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If You're Moving Abroad with No Money - You May Check Out Noosa: The Dairy Company That Wants You to Travel the World as a Professional ‘Flavor Finder'.

If You're Moving  Abroad with No Money - You May Check Out Noosa: The Dairy Company That Wants You to Travel the World as a Professional ‘Flavor Finder'.

If you're a traveling nomad and wanted to find work while traveling, You could do that through an agency / program provider, many years ago
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Recently though, Freelance/digital nomad were a target of a dream
job alert for dairy lovers: Noosa, the company that brought the world blackberry-serrano and pear and cardamom yogurt, is looking for a few yogurt superfans to travel the world looking for the next great flavor. Think about it: One of the few travel jobs out there that don't require a college degree. You could think of

Travel Blogging, teach English Abroad, Teach English Online,Yacht Sailing Jobs.
Bartending Jobs Abroad,Remote Work & Telecommuting,Become A Local Tour Guide.
Online Translation Jobs.

Noosa just launched its hunt for five new Flavor Finders, aka yogurt lovers who will trek across the country and around the world in the search of inspiring flavors. Each Flavor Finder will receive a $2,000 stipend to travel to their flavor destination of choice, whether that’s to China for rambutan, Buenos Aires for Rioja, Turkey for pistachios, or California for apricots. Winners also get an all-expenses-paid trip to Noosa HQ in Colorado.

If you dream in yogurt flavors, there are three ways to apply for the job: via Twitter, Instagram, or Noosa’s site. Applications are easy, too. Simply upload a food photo you’ve snapped that best represents your dream yogurt flavor and be sure to include a witty caption describing your inspiration.

Delish reports that a four-judge panel from Noosa will pick four winners and fans will choose the fifth. Judges are basing their selections on photo captions, originality, and on whether the dream yogurt flavors sound appealing and marketable to the masses.

The contest is open now through Friday, April 20th, so put on your yogurt thinking-cap and get to work.