These herbs can reverse dementia study found

These herbs can reverse dementia study found

Dementia may not yet be curable, but there are several ways to reduce your risk and combat some of the symptoms. Changes in diet, regular body cleansing and paying attention to some of the herbs and spices we have outlined below are a great start.

Whilst some people with dementia are able to live independently at home or with support from a relative or friend, others may need to go into a care home – for those that do need dementia care, we are able to provide an experience that is as close as possible to the one they would’ve received at home – if not better.

If you have a loved one and are struggling with the stress of dementia, be sure to try out some of our top herbs to help dementia, as well as making sure you contact us and find out more about the different types of care we have available.


Alzheimer’s and dementia occur a significant amount less in India than England – which is thought to be due to turmeric and its primary component; curcumin, and their antioxidant benefits.

Turmeric is thought to block the formation of beta-amyloid, the plaques that hinder brain function in Alzheimer’s disease.

Moreover, curcumin has been stated as potentially ‘leading to a promising aid for Alzheimer’s disease.’

Holy Basil

Holy Basil is one of the more popular herbs in use for treating dementia, due to its ability to reduce brain stress and fatigue which may result in dementia in the long run.

At Barchester, we our staff ensure our residents eat a healthy and nutritious, well-thought out diet. Holy Basil is a good herb to be used to counteract dementia, and it is said to not only help treat memory loss, but also improve the neuronal functioning of the brain.

What foods can reverse dementia?

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Herbs that can help those living with Dementia.
Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is perhaps the best known (and researched) botanical medicine used to treat conditions such as cerebral vascular insufficiency, memory loss, mood disturbances, cognitive disorders and depression, with many studies pointing to its efficiency in treating dementia. The herbs actions result in improved blood flow properties to the brain as well as promoting antioxidant activity. The world’s oldest living tree species has demonstrated its effectiveness in over 50 double blind trials and is often recommended for during the early stages of Alzheimer’s, when it is said to prevent the onset of the condition.


Ginseng has been used in China for at least 1,650 years in helping to prevent disease and aging. There have been two notable studies that reveal the herb to be of great help; one of which involved 40 patients with mild or vascular dementia, with 25 showing significant memory improvement after 12 weeks of ingesting the herb daily. The other more recent study proved that ginseng protects against ischemia-induced neuronal and cognitive impairment and could be used to help vascular dementia.

If you’re deciding on how you can ensure your loved ones have the best retirement they possibly can, why not have a look at some of the nearest Barchester Care Homes here. Finding the ideal care home can be a daunting task, but seeking help and advice can make the process much easier and help you make the best decision for your loved ones.
