Back On Earth After His Time In Space, Jeff Bezos Is "Stunned" And "Stunned" -PHOTOS

Back on Earth after his (very short) trip to space, billionaire and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos shared his first feelings alongside his three traveling companions. Selected pieces.


By YEET MAGAZINE  Updated 0518 GMT (1318 HKT) August 2, 2021

Exactly fifty-two years after Neil Armstrong, Jeff Bezos, chose this Tuesday, July 20, 2021 to take his turn to space.  Everything went perfectly for eleven minutes.

Back on Earth after his (very short) trip to space, billionaire and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos shared his first feelings alongside his three traveling companions. Selected pieces.

The New Shepard thruster, with a capsule at its top carrying Jeff Bezos and three other passengers, took off from the company's space base in the Texas desert at 8:11 am local time (13:11 GMT), a few minutes late. schedule.

The press conference that followed was much longer than the flight itself. While he had just spent some three minutes in space weightlessness, Jeff Bezos, caught up by terrestrial gravity, developed at will the sensations felt during this brief experience.


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VIDEO - On board his Blue Origin rocket, Jeff Bezos in turn flew into space

It is the culmination of several years of investment, research, trials and failures. Then it was in a few minutes a successful takeoff, a space flight beyond the barrier of 100 km of altitude, and finally a return to the land of Texas in a capsule slowed down by three giant parachutes. Jeff Bezos made his "dream" of seeing Earth from above come true on a private manned flight, which should have been the first in history if Virgin boss Richard Branson had not inelegantly preceded him on July


Those that Jeff Bezos particularly wanted to thank, during a public presentation barely two hours after his return, are ... Amazon customers. His stratospheric fortune, entirely based on the success of the most important mail order brand in the world, will indeed have allowed him to invest in this adventure - which before him, Richard Branson or Elon Musk - had not been attempted. than by powerful states.

YEET MAGAZINE - SPACE EXPLORATION BLUEORIGIN The New Shepard thruster, with a capsule at its top carrying Jeff Bezos and three other passengers, took off from the company's space base in the Texas desert at 8:11 am local time (13:11 GMT), a few minutes late. schedule.

“I want to thank every Amazon employee, ” he shuddered, “and every Amazon customer, because you guys paid for it all. my heart, thank you " . Returning to the question that had been asked to him by the moderator of the conference, about his feelings during the flight, he finally let out a huge "Oh my god!" .


  • Bezos vs Branson: Star Wars
  • Jeff Bezos: space, his new playground
  • VIDEO - On board his Blue Origin rocket, Jeff Bezos in turn flew into space

Stunned, stunned, by the Earth and its beauty, but also its fragility- Jeff Bezos

Delving into a brief digression, Bezos described his few minutes at "zero gravity" as "so peaceful and floating," that it fleetingly struck him as " in fact " much more natural to humans than gravity " . Then he retraced his steps in that of his predecessors in the conquest of space: "Everyone who has been in space said that it had changed them" , he recalled, " and that they were amazed, stunned, by the Earth and its beauty, but also its fragility ... and I completely agree " .

YEET MAGAZINE - SPACE EXPLORATION BLUEORIGIN Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk and Oliver Daemen

Jeff Bezos also wanted to send a message, and insisted a lot on the perception he had of the fragility of the "thin fragile layer" that is the atmosphere which protects the Earth, which we think immense "when we move on. this planet " , and to which " we are inflicting damage " . "It's one thing to recognize it, " he hammered, "but it's another thing to see with your own eyes how fragile it really is."

  • VIDEO - On board his Blue Origin rocket, Jeff Bezos in turn flew into space

The affective was very present at the heart of the approach of Jeff Bezos, who in addition to flying with his brother, was greeted by his parents when he left the capsule, then gave his mother a necklace during the public conference. , which he had around his neck during the flight.

The New Shepard thruster, with a capsule at its top carrying Jeff Bezos and three other passengers, took off from the company's space base in the Texas desert at 8:11 am local time (13:11 GMT), a few minutes late. schedule.

But if he placed the event under the affective and family sign, Bezos also wanted to summon the great figures of aeronautical legend, just to establish in what lineage he situates his own feat. His brother thus took on board a canvas fragment from the Wright brothers' pioneer plane, and a medallion made during the first hot-air balloon flight, carried out in Versailles in 1783.

For his part, Jeff Bezos took home the homemade glasses that aviator Amelia Earhart wore to protect herself from the light over the Atlantic. "I like to think" , allowed himself to launch the billionaire by putting on the glasses, "that if Amelia was there, she would be very proud of us" , before embracing the pilot Wally Funk, also of the trip to 82 years old.

The New Shepard thruster, with a capsule at its top carrying Jeff Bezos and three other passengers, took off from the company's space base in the Texas desert at 8:11 am local time (13:11 GMT), a few minutes late. schedule.
We're gonna build a road to space- Jeff Bezos

If the former boss of Amazon, since he has just left the management, embodied this day of his active and emotional presence, he does not lose sight of the primary objectives pursued since the creation of Blue Origin in 2000 : the creation of floating and habitable space colonies, where millions of people could live. "We are going to build a road to space" he concluded, "so that our children and our grandchildren can build the future" .

Keywords : blue origin, jeff bezos,jeff bezos space price, jeff bezos crew space, mackenzie bezos,mark bezos


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