When Is Easter 2022 ? Why Date Changes Every Year And How It's Calculated

“Easter is the Sunday following the 14th day of the Moon which reaches that age on or immediately after March 21 . »

When Is Easter 2022 ?  Why Date Changes Every Year And How It's Calculated

YEET Home  Science   When Is Easter 2022 ?  Why Date Changes Every Year And How It's Calculated

By   Sophia Ava   YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0439 GMT (1239 HKT)February 19, 2022

Calculation of the date of Easter

Related article: Date of death of Jesus .

The calculation of the date of Easter makes it possible to determine the Sunday of Easter and the date of the associated holidays such as Ascension and Pentecost . Easter is the Sunday following the first full moon of spring, that is to say, according to the definition established by the Council of Nicaea in 325:

“Easter is the Sunday following the 14th day  of the Moon which reaches that age on or immediately after March 21 . »

According to this definition, Easter falls between March 22 and April 25 each year.

The history of this definition, its interpretations and its practice is explained in the articleHistory of the calculation of the date of Easter .


  1. Modern method of calculating the date of Easter
  2. 2. Notes and references
  3. 3. See as well
  4. 3.1  Related articles

Modern method of calculating the date of Easter

Many software programs implement the modern method of calculating the date of Easter in the Gregorian calendar, called the Butcher- Meeus method .

The calculation can be done with a simple spreadsheet as explained below, with the year 2006 as an example .

This article presents in detail the calculation of the date of Gregorian Easter according to the Butcher-Meeus method. This description is written in algorithmic form, using only elementary arithmetic operations and without reference to any programming language.

Anyone wishing to program this algorithm will have to find the appropriate instructions in the language or software they are using  . This algorithm does not require any complicated programming: the use of a simple spreadsheet is sufficient. Although this presentation has been carefully checked, it is, in any event, provided as is; it is up to the user to ensure its accuracy and suitability for its uses. If Year ≥ 1583 then  :

Gregorian Easter date (Butcher-Meeus algorithm)
Year19notMeton cycle
Year100vsahundred and rank of the year
vs4syouleap century
c +825pproemptosis cycle
c - p + 13qproemptosis
19  n + c - s - q + 1530andepact
a4bdLeap year
 t + 2  b - e - d + 327Idominical letter
n + 11  e + 22  L451hcorrection
e + L - 7  a.m. +11431mI

If m = 3, Easter Sunday is ( j + 1) MarchIf m = 4, Easter Sunday is April ( j + 1)Example for the year 2006

Date of Gregorian Easter in 2006 (Butcher-Meeus algorithm)
Dividend Value
c +82825p1
c - p + 1203q6
19  n + c - s - q + 1523330and23
 t + 2  b - e - d + 3297I2
n + 11  e + 22  L308451h0
e + L - 7  a.m. +11413931m4I15

m = 4, so month = April;j = 15, so the date of Easter Sunday is 16; that is  April 16, 2006.(Note: for the year 2018, we get m = 4 and j = 0, so Easter Sunday is April 1. )

Notes and references

  1. Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms  ; Richmond (Virginia, USA), Willmann-Bell, 1991, pp.  67–68 .
  2. Warning  : the built-in functions of programming languages ​​for integer arithmetic do not always give the expected results. You have to be very careful about this. See on this subject: Computer implementation of Euclidean division .
  3. The date of Gregorian Easter does not make sense before 1583, as the Gregorian calendar took effect on October 15, 1582 in Rome.

Frequently asked questions

How is the day of Easter determined?

Which day is Easter?

Easter falls on March 22 at the earliest and April 25 at the latest. In the latter case, there is a Full Moon on March 20, so the first spring Full Moon falls on April 18, if it is a Sunday, Easter is on April 25.

What day is Easter?

What date is the Easter weekend?

Date Easter 2021: Sunday April 4, 2021.

What date is the Easter weekend?

When will Easter fall in 2022?

Holiday dates

New Year's Day: Saturday January 1, 2022 .

Easter Monday : Monday, April 18, 2022 .

Labor Day: Sunday, May 1, 2022 .Jan 5, 2022

When will Easter fall in 2022?

When is Easter in 2021?Holidays 2021

The datePublic holidayDay
April 4, 2021EasterSunday
April 4, 2021Easter SundaySunday
April 5, 2021Easter MondayMonday
May 1, 2021Labor DaySaturday
Easter date this year - Calculation
Gregorian Calendar
2000April 23April 30
2001April 15
2002March, 31stMay 5
2003April 20April 27
2004April 11
2005March 27May 1 _
2006April 16April 23
2007April 8
2008March 23April 27
2009April 12April 19
2010April 4
2011April 24
2012April 8April 15
2013March, 31stMay 5
2014April 20
2015April 5April 12
2016March 27May 1 _
2017April 16
2018April 1 _April 8
2019April 21thApril 28
2020April 12April 19
2021April 4May 2
2022April 17April 24
2023April 9April 16
2024March, 31stMay 5
2025April 20
2026April 5April 12
2027March 28May 2
2028April 16
2029April 1 _April 8
2030April 21thApril 28
2031April 13
2032March 28May 2
2033April 17April 24
2034April 9
2035March 25April 29
2036April 13April 20
2037April 5
2038April 25
2039April 10April 17
2040April 1 _May 6