization. You shouldn't even let your kids handle raw batter, even homemade playdough batter, if it contains raw eggs or uncooked flour.

Here's the translation of the text into English:

152. Smart Water

Manufacturer: Coca-Cola

Estimated price: $ 1 for a 600ml bottle*.

Smart Water contains electrolytes, and this has been an important part of its marketing since the brand's inception. While drinking Smart Water can help you replenish lost electrolytes, there can be real consequences if you replace electrolytes faster than you lose them.

If you have too many electrolytes, you can end up with too much sodium in your body. Called hypernatremia, this condition can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and dizziness. If you have too much potassium, it can lead to nausea, heart arrhythmias, and irregular pulse. Drinking too much Smart Water can have very harmful health effects.

153. Store-Bought Sauces

Manufacturer: Ragu, Prego, Rao’s, 365, and others

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 3 per jar*.

Store-bought sauces are a convenient way to enjoy pasta and meat without having to take the time to make the sauce yourself. However, make sure to read the ingredient labels on the back of these sauces as they are often loaded with sugar, salt, and fat. There isn't much fiber in store-bought sauces, so you won't get the same nutrients as you would from homemade sauce.

According to Good Housekeeping, there are healthy sauces made by brands like Kevin’s Natural Foods, Chosen Foods, and Saffron Road available on the shelves. You just need to make sure to choose them and not opt for a less healthy option.

154. Jelly Beans

Manufacturer: Jelly Belly, Lifesavers, Trader Joe’s, Brach’s, Starburst, etc.

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 3 per package*.

Jelly Beans are so small that you might not realize how many you're eating until you've devoured the entire bag. These fruity candies contain a ton of sugar. Sugar, corn syrup, and starch are the three main ingredients you'll find in most jelly candies.

Ten of these candies contain an average of eight grams of sugar. No one eats just ten candies, so it's easy to imagine eating three or four times that amount in one sitting. To make matters worse, jelly candies contain no nutrients, fiber, or protein, and often have a lot of artificial coloring and dyes.

155. Banana Chips

Manufacturer: Bare, Gerbs, Market Pantry, 365, and others

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 6 per package*.

Banana chips might seem healthy at first glance. After all, they're chips made from fruit – what could go wrong? Just like vegetable chips, banana chips are not all they seem. They are loaded with saturated fat, calories, and added sugar. If you want banana chips but want to avoid unhealthy additives, find dehydrated chips that are not fried and have no added sugar.

Even better, just eat a real banana. For every handful of fried banana chips, there are ten grams of sugar and ten grams of fat. While there is some fiber and protein, these amounts are minimal.

156. Mint Candies

Manufacturer: Altoids, Tic Tac, Lifesavers, etc.

Estimated price: $ 1 to $ 4 per package*.

According to Willow Pass Dental Care, breath mints are harmless as long as you consume them in moderation and don't try to replace proper oral hygiene with them. These hard candies can damage teeth and expose you to the risk of tooth decay, especially if they contain sugar.

Similarly, breath mints freshen your breath but do not address the underlying cause of bad breath. If you've eaten something foul, you should use mouthwash, brush your teeth, and floss. If the issue is deeper, you should see your dentist if your bad breath persists.

157. Banana Bread

Manufacturer: Maxine’s Heavenly, Krusteaz, Great Value, and others

Estimated price: $ 3 to $ 8*.

Banana bread tends to mislead people because it has a fruit in its name. According to Healthline, while banana bread is "delicious," it tends to be high in refined carbohydrates (the bad type of carbohydrates), calories, and added sugar. Healthline suggests that banana bread should be enjoyed only "occasionally" as part of a balanced and nutritious diet.

If you intend to make banana bread, there are plenty of recipes that allow you to swap out unhealthy ingredients for better ones. Homemade banana bread, as opposed to slices ordered in cafes and packaged in grocery store bakeries, allows you to control what goes into this treat.

158. Nut Mixes

Manufacturer: Market Pantry, Kirkland Signature, Great Value

Estimated price: $ 5 to $ 10*.

When you think of trail mix, chances are your mind jumps to images of hiking, boating, and outdoor activities. It sounds healthy, right? While trail mix can be healthy, there are also examples where this "natural" food is very high in sugar. It all depends on what's in the mix.

Nuts, dried fruits, and bran are examples of healthy ingredients, while chocolate chips, M&M's, and other sweet additions can diminish the nutritional value of the mix. You might end up consuming a lot more sugar than you intended, negating any exercise that accompanies your trail mix.

159. Almond Butter

Manufacturer: Justin’s, Maranatha, Barney

Estimated price: $ 7 to $ 10*.

Almond butter has many benefits. While it's calorie-dense, those not focused on calorie restriction will appreciate that it's rich in "good" (monounsaturated) fats. These fats lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, and omega-3 fatty acids are great for your heart.

Almond butter, when sweetened, can be high in sugar. Make sure you buy organic almond butter with no additives or added sugar. Otherwise, you might find that the health benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Some almond butter brands contain added sugar – be sure to read the back of the jar.

160. Muesli

Manufacturer: Bob’s Red Mill, Alpen Cereal, Three Sisters, and others

Estimated price: $ 6 to $ 15*.

Muesli is a type of cold oatmeal made from oats, seeds, nuts, and dried or fresh fruits. Traditionally, this dish was prepared with cream and citrus juice, along with a sweetener like honey. If muesli is high in fiber, it can also be high in sugar, especially if it's prepared in advance.

According to the American Heart Association, women and men are not supposed to exceed 24 and 36 grams of sugar, respectively. In a cup of pre-packaged and store-bought muesli, there can be up to 26 grams of sugar, well beyond the recommended daily value. 

  1. Mangoes
    Manufacturer: India, Thailand, China, Indonesia
    Estimated Price: $ 1.30*.

Mangoes are delicious orange fruits rich in vitamin C, fiber, and other essential nutrients. However, mangoes are among the fruits that are "highest in sugar," according to WebMD. If you are trying to monitor your sugar intake or manage your weight, mangoes may not be the best choice.

A single mango contains approximately 46 grams of sugar, which is significantly higher than the recommended daily intake for both men and women. Pomegranates, cherries, oranges, and bananas are also among the sweetest fruits. If you choose to eat mangoes, consider having a small portion (about half a cup), perhaps as a sweet dessert after dinner.

*Prices are approximate and may vary based on location and variety.

163. Spinach and Artichoke Dip

Manufacturer: Restaurants, Philadelphia Dips, T.G.I Friday's, Stonemill Kitchens, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 8 to $ 15*.

WebMD has definitely classified spinach and artichoke dip among the "worst appetizers" you can find (it's a shame it's so delicious). The cream base is the troublemaker in this appetizer, as it's loaded with unhealthy saturated fats. Alternative recipes suggest using fat-free Greek yogurt as a base, but restaurants, as you can imagine, often do not.


Spinach Artichoke Dip ©Graficam Ahmed Saeed/Shutterstock.comSpinach Artichoke Dip ©Graficam Ahmed Saeed/


A serving of spinach and artichoke dip contains 1,600 calories, 2,500 milligrams of sodium, and 100 grams of fat. While some people may be fooled by the fact that this appetizer has "spinach" and "artichokes" in its name, make no mistake: it's not a healthy appetizer.

164. Coleslaw

Manufacturer: Kraft, Hidden Valley, Walden Farms, and others

Estimated Price: $ 5 to $ 10*.

The only advantage of coleslaw is that it can be prepared in various ways. Coleslaw contains shredded vegetables, which means it's packed with fiber. The main health issue with this side dish is the dressing in which it's prepared.


Cole Slaw ©Elena Veselova/Shutterstock.comCole Slaw ©Elena Veselova/


Many creamy coleslaw dressings have a high content of fats and added sugar. Mayonnaise is a common dressing, and it often contains a lot of saturated fats. According to The Daily Meal, this calorie-dense dressing can "break" your heart (literally) if consumed in large amounts over time. Avoid clogged arteries and opt for coleslaw without mayo.

165. Gummy Vitamins

Manufacturer: Vitafusion, Nature Made, SmartyPants, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 10 to $ 20*.

People take gummy vitamins because they contain necessary nutrients and are delicious. They have a sweet taste, so both kids and adults find taking vitamins much more enjoyable than with a tasteless pill or capsule. However, this sweet taste can add up.


Gummy Vitamins ©Harry Hu/Shutterstock.comGummy Vitamins ©Harry Hu/


Per serving, gummy vitamins can contain between two and eight grams of sugar. If you take two a day, that means you're ingesting an extra four to sixteen grams. This can quickly exceed your daily quota. When choosing gummy vitamins, be sure to look at the label to select the least sugary option.

166. Dates

Manufacturer: Terrasoul, Mariani, Dole, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 8 to $ 15*.

Dates are a type of fresh stone fruit, although they are often consumed dried. Dates contain phytonutrients, which are plant compounds that may be able to boost your immune system, prevent DNA damage, reduce inflammation, and support hormonal regulation.


Dates ©Sokor Space/Shutterstock.comDates ©Sokor Space/


That said, dates are not a wise choice for anyone looking to monitor their sugar intake. They are a high source of natural sugar. For example, one pitted, dried Medjool date contains sixteen grams of sugar. While they have a low glycemic index, it's not a snack you'll want to overindulge in. One or two of these fruits at a time is the best serving size, especially if you're watching your sugar levels.

167. Egg Substitutes

Manufacturer: Egg Beaters, Just Egg, Bob's Red Mill, and others

Estimated Price: $ 5 to $ 20*.

If you've ever browsed the egg aisle at the grocery store, you've probably seen egg substitutes. These substitutes are made from 99% egg whites with added spices, xanthan gum, a coloring agent, and other ingredients to give them the appearance of real eggs. Vegan egg substitutes are often made from tapioca starch and potato.


Egg Substitutes ©Tatyana Aksenova/Shutterstock.comEgg Substitutes ©Tatyana Aksenova/


Popular egg substitutes have the same amount of protein and fat as a regular egg. However, they lack some important minerals and vitamins. A regular egg, with the yolk, contains thirteen essential vitamins and minerals. Egg substitutes, because they discard the yolk, are devoid of these essentials.

168. Unsweetened Applesauce

Manufacturer: Mott's, Musselman's, Dole, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 10*.

Apples and applesauce are both high in sugar, although they tend to contain fiber that can mitigate these natural sugars. That said, be very cautious when eating sweetened applesauce. One cup of sweetened applesauce contains thirty-six grams of sugar, which is well above the recommended daily value. There is also only three grams of fiber.


Applesauce ©Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock.comApplesauce ©Brent Hofacker/


Unsweetened applesauce does a little better in terms of its nutritional profile. There is only 11.5 grams of sugar per serving. There are also fewer calories. In summary: opt for unsweetened applesauce rather than sweetened when looking for a fruit-based, fiber-rich snack.

169. White Rice

Manufacturer: Nishiki, Annie Chun's, Lundberg, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 8*.

White rice has long been considered an empty carbohydrate because it loses its nutrients when the germ and bran are removed. Sometimes, companies enrich white rice with B vitamins and iron. However, health communities are not big fans. Brown rice only has the husk removed, retaining other healthy components.


White Rice ©frank60/Shutterstock.comWhite Rice ©frank60/


The glycemic index of white rice is higher than that of brown rice. This means its carbohydrates convert into blood sugar much faster than brown rice. According to Medical News Today, a high consumption of white rice can lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

170. Vegetable Pizza

Manufacturer: Trader Joe's, Green Giant, restaurants, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 10 to $ 20*.

Ordering a "vegetable pizza" may seem like the healthiest option. After all, according to Insider, fresh vegetables are among the "healthiest pizza toppings" you can have. If you forgo pepperoni, sausage, and other processed meats in favor of these vegetables, pizza is a health win.


Vegetable Pizza ©YARUNIV Studio/Shutterstock.comVegetable Pizza ©YARUNIV Studio/


That said, pizza is still not a health food. Vegetarian or not, you don't want to eat it daily. Pizza still contains high levels of sodium, fat, and carbohydrates. As a result, when you eat pizza, your body may start craving foods high in sodium and saturated fats.

  1. Vegan Cheese
    Manufacturer: Daiya, Chao, Treeline, Miyokos, and others
    Estimated Price: $ 5 to $15*.

Vegan cheese is often promoted as a dairy-free alternative to traditional cheese. However, not all vegan cheeses are the same. Some versions have lower nutritional value and are highly processed. On the other hand, brands like Treeline and Miyokos offer some of the healthiest vegan cheese options on the market.

Vegan cheese is sometimes criticized for having a plastic-like taste, so there's a good chance you may need to try multiple brands to find one that suits your palate. Make sure to check the ingredients list to ensure you choose an unprocessed vegan cheese that contains as many whole ingredients as possible.

*Prices are approximate and may vary depending on your location and the brand.

172. Green Juice

Manufacturer: Naked and others

Estimated Price: $ 2 to $ 6*.

The original Green Juice is actually called aojiru. This Japanese vegetarian drink is made from young barley grass and kale, and it's very healthy. Unfortunately, it has a reputation for an unpleasant taste, to the extent that Japanese game shows often use drinking a glass of aojiru as a punishment.

To try to mitigate this taste, juice manufacturers often add extras like added sugar. This results in a drink that is not very healthy. For example, Naked's Green Machine contains fifty-three grams of sugar. While green juice can be very healthy, the added sugar in many variations negates these health benefits.

173. Whole Wheat Bread

Manufacturer: Nature’s Own, Rudi’s, Sara Lee, Stroehmann, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 6*.

Whole wheat bread is often considered a healthier option than white bread because it contains more nutrients, such as fiber. However, when you look at the label, whole wheat bread often contains as much sugar and fillers as white bread. Additionally, it's not always high in fiber.

If the bread is not entirely whole, it may contain enriched flour, which can cause sugar spikes and crashes. Enriched flour means that the nutrients in the bread have been removed. Always check the label to ensure you're buying bread without this negative ingredient.

174. Flavored Oatmeal

Manufacturer: Quaker Oats, Better Oats, and others

Estimated Price: $ 4 to $ 8*.

Oatmeal has long had a reputation for being high in fiber and good for health. This is true as long as you buy the right type of oatmeal. Flavored oatmeal, like those sold in packages by Quaker Oats, is often loaded with sugar. According to CNN, flavored instant oatmeal tends to be "loaded" with salt and sugar, making it a "nutritionally inferior" choice.

For example, Quaker Instant Oatmeal in maple and brown sugar contains twelve grams of sugar (all added) per packet. If you're a woman, that's half of your recommended daily value for sugar. If you're a man, it's a third.

175. Spicy Tuna Roll

Manufacturer: Restaurants

Estimated Price: $ 6.99*.

Spicy tuna rolls are a popular order in sushi restaurants worldwide, and it's easy to see why – they are delicious. Unfortunately, there are a few reasons why you should eat spicy tuna rolls in extreme moderation or avoid them altogether. First, according to WebMD, tuna can have a "high" mercury content. Second, spicy tuna rolls are calorie-laden, thanks to the spicy mayonnaise they contain.

In 2012, the FDA urged diners to "avoid ordering" spicy tuna because it contained the infamous "pink tuna slime." Suppliers had to recall tens of thousands of pounds of tuna due to this unsightly ingredient. If this doesn't dissuade you from eating spicy tuna, nothing will.

176. Skim Milk

Manufacturer: Great Value, Kroger, Fairlife, Horizon, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 3.50 for 4 liters*.

For this one, we're talking about a specific subset of the population when it comes to avoiding skim milk. Toddlers and babies should not be drinking skim milk as they need the fat in their diet for proper brain development, among other reasons. Children aged one to two years should be drinking whole milk, according to Kids' Health.

In fact, the NHS actually advises giving children whole milk until they are at least five years old, if not longer. Skim milk, as well as one percent milk, doesn't have the nutritional profile of whole milk. Reserve skim milk and similar "diet" milks for adults, not children. In fact, nearly all "diet" foods should be avoided when it comes to kids.

177. Jarred Tomato Sauce

Manufacturer: Hunt’s, Ragu, Barilla, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 2 to $ 5*.

There are a million and one varieties of jarred tomato sauces. They are convenient and require little to no work to prepare, so it's easy to see why people love them. According to She Finds, store-bought jarred tomato and marinara sauces often contain added sodium and sugar.

While this contributes to the flavor profile, it's not really great for nutrition. For example, in a quarter-cup of Hunt's tomato sauce, there are 410 milligrams of sodium and two grams of sugar. In an entire jar, there are 2,870 milligrams of sodium and fourteen grams of sugar.

178. Yogurt Raisins

Manufacturer: Mariani, Sun Maid, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 4*.

Compared to other snacks, yogurt-covered raisins are not the worst treats you could have. They add fiber and nutrients to your diet, thanks to the raisins, but you need to watch your portions. Yogurt-covered raisins can be addictive, and before you know it, you've eaten several sweet handfuls.

In a box of Sun Maid Vanilla Yogurt Raisins, which contains just one ounce of these yogurt-covered dried fruits, there are seventeen grams of sugar. Nine of these grams are added. There is also less than one gram of fiber, as well as less than one gram of protein.

179. Pita Chips

Manufacturer: Simply Naked, Stacy's, Kellogg's, and others

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 8*.

The Washington Post has called this product a "so-called health food" that people should "avoid." Pita chips are typically made from white flour, salt, oil, and several other low-nutrient ingredients. They are "no better" than potato chips, says the Post. Given that research has shown that refined starches and grains increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, eating handfuls of pita chips is not a good idea.

In fact, pita chips might even be worse than potato chips. As Mashed pointed out, at least when you're eating potato chips, you're eating "a vegetable." Pita chips, it seems, are not a healthy alternative to Lay's, regardless of what people might think.

180. Cranberry Juice Cocktail

Manufacturer: Simply, Ocean Spray, Welch’s, etc.

Estimated Price: $ 2 to $ 4*.

Cranberry juice cocktail differs from cranberry juice in that it has added sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, a nutritionist's nemesis, to make it even sweeter. Cranberry juice tends to be labeled "100% juice" and is made from the juice of these tart fruits, nothing more.

Between the two, the cocktail is much worse for you. In eight ounces of Ocean Spray cranberry juice cocktail, which does not use high fructose corn syrup, there are twenty-five grams of sugar, all but two of which are added. While you get 100% of your daily value of vitamin C, the sugar content outweighs that benefit.

181. Deviled Eggs

Manufacturer: Kramer Farms and more

Estimated Price: $ 3 to $ 10*.

Deviled eggs have been a popular appetizer for a while. The problem with these eggs lies not in the egg itself, as eggs are low in carbs and high in protein. It lies in the additions made to the eggs to make them "deviled."

According to SF