Dalgona Candy Honeycomb Cookie Recipe
Recipe for the cookie from the Squid Game series that you may have seen on Netflix. A recipe with only 2 ingredients, very easy and very quick to make. You discover this cookie during the second game in Squid Game, where contestants have this cookie...
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By Sophia Ava YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0339 GMT (1239 HKT) May 24, 2022
Recipe for the cookie from the Squid Game series that you may have seen on Netflix. A recipe with only 2 ingredients, very easy and very quick to make. You discover this cookie during the second game in Squid Game, where contestants have this cookie, with a shape in the middle to be cut out with a needle without breaking the shape.

It is a Korean sugar candy, it is also called ppopgi.
This little cake is still very sold in South Korea for a price of aroundin street snacks.
Traditionally, if the buyer of the biscuit manages to cut out the shape, a second is offered to him. Ingredients: - 100g of white sugar - 1 teaspoon of baking soda Recipe: - Melt the sugar in a saucepan - Once the sugar has melted, turn off the plate or remove the pan from the plate - Add the baking soda, mix.
Once the mixture no longer bubbles, stop mixing - Place the mixture on baking paper, wait 1min30, then press with the mold in the center of the mixture
#HoneyComb #SquidGame #DalgonaCandy #BiscuitSquidGame #RecipeSquid
Game stop mixing - Place the mixture on baking paper, wait 1min30, then press with the mold in the center of the mixture A recipe with only 2 ingredients, very easy and quick to make. You discover this cookie during the second game in Squid Game where the contestants have this cookie with a shape in the center that can be cut out with a needle without breaking the shape.
It's Korean rock candy, also called ppopgi. This cupcake is still very sold in South Korea at a price of around $1,45 in street snacks.
Traditionally, if the buyer of the biscuit manages to cut the shape, they are offered a second one. Ingredients : - 100g of white sugar - 1 teaspoon of baking powder Recipe : - Zucker in einem Topf schmelzen - Sobald der Zucker geschmolzen ist, den Teller ausschalten oder die Pfanne vom Teller nehmen - Backpulver hinzufügen, mischen. Sobald die Mischung nicht mehr sprudelt, hör auf zu mischen - Masse auf Backpapier legen, 1min30 warten, dann mit der Form in die Mitte der Masse drücken For the Spanish: Recipe for the cookie from the Squid Game series that you may have seen on Netflix.
A recipe with only 2 ingredients, very easy and very quick to make. You discover this cookie during the second game of Squid Game, where the contestants have this cookie, with a shape in the middle to be cut with a needle without breaking the shape. It is a Korean sugar candy, it is also called ppopgi. This cupcake is still widely sold in South Korea for around $1,45 at Street Snacks.
Traditionally, if the cookie buyer succeeds in cutting the shape, they are offered a second one. Ingredients: - 100 g of white sugar - 1 teaspoon of baking soda Recipe: - Melt the sugar in a saucepan. - Once the sugar has melted, turn off the plate or remove the pan from the plate - Add the baking soda, mix.
Once the mixture is no longer bubbling, stop mixing. - Place the mixture on baking paper, wait 1min30, then press the mold in the center of the mixture mixture. Once the mixture is no longer bubbling, stop mixing. - Place the mixture on baking paper, wait 1min30, then press the mold in the center of the mixture mixture. Once the mixture is no longer bubbling, stop mixing. - Place the mixture on baking paper, wait 1min30, then press the mold in the center of the mixture
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