Steve Jobs Diet : The Craziest Stories About The Mad Genious Who Had A Fruit Only Diet But Also Smelled Bad.
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Steve Jobs Smell Bad
By Deni Porter | YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0439 GMT (1239 HKT) May 16, 2022
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1. | steve jobs diet | 10(26.32%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 12 |
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6. | why did steve jobs only eat fruit | 2(5.26%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 6.0 |
7. | did steve jobs die from being a fruitarian | 1(2.63%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 27 |
8. | steve jobs diet fruit | 1(2.63%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 12 |
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The craziest stories about a mad genius: “Steve Jobs smelled bad”
The fact that we spend half our time on our smartphones is not our fault, but that of Steve Jobs (1995-2011). Few people have had as much of an impact on our way of life as the Apple mogul.
Allergic to soap
At Atari, the video game company where his professional career started, they were more than happy about Steve's jobs because he was very smart and full of ideas. However, they didn't want him to come to work. Not during the day, at least. The reason: Steve Jobs stank.
1. | steve jobs diet | 1,073(30.72%) | 3(50.00%) | 0.28% | 12 |
2. | steve jobs fruit diet | 423(12.11%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 11 |
3. | steve jobs fruit | 188(5.38%) | 1(16.67%) | 0.53% | 9.4 |
4. | steve jobs vegan | 130(3.72%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 36 |
5. | did steve jobs only eat fruit | 127(3.64%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 8.9 |
6. | steve jobs fat | 99(2.83%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 10 |
7. | steve jobs fruitarian | 90(2.58%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 28 |
8. | steve jobs only ate fruit | 61(1.75%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 10 |
9. | does dragon fruit smell bad | 50(1.43%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 75 |
10. | fruit only diet | 48(1.37%) | 0(0.00%) | 0.00% | 77 |
And not just like most of us from time to time. Steve Jobs smelled bad from sunrise to sunset. The cause was simple: he never washed. And his colleagues at Atari suffered as a result. Steve Jobs didn't shower or take a bath because he was a hippie. And personal hygiene was at the bottom of the hippie to-do list.
The man who would go on to become a tech giant was also known to be extremely lazy. The rare times he got up from the bed or his chair, he was even too lazy to put on shoes. His feet were so disgusting that even his hippie friends, used to being a little cra-cra, didn't even dare to look at them. The man who made Apple the most influential company in the world thought it was funny. He didn't care. To make matters worse, it was not uncommon to see him put his dirty feet on the table in public.
Inedible apples (Comparison between apples and pears?)
Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher prepared so well for his lead role in the biopic Jobs that he ended up in hospital in 2013. Diagnosis: Pancreatic problems due to unilateral feeding.
He became fruit-eating, just like Jobs in the 1970s.
They eat, as the name suggests, fruit. Some fruit eaters eat nuts and seeds every now and then, but a few fools, including Jobs of course, stick only to the fruit. You would think that such a healthy and natural diet would be healthy, but eating only fruit is just as unhealthy as living on lukewarm beer or fatty sausages. By eating only fruit, you are missing out on essential fatty acids and vitamin B, according to science.
With all the consequences that this implies, therefore.
Jobs found that the simple act of eating fruit was still too varied; there were times when he ate strictly apples or pears for weeks. The first diet led him to be in the bathroom constantly, the second seemed to him to be a stroke of genius. Along with his breath, which was anything but fruity, it gave him the inspiration for the name of the small business he started in Cupertino, Calif., In 1976.
Even after the 1970s, Jobs continued to follow his crazy diets. Towards the end of his life, he tried to fight his cancer with strict diets. He eventually opted for the traditional treatment. Drinking was a much simpler subject for him. He only drank tea for his entire adult life.
Hell manager
Was Jobs a smug, manipulative motherfucker who didn't care at all about those who weren't at his level?
Yes, in New York City one day he sent an assistant to a florist in the middle of the night because he thought the lilies they already had didn't fit well with the presentation of the new Apple computer that was taking place on next day. Jobs got his girlfriend pregnant but denied it… until the girl was 14.
His mother lived on government grants and did everything she could to put food on the table while Jobs got richer and richer.
Jobs cursed everyone around him whenever he wanted. In meetings he didn't conduct himself or if he wasn't interested in the topic, he would throw tantrums like a ten-year-old boy. The combination of his genius and the fact that he was a full-time asshole initially cost him his head. Jobs was kicked out of Apple by John Scully, a marketer who had been employed by Jobs himself.
But Scully got away with it. By the time of his release, Jobs was arguing with everyone in the company, from programmers to coffee machine maintenance technicians. Much, much later, Jobs said that getting fired was the best thing that could happen to him.
After Apple, he founded Next and Pixar, two failures at the start, until Apple decided to take over Jobs in 1995, more than ten years after his dismissal, due to the brilliant software he had written for Next. At the time, Next and Apple were both on the verge of bankruptcy, but when they joined forces, it all fell into place. Jobs then became the marketing leader for Apple. Although he was a pain in the ass as a marketer.
Tags: Steve Jobs , Apple , fruit only diet, nutrition
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