Strugling To Lose Weight After Age 40? A Few Tips To Help You Avoid The Common Mistakes -Personal Experience.

By Danielle Cerulo

Strugling To Lose Weight After Age 40? A Few Tips To Help You Avoid The Common Mistakes -Personal Experience.

From the age of 40, it is possible to lose up to 2 kilos per month without a drastic diet ”.

Because inevitably, at 40, we do not lose weight as quickly as 30 years. The fault has two factors according to the specialist: “ from the forties, we often see a loss of appetite for meat products: women consume more vegetables and starches, but ignore proteins. My journey Following the difficult trials that I had to face in my life, I gained a lot of weight. So much so that in 2010 I weighed exactly 105 kilograms.

When I stepped on the scale, I hallucinated! I, who used to flirt with the 75 kilograms, took a nice slap. This shock shock made me realize that I had to act as quickly as possible and that's what I did. A series of monumental errors: As said before, it was in 2010 that I decided to lose weight (for the first time). I knew one thing: I had to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Mistake 1 : Trying to be on calorie deficit at any cost.

Finally at the time I did not put it that way. My only goal was to eat as little as possible and exercise as much as possible. That's what I did. I had the will of a lion and I maintained my efforts for weeks.

After a few months, I weighed exactly 79 kilograms. I didn't look the same as I used to but I was really happy that I lost so much. People around me were also realizing this and it was extremely flattering. You might ask me, but then where are the famous mistakes?

I'm getting there, don't worry.

Mistake 2 : Wanting to lose so much weight too quickly.

I had drastically reduced my daily calorie intake. Concretely, at the time I did not know how to calculate my macros but I think I was about 700 calories per day. I ate a lot of salad and meat. I eliminated everything that was starchy and stopped eating breakfast. Besides that, I jogged for about 30 minutes every day.

With all of this combined, it was truly unthinkable that I would not lose weight.  That  I had reached my healthy weight.

Mistake 3: Resumed eating as before.

For a while, I continued to jog. But unfortunately for me, it was never an activity that I loved. After about 3 months, I weighed a lot more than before (around 94 kilograms). It was my second shock, but we'll come back to that. First mistake: The very first mistake of this diet is one of the most important.

Mistake 4 : The amount of food I ate was insufficient.

Attention I do not speak to lose weight but to lose weight in good health. And yes! During this period, I put my body to the test! My body was in danger and I just played with my health. I weakened my immune defenses, decreased my protein, carbohydrate, vitamin levels ...

My body did not have what it needed to function properly.

Mistake 5: The lack of nutrients

This usually causes (in addition to poorer health) discouragement, lack of motivation, stress and sometimes even depression. This mistake that I made, many are making it constantly. It is also for this reason that I propose to you just played with my health. I weakened my immune defenses, decreased my protein, carbohydrate, vitamin levels ... My body did not have what it needed to function properly. This lack of nutrients usually causes (in addition to poorer health) discouragement, lack of motivation, stress and sometimes even depression. This mistake that I made, many are making it constantly.

Rather than lose weight, I was playing with my  health.

I weakened my immune defenses, decreased my protein, carbohydrate, vitamin levels ... My body did not have what it needed to function properly. This lack of nutrients usually causes (in addition to poorer health) discouragement, lack of motivation, stress and sometimes even depression.

How to lose weight 100%?

Here are 5 bad habits that keep you from losing weight.

Eat the same foods every day.

If you are in the habit of making the same salad every day, your body will just get used to it and after a while it will stop shedding fat. So what to do in this case? Try to keep a little variety in your meals by experimenting with new ingredients and new recipes.

Eat too fast

Do you come home from work completely hungry and can't wait to swallow your whole meal? Eating too fast prevents the body from digesting food properly and therefore makes it more difficult to lose weight. When you don't take the time to chew well, the feeling of fullness will not come as quickly as you expect, causing you to eat more.

Snack between meals .

Snacking between meals certainly prevents you from losing weight. So what can be done to avoid overeating for dinner? Well, going for a food diary will be a really good way to have the best possible control over your food and know exactly what you eat on a daily basis.

Remember that all calories are the same.

This is not the case . There are some that do more harm than good.

Dieting unrealistic or too restrictive.

The will works like a bacterium, it has a reserve of energy but ends up exhausting itself. This is why diets that are too severe make you lose heart; you just think about eating and you slip away ..... all the opposite of what you want when trying to transform your body.

PS: not all the information to share comes from me. It is from an interesting article that I read on the internet that I saw all this information. Just to teach you a bit more about weight loss.

For the article:

How to lose back fat?

10  replies · Last subscription on 20 April   Reply Response Weight loss

How to lose weight smoothly?

Good evening Danielle! I start by saying and bluntly that it's very simple: you need a good will and some little advice: then 1st point c be careful what you eat that means eat less and of good quality (especially a lot of vegetables-fruits and vegetables-) reduce foods d(more)1Response Weight loss

How to lose weight without diet and quickly?

To lose weight naturally without even thinking about it, the diet must be qualitative and each food category must be consumed in the right proportions. In reality, there is nothing very complex since it suffices to favor raw foods, simple preparations based on natural ingredients.


Strugling To Lose Weight After Age 40? A Few Tips To Help You Avoid The Common Mistakes -Personal Experience.


Strugling To Lose Weight After Age 40? A Few Tips To Help You Avoid The Common Mistakes -Personal Experience.

By Danielle Cerulo



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SIMPLE AND FRIENDLY RECIPES  592 subscribers  A small space to talk about good food. I love to cook, I love to do, I love to share.

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Lose weight sustainably130 subscribersLose weight naturally and permanently thanks to food rebalancing.Discover more spaces Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Jean-Pascal Mouton

Jean-Pascal Mouton· 23 june 2020  Bookseller  

What is the ultimate secret to losing weight?

There are a lot of methods, counting calories, eating healthy, cutting out this or that (sugar, baked goods, fat, etc.), and then it doesn't really work, does it?

One day I noticed that a friend's mother was a nutritionist, so I asked her for her opinion, not scientific, but personal.

She said to me: "Eat the same, but half".

This common sense is intriguing, isn't it? We're not so used to it anymore ...


It means eating from a dessert plate at ALL meals, and never taking it back. If I want a hamburger, or a chocolate Danette, I'm allowed, but I only have to eat half.

We can do otherwise: I reserve for weekends what makes my delicacies : bread, cheese, whiskey. That's less than half, even saying that Friday evening is part of the weekend (5 meals out of 14).

The idea, I imagine, is also to eat healthily, but above all not to be frustrated by no longer eating what you love.

Well, we should do a whole book ( "The Eat-Half Diet" ), stretching a bit (there is a bestseller on the fact that there are advantages to getting up early! - Miracle Morning).


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Profile picture for Guillaume Dabosville

Guillaume Dabosville·Aug 22, 2020 DEA from Lumière Lyon 2 University ( Diploma obtained in 1999 )

I do 15 hours of sport per week but I am not losing weight, what should I do?

Answer: I do 15 hours of sport per week but I am not losing weight, what should I do?

One of the causes can be that when you do "15 hours" of sport per week, you can overestimate the calories expended. Suddenly we "overcompensate" then and so we do not lose weight.

Not to mention that the weight is not only "quantitative". At equal weight and height, you can be muscular in very different ways.

and then there is the complex question of how the metabolism is called upon. It can be different for humans. Some people lose weight well because they have a very active metabolism, others have a slower metabolism which is more difficult to mobilize and which therefore actually tends to burn fewer calories.

and then perhaps that "15 hours" per week corresponds in the specific case to an over training source of a certain form of stress which does not help to lose weight.251  viewsShow 1  positive vote111  comment from Sakora Patrick

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Profile picture for Mickael Mk

Mickael Mk·February 17 Expert in practical and effective solutions for your worries!

How to lose fat effectively?

Losing weight without dieting or exercising and all that? This is possible because we are in the age of high technology and in this case there are ultrasonic degreasing machines that immediately remove toxins and grease directly from the applied place.


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Brut Anplan·January 5Knowledge: EnglishIf you had only one choice to lose weight, between exercise and diet, what would you choose?Hello For my part, I chose food. I lost 20 kilos with the synergy nutrition 360 method, I started the program with sports, but I had some personal problems and I had to stop, so I kept on eating. But I think the best rest of com(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Matthias Loose

Matthias loose·December 17 Knowledge: English

What should I eat (all meals exact doses) to lose 10 kg as quickly as possible I would follow to the letter I am 1m65 62 kg?

My wife lost 16kg in 6 months! Her diet? No ! Sport ? No ! Are you aware of the number of calories you consume per day? For a woman it is 1800Kcal / day maximum… If you consume less, you lose. I advise you to download the app "The secret of weight". It allows you to scan(more)53Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Joël Elisée

Joel Elisha·December 1Studied at Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast)How to lose weight while at home?

You know, losing weight is first and foremost a self-made decision.

I myself have been in this situation. There are several methods for losing weight. There are some that cost nothing at all and are reliable. If you would also like to take advantage of it, I invite you to leave me a message at this gmail address: holydelmaud @gmail. com (remove spaces in the address).32  views11  comment from Joël EliséeResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Junior Séri

Junior Series·August 24, 2020 Bachelor in Computer Science and Sports , Tertiary and Technological University LOKO ( Diploma obtained in 2017 )

How to lose weight effectively by following a slimming program suitable for all?

I have a great guide to effectively losing weight: Powered by: Also, don't forget that you need to vary your diet by taking fruits and vegetables (the base), playing sports (jogging) on ​​a regular basis. preference) and have optimal sleep.Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Victor Livera

Victor livera·Translator · March 27  Previous place: France

Profile picture for Mattis Rogers

Mattis rogersFormerly Personal Trainer ( 2003 - 2017 )This answer may not be an accurate translation of Mattis Rogers' answer in Quora in English  :How do I lose my belly without going to the gym?

How to lose my stomach without going to the gym?

You get the six pack in the kitchen, not in the gym. So you are on the right track.

Here is how I did it:

  1. I stopped snacking. Snacking is the death of fat loss because calories add up quickly and small portions of food increase your appetite (yes, increase). I drank soda water and black coffee instead of devouring 200-600 kcal with cookies and salted nuts.
  2. I stopped having breakfast. Intermittent fasting helps regulate your appetite, which helps you stay in a calorie deficit.
  3. I started eating one BIG meal a day and two small meals. The "Enduring Law of Hunger Management" = To make your diet less bad, eat larger, more satisfying meals.
  4. I increased my NEAT (calories burned outside of exercise). Non-sport activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the forgotten little kid of fat loss. It just means that you can burn a lot of calories by moving more! Take walks. Park your car further away from the office. Walk your dog for 10 km. The calories you burn by brisk walking are not to be sneezed at.
  5. Stop eating out of boredom. When I was bored, I ate out of habit. I estimate that I was consuming around 300-500 kcal of snacking to cope with boredom. As soon as I replaced snacking with reading or listening to music ... oh miracle! I lost weight almost immediately.
  6. Eat more vegetables and lean protein. In my rotation: Tuna salad, steak and sweet potatoes, brown rice and chicken, lentil soup, Greek yogurt and blueberries. A cheesecake every now and then.

Let me know in the comments how this has worked for you.

I am wholehartedly with you.869  viewsShow 1  positive vote1

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Profile picture for Eva Thobs

Eva thobs· June 27, 2020 Life coach, author of THOBS, method to lose weight. at ( 2017 - today )

What are the recipes to lose weight fast?

The fastest: Water morning, noon, evening. We lose, that's for sure and very quickly. Preparation time 20 seconds with tap water. Maximum loss observed: 30 kilos in one month. Otherwise, we can ask ourselves whether we want to lose quickly or permanently.

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How to lose weight and what is the solution?

18  replies · Last the subscription ago 3  hoursReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Ella Rosa

Ella Rosa ·October 19, 2020Knowledge: English

Can you lose weight without changing your diet?

Yes indeed you can lose weight without changing your diet: 1- by taking the time to chew each bite properly, 2- by practicing regular physical activity, 3-by learning to distinguish real hunger from other sensations such as the urge to eat , boredom, stress, etc ...140  views

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Profile picture for Health And Well Being

Health and wellbeing·March, 31stKnowledge: English

Why is it so hard to lose weight at 43?

Hello ,

from the age of 40, it is possible to lose up to 2 kilos per month without a drastic diet ”.

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Yannick Dedo·December 1 Passionate about sports nutrition and triathlon

What are your tips for losing weight? Answer: What are the tips for losing weight?

You may be successful in losing a few pounds if you change your eating habits and increase your physical activity. Without starving or depriving yourself, but just by changing a few habits and becoming aware of your body's needs. Precisely a great article talks about it, and tells us how a few actions that we practice on a daily basis can help us lose weight naturally and effectively: Top 10 tips for losing weight quickly | The Nutrition Blog57  views11  comment from Josué Kristo

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Profile picture for Celine Ryon

Celine Ryon·26 november Project manager ( 2019 - today )

Can I lose weight just by playing sports and without changing my diet?

To "lose weight for sport", you must first prepare yourself mentally for the essential steps to be taken. It is impossible to lose weight without changing your eating habits. If you don't feel like you can change your habits right now, take the time you need to prepare for it. The best way to mentally prepare to transform your body is communicating with others. Explain your goal to your partner, friends or anyone you trust. Ask for their support. With the support of those around you, it is easier for you to lose weight without exercising.91  viewsShow 1  positive vote111  comment from Samuel TanguayResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Lotfi Tabet

Lotfi Tabet December 3

What is the best healthy diet for weight loss?

I recommend the keto diet, which is used for weight loss and treating certain illnesses. It is a diet high in fat and protein and low in carbohydrates (starches and sugars). More importantly, 70% of calories come from fat, 25% from protein, and 5% from carbohydrates. I'll walk you through keto macros and how to calculate them in detail. Also known as the Ketogenic Diet or Ketogenic Diet, it is classified in the scientific community as a low-carb, high-fat diet, a low-carb diet, or a low-carb diet.76  views

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Profile picture for Sarah Kassa

Sarah kassa·26 november Security guard at G4S ( 2018 - present )

What is the surefire way to lose weight permanently?


That's a very good question ! Being myself from a family of naturally fat people and today miraculously of acceptable build (easier to live with in society) 😊 I studied the question in order to keep my new body without returning to my natural stage

To get there I followed a healthy diet without too much fatty food while practicing some regular physical activities 😊 with my fiance it has become a very pleasant way of life 😍

However, I would have liked to share the video that helped me with my transformation in 2018 but Quora does not allow us to share direct links

If you want to write to me on my Kassasarah75 @ gmail address. com (raise the spaces before and after the point) I hope I have been useful to you 😚😚

Kassa Sarah312  views

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Profile picture for Giovanni JJE

Giovanni JJE·August 14, 2020  Information Science of the University Antilles and Guiana ( Graduated in 2019 )

How to lose belly fat naturally?


Internet is vast, many things are offered and I was able to select a wise choice for you in order to promote weight / belly loss, effectively and naturally, I invite you to send me a message on this address: gioboynathan @gmail . com (remove spaces from the address)46  views22  comments from Labonté Jean and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Choop Services

Choop Services·January 3 Knowledge: English

What food can you eat 3 times a day that is healthy and has enough nutrients to lose weight without eating anything else?

Characteristics of a balanced weight loss program: Any weight gain or loss is the result of a change in our calorie intake. To achieve what is called the energy balance, you have to spend as much energy as you consume. Calories represent the energy value of food. The more calories the food is, the more energy we have to expend to compensate.

This statement concerns men (57%) as much as women (67%) - Pastelink.net788  viewsShow 1  positive vote1

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Profile picture for Yelena J Jenner

Yelena J Jenner·3rd of  

Profile picture for IMPROVEYS

IMPROVEYS·April 20dietetic

walking help you lose weight?

Yes, walking helps you lose weight. At a certain pace of course, around 3 to 4 hm / h, not the Sunday family walk. It is also the best way to burn calories for a person who does not practice physical activity.Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Abderahmen Elkamel

Abderahmen Elkamel·October 9, 2020

Project Manager | product owner | IT consultant ( 2013 - present )

How can you lose weight permanently?Hello, To lose weight I suggest you drink lots of water and exercise at your own pace. Eating a healthy diet rich in fiber is a great way to lose weight and keep in shape, too. I also suggest this book if you want to have other tips q(more)2Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Jonathan Richard

Jonathan richard·February 17Food AdvisorHow do you make sure you lose weight and never gain it back?

There is a simple method to put in place to lose weight sustainably, and never regain.

However, let's face it: it will only work if you stick to these good habits for life.

And this is where the main problem is:

How to hold out over time?

Because there are tons of diets. But for the most part, sticking to it is impossible.

In part, because they are:

  • Restrictions
  • Frustrating
  • Binding
  • And even devoid of pleasure

These are practices that I do not endorse, and which can be harmful in the long term.

Moreover, if today some obese people can no longer lose weight despite the fact that they eat very little, it is largely because of diets. (and more precisely calorie restriction)

If some people can no longer control their impulses and start devouring packets of cookies, it is in large part because of the diet. (and more precisely the deprivation of food)

That's why something else is needed.

A method that thinks long term and is gentle on your body.

And that's when you will increase your chances of lasting weight loss.

Now, as a great man (Ford?) Said, "There are no guarantees in life, if you want a guarantee, do you buy a toaster!"

This method is effective. And I get great results. However, it takes longer than a diet.

  1. It requires spending time in the kitchen.
  2. Take the time to choose foods.
  3. To learn about food.
  4. And above all: these are habits to keep for life.

So yes, it's not sexy what I'm saying. And the magic pill on TV is more appealing.

However, if you really want to feel better about your body, rebalancing your diet is key.

It is by relearning how to eat properly that you will achieve lasting results. But on one condition:

Pleasure should be part of your diet!

If your diet is "perfect" 100% of the time, you will eventually give up and give up your new good habits.

Don't turn a diet rebalancing into a diet!

  • You can eat large plates.
  • You can indulge yourself with cookies.
  • You can even have dessert at the restaurant!

The trick is to understand how it works. And to go there step by step. To rebalance your diet gradually and without taking your head.

If you are interested, I invite you to read my article on the basics of food rebalancing.

The bases of a food rebalancing: losing weight with pleasure! - Nourish Your Body8.2k  viewsShow 12  positive votes1277  comments from Marion Antoine and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Arianne Lomi

Arianne lomi·December 5  Knowledge: English

How to lose fat without exerting a lot of physical effort?


Among everything we can find on the internet, there is a guide that really allows you to lose weight quickly. This guide is free, if you are interested, I will be happy to share the info with you, just send me a message. send a message to ariannelomi @ gmail .com (Please remove spaces in the address).107  views

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Profile picture for Soufiane Naym

Soufiane Naym·22 decemberKnowledge: English

What diet should I do to lose pounds in 2 weeks?

I find it difficult to lose weight while practicing sport, on the other hand I can advise you to try this program which allows you to balance your daily diet and you can drop up to 20kg of your weight while remaining in good health, following this program n(more)3Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Abdoul Ngafar

Abdoul Ngafar·December 4Location: K ( 2018 - today )

How to lose weight without side effects?

Intermittent Fasting is a revolutionary approach to not only losing weight, but also helping your digestive tract to rest, helping you feel better and prevent health problems.

So how does it work?

The idea is that you have an open eating period where you don't restrict your food intake, and fasting periods where you refrain from eating.

Times vary, the most popular being eating for 8 hours and fasting for 16 hours.

Fasting can also bring a lot of benefits:

  • Fat burning
  • Low blood sugar and reduced insulin resistance
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • And a longer life69  views11  comment from Souad Belkacemi
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Profile picture for Omar Cherti

Omar Cherti·8 Marchhealth

How to lose weight smoothly?

Do you want to lose weight? Yes, exercise is best, but there are some things that don't require you to sweat and that can help shed the pounds.
Surprising tips for losing weight [ 1 ]

Exercise is the key to most weight loss programs because it helps you burn more calories, and more calories burned equals more pounds lost. But what if you hate exercise? Is it necessary to lose weight? It certainly helps you stay healthy (by speeding up your heart rate and strengthening your muscles), but it doesn't have to be. There are ways to lose pounds without exercising. Here's how :

Footnotes[ 1 ] The 7 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercising467  viewsShow 1  positive vote1

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Profile picture for Esther Osi

Esther Osi·February Knowledge: Spanish

How to lose weight in this new year?

For my part I think that weight loss should be accompanied by regular sports activity.

I also think that you have to have fun during your time there so that it does not become a chore.

Personally I use dance, I find it nice to alternate cardio and weight training on music. We do not even see the time pass.

Here it can help, I really like her videos, she regularly posts ShrinkMe.io52  viewsShow 1  positive vote1

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Profile picture for Caroline Amine

Caroline Amine·February 25 Passionate about nutrition and healthy eating

Which diet is the most tolerant, but allows you to lose weight?

The Mediterranean diet has long been studied by science as the most balanced and healthy diet. It is a question of consuming fruits and vegetables in abundance, limiting red meat, favoring poultry meat or fish instead. Also consume oilseeds and good oils (olive, hemp, rapeseed, etc.). Also eat whole grains (limit white bread). Limiting sugar is also a rule of this type of diet. Sugar is known for its inflammatory action and encourages people to eat more.

Good continuation !33  views

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Comment this contentQuestions for youAdded question Weight lossDoes calorie loss immediately translate into weight loss? Otherwise how long does it take?1  reply · Last the subscription ago 12  hoursReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Yass Karim Traore

Yass Karim Traore·March 1 Medical

having a drink every night make you fat?Hello, Here is an element of response to your request. The aperitif is the jungle of calories in all their forms. What should I drink? To avoid gaining weight, it is therefore necessary to ignore alcohols, but also sugar. You will be very careful with sodas, some contain the equivalent of(more)1Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Hafiz Hfz

Hafiz Hfz·January the 21st Knowledge: English Why am I not losing weight when I am in a calorie deficit? I am taking in 900 calories a day but still not losing weight.Good evening dear friend . The funny thing about the story is that I all just saw a question like this on the internet. I will answer you hoping that my answer will help you. I'm going for it . You must be in a calorie deficit dear friend. With 900 calories this is not the case. I hear(more)29Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Marie Kergosien from Kergariou

Marie Kergosien de Kergariou· Updated on February 12, 2019Formerly published in Wolvendael magazine ( 2020 - 2020 )

Where does the fat go when you lose weight?

Prepare to see your worldview totally turned upside down.

* Dramatic introductory music *

Ladies and gentlemen,

after a week of intense diet, maybe even two or three for the most motivated among you, good resolutions oblige, your fat does not disappear by magic.

Nothing is lost, everything is transformed as my dad said. I know that a lot of people will tell you that it comes from a certain Lavoisier, I don't know who. These are lies, this sentence is from my daddy.

Okay, now that we're clear on this and my scientific credibility is established, let's move on to what brings you.

The body has several forms of fat, the chemical formulas of which are as follows:

  • C36H72O6
  • C55H104O6
  • C60H120O6

All of these molecules that make up our fat have the same number of oxygen atoms, six.

Let's take the formula C55H104O6 which contains an average number of carbon and hydrogen atoms to get a general idea of ​​what we get.

The reaction that turns your wonderfully round butt into an equally charming little ass is:

C55H104O6 + 78 (O2) => 55 (CO2) + 52 (H20)

Basically, I made it short because you've had a long day and it's well known anyway, we are now unable to focus more than 4 minutes on any task.

10 kg of kinder surprise / raclette / tartiflette + you who breathe => 8.4 kg of carbon dioxide + 1.6 kg of water

I see you coming, no need to cancel your jog tonight and start breathing like hell or go back and forth between the sauna and the toilet, it doesn't work that way.

I know, life is unfair.

I strongly urge you to watch the TEDx talk which provided the information for this answer. The guy is so cool. There are experiments with smoke and everything. A madness.

The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

Mr.68.5k  viewsShow 184  positive votes1842121  comments from Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz and other users Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Samantha Fitop

Samantha fitop·Aug 15, 2020 Formerly Fitness woman

What to do to lose weight in 30 days?


I have faced this problem myself, there is a guide that really achieves awesome results. This guide is free in addition to being very powerful. If you would like to try it as well, message me on this address samantha.fitop@gmail. com36  views33  comments from Gaëtan Berna and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Palmieri Arnaud

Palmieri Arnaud·September 5, 2020 Knowledge: English

I do 15 hours of sport per week but I am not losing weight, what should I do?


Among all the relevant information that can be found on the internet, relating to this topic, there is a guide that allows you to increase satisfactory results in the field of weight loss.

This guide is 100% offered in addition to being very explicit. If you would also like to take advantage of it, I would be delighted to help you and for that, I invite you to contact me at this address:

advice.on.internet@gmail. com

(note: remove all spaces when typing the address)

Good day to you and best regards

Arnaud73  views11  comment from Santé PlusResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Franc Colombet

Franc Colombet·December 12

BLOGGER at IPTV ( 2016 - present )

How to lose fat effectively?

Losing weight is not a very difficult thing, if one regularly follows a routine, a suitable diet chart; and does exercises. If you think you need to lose weight, you need to change your eating habits first. For this, it is best to consult a dietician, who can provide you with an appropriate diet chart, which you must follow every day. Try to eat healthy foods, such as green vegetables, fresh fruits, juices, grains, oats, skim milk, etc. Avoid sugar, fatty and spicy foods, junk food, and other high calorie diets as they lead to obesity and are unhealthy. For more suggestions, consult an expert in this field.101  views22  comments from Problems And Solutions and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Cherizier Wilson

Cherizier Wilson 23 october 2020  

Can we lose weight just by changing our diet?

Good evening to all of you. If you want to lose weight or say goodbye to fat you can do the following by clicking on the link:

If you want the most advanced methods of weight loss please contact me at: wilsoncherizier2@gmail.com47  views

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Profile picture for Samsome Kouakou

Samsome Kouakou·February 20 Knowledge: French

How to lose weight sustainably without depriving yourself? Original answer: How can I lose weight without this deprived of eating?

IT Try to eat within 15 to 20 minutes most of the time. If you have eaten quickly and are still physically hungry, wait 10-15 minutes before taking something else. Often, it is realized that it was enough. TO FIND OUT MORE CLICK HERE kouaristide2@gmail.com212  views

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AnonymousFebruary 23

How did you manage to lose weight?

I stopped eating bread and cheese in industrial quantities (before that, I could take 4 or 5 bagels with two tons of cream cheese on top ^^ "). I also slowly reduced the number of dishes that I ate for supper / lunch (Imagine you, I could take up to three large bowls) In 2 months, I immediately went from 54 kg to 52. It may not be a lot but hey… J 'was (and I still am) very self-conscious about my legs and it helped me to refine them a bit (the walks also helped me)1.2k  views

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Do you like make diet & lose weight safely?5  replies · Last subscription on 8 AprilReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Didier Anagonou

Didier Anagonou·February 16Doctor ( 2016 - present )

How to lose weight effectively by following a slimming program suitable for all?

Losing weight isn't a harder goal than you might think. You just need to put in place good new habits such as: Exercising, avoiding excess fruit juice, sugar, fast food, eating less quickly, etc. I still have other solutions that you can test and(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Gallence François

Gallence Francois·December 8 Formerly Company Manager

What is the ultimate secret to losing weight?

Have you noticed that there is a people who almost only have thin people? These are ethnic Vietnamese!

Of course, there is also a small part of genetics, but follow their diet and you will find that you will lose weight!

They mainly eat rice, Asian vegetables, some meat or fish, aromatic herbs and fruits!

Also by taking moderate portions if possible organic, and doing a little sport you will lose weight :)

Vietnamese cuisine in 20 essential dishes14k  viewsShow 35  positive votesShow shares35277  comments from Elle Est Minyoung and other users  Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Max Axel Tigri

Max Axel Tigri·Jan 13Knowledge: English

What are the foods that make you lose weight quickly?

Losing weight is not as difficult a goal as you might imagine. Everything is a matter of awareness and to implement all the means or methods prescribed. Therefore if you adopt good daily habits and if you gradually stop your old days.(more)13Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Yazid Kora Zaki

Yazid Kora Zaki·20 october 2020  Knowledge:

you lose weight without changing your diet?

Yes, you can change your way of eating while always eating the same things, exercising while sleeping and doing several other things. I sincerely invite you to move closer to the next page for a better experience

How to lose weight without changing your diet?

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Profile picture for Patrick Schmider

Patrick schmiderDecember 6

Can you lose weight by eating the same food for several days?

Obviously! Weight loss is all about being in a calorie deficit, that's all. If you keep up with 1600 calories and eat 1000 calories of milka or spinach you will lose the same weight. Now is optimal? No, because the variety of elements provide multiple vitamins and minerals which help the machine to work more efficiently. I eat the same foods every day and in two batches, at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. after my workouts, I mix spinach leaves with 3 flat eggs, garlic, tomatoes, grated carrot, tuna, avocado, walnuts, turmeric and pepper , later I eat a vegetable soup, a kiwi and half a banana clafoutis with extra homemade protein. This food provides me with 40% carbohydrates, 50% protein 10% lipids and all the vitamins, minerals fiber for the day so it is very controlled and very good to eat, It is also faster for shopping and never wastes waste, after a certain period I would change an element like replacing the grated carrots with beets or red beets. bananas with cherries, I follow the seasons but basically I always eat a big salad, soup and protein clafoutis. 90% of the year, the 10% that remains, it is the holidays, the restaurants etc where I eat normally !!87  views

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Profile picture for Charline Royer

Charline Royer ·September 25, 2020 Naturopathic practitioner

How to lose weight without great effort?

A healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet, physical activity and the management of your emotions.

Indeed, it is important to have a healthy diet to avoid products that are too sweet and too fatty, which can make you fat.

Putting your body in motion makes it easier to eliminate toxins from the body, so regular physical activity is essential.

Managing emotions is also important because emotions can affect our behavior (maybe I eat to fill something up, maybe I'm stressed and this impacts metabolic functioning…).

==> a healthy lifestyle can limit weight gain (because many factors can influence weight gain: heredity, disease ..)

I made a video to put in place a healthy diet, I share 7 tips! HOW TO EAT A HEALTHY DIET: 7 TIPS + 1 BONUS531  viewsShow 1  positive vote133  comments from Chx Axj and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Jean-Paul Mignon

Jean-Paul Mignon·March 5 Knowledge: Spanish

What is the best food to eat and the best way to reduce belly fat?

Original answer: What foods can accelerate the melting of belly fat?

Want to lose weight and don't really know how to do it? To lose weight sustainably, it is better to make some dietary adjustments and some exercises rather than depriving yourself unnecessarily.

The lemon

Used for a very long time, lemon is a powerful and effective fat burner .

Our ancestors used lemon for breakfast, on an empty stomach, to better purify the body and wake it up to face the day.

Lemon contains citric acid which is used to destroy fat and promote digestion. It is an excellent citrus fruit for weight loss. It has its place in a weight loss diet.

jean.paul2mignon @ gmail .com


Low in calories with only 20 calories per 100 grams, asparagus can be consumed on a daily basis. You can enjoy asparagus in order to lose belly, thanks to its fibers.

It is a vegetable that participates well in digestion and the proper functioning of transit. This is ideal for avoiding bloating and losing belly fat.

Green tea

Green tea is the most well-known fat-burning ingredient on the planet. It is an element which contains several elements such as the flavonoid and the catechin which are effective and efficient antioxidants .

Green tea also contains theine which works to stimulate the body. Thus, the fats continue to be burned by its consumption.434  views

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Profile picture for Rodolpho Amoussou

Rodolpho Amoussou·November 17 Responsible at Web Master Design ( 2017 - today )

Can I lose weight just by playing sports and without changing my diet?

To be honest, it all depends on your diet and especially on the type of sport you do

Running every morning and evening is not a sport for weight loss, it is a cardiac sport, to stabilize your heart rate.

So the answer is to lose weight within a determined timeframe, you must first of all choose a type of sport based on your diet

Also read What happens if you don't sleep for several days?

What are the subtle things that deteriorate your sanity over time?

The Depression

Is there a quick fix for treating depression?

Home-made beauty tips, amazing!137  views11  comment from Kng Alpha OfficielResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Mubarak Abdel

Mubarak Abdel·December 3  Formerly Knowledge: Russian

How to lose weight what is the best solution?Original answer:

How to lose weight?

Good evening

First of all, sport is a very important activity for the body; for this, it is necessary to have its schedule for the sport and the essential thing is the food.

Other than that, there is a very efficient and fast way to lose fat.

For more details, please contact or write to this address: moubarakabdel98 @ gmail. com (remove the space between the point)55  viewsShow 1  positive vote122  comments from Anouar Errahmouni and other usersQuestions for youAdded question Weight loss  Why am I not losing weight even while exercising every day? 10  responses · Last subscription on Sun.ReplyResponse

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Profile picture for Luc Néron

Luc Nero·September 22, 2020  Formerly Network Administrator

Why is it more difficult to gain weight than to lose it?  

Not for everyone, you have to speak as an ectomorph (although types of body types are debated). I am, so to schematize the thing, at rest your organism goes to 200 per hour, the ectos consume more calories than those which they swallow this, without doing anything ... (a lot(more)

  1. Response Weight loss
Profile picture for Patrick Schmider

Patrick schmider   December 15

What food can you eat 3 times a day that is healthy and has enough nutrients to lose weight without eating anything else?

Silly questions, variety is essential so eating 3 times a day is zero, on the other hand we can put everything together and eat the same thing every day, I make myself a salad every day with spinach, tomato, garlic, carrot, avocado , beets, peppers, eggs, turmeric, pepper, sardines, 10 gr of red meat, later I eat a soup of green vegetables like broccoli etc ... so I eat a little bit of all the foods to have all that I need . Read a spoonfed book, it's in English but after this you would know everything4.6k  viewsShow 18  positive votes1833  comments from David Sabah and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Kouakou Kouadio Franck Arnaud

Kouakou Kouadio Franck Arnaud·October 31  Bible exchange and life lessons

How to lose weight quickly and easily without changing your eating habits?

My contribution Lose time why necessarily lose weight. We can not all be necessarily thin this is not the standard form prescribed by God. But on the other hand we can feel in great shape so I advise you to play sports on a daily basis.12

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Profile picture for Gerald Oiselay

Gerald Oiselay·Fri.  Location: Namur, Belgium

Does walking help you lose weight?

Hello, Losing our bad fat in the lower abdomen, is it possible? you can see hundreds of tips and miracle methods on the net. What should be done ? my name is Gerald, I will be 50 years old in 2022 and I have a small belly because I like good things (I know it is very bad but good). this(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Christ Goma

Christ Goma·November 27  Professional in Cisco technologies

How to lose weight very quickly?

There is a very effective simple method less known to all that could allow you to lose weight faster without too much difficulty for that I ask you to leave me a message at my personal address for more information concerning this simple method:

bombinobusiness@gmail.com38  views

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Profile picture for Catherine Mendy

Catherine mendy· October  27  in Human Resources Management ( Diploma obtained in 2019 )

How to lose weight especially on the stomach and hips?You can consult these videos, which teach you how to lose weight through physical exercises that you can do at home, and that you can take again to embed them in your new good habits! Video 1: Video 2: Weight loss

Profile picture for Pascal Petitlaf

Pascal Petitlaf· March 7 Engineer at PME

Have you lost weight with intermittent fasting?

Yes. But…

(Please note, my answer is my lived experience, I am neither a specialist in the subject nor a health professional. My answer may therefore deserve corrections.)

It is indirectly that I lost weight thanks to intermittent fasting.

Let me explain. I practiced intermittent fasting of replacing three consecutive meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with water, tea, and coffee, and nothing else. And this every two weeks.

It takes effort, willpower, discipline. But it's ultimately less difficult than I would have thought.

I haven't lost any weight. I didn't feel any better. Intermittent fasting is not so much about losing weight, it is more about relieving the digestive system, including the intestines.

But what intermittent fasting has shown me is that you can live without food for 24 hours. It is quite feasible. I knew it before of course but then I experienced it.

The second thing intermittent fasting has shown me is that middle and upper class people lie when they say they are hungry. When I said "I'm hungry", I was lying, I don't feel hungry, what I feel is the desire, the need for pleasure, I am looking for pleasure. I want to bite into, I want the taste of chocolate, orange, etc. So the "problem" is taste desire.

By realizing that it is not necessary to eat every day, and by recognizing that a non-negligible part of the diet is dedicated to pleasure, I reduced my average amount of food so I lost some kilos. Little by little, as I went along, I naturally and with little effort reduced my quantity of food. In one year I went from a BMI of 25.4 to 24.4.276  views

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Profile picture for Michel Bergeron

Michel bergeron  December 6  

What diet should I do to lose pounds in 2 weeks?

Original answer: What diet should I do to lose pounds in 2 weeks?

Cut the sugars. Pasta . Eat a can of ginger, tumeric, and eat antioxidants. Drink water . Take snacks every 2 hours to focus on methabolism and have a meal over all for lunch, dinner and supper at the same time. Do not go to bed after having eaten.

Good luck46  views22  comments from Souad Belkacemi and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Hafiz Hfz

Hafiz Hfz·December 31st  Knowledge: English

How to lose weight 100%?

Good evening to you . Hope you like my answer.

Here are 5 bad habits that keep you from losing weight.

Eat the same foods every day.

  • If you are in the habit of making the same salad every day, your body will just get used to it and after a while it will stop shedding fat. So what to do in this case? Try to keep a little variety in your meals by experimenting with new ingredients and new recipes.

Eat too fast

  • Do you come home from work completely hungry and can't wait to swallow your whole meal? Eating too fast prevents the body from digesting food properly and therefore makes it more difficult to lose weight. When you don't take the time to chew well, the feeling of fullness will not come as quickly as you expect, causing you to eat more.

Snack between meals .

  • Snacking between meals certainly prevents you from losing weight. So what can be done to avoid overeating for dinner? Well, going for a food diary will be a really good way to have the best possible control over your food and know exactly what you eat on a daily basis.

Remember that all calories are the same.

  • This is not the case . There are some that do more harm than good.

Dieting unrealistic or too restrictive.

  • The will works like a bacterium, it has a reserve of energy but ends up exhausting itself. This is why diets that are too severe make you lose heart; you just think about eating and you slip away ..... all the opposite of what you want when trying to transform your body.

PS: not all the information to share comes from me. It is from an interesting article that I read on the internet that I saw all this information. If you want I can leave you the article link here. Just to teach you a bit more about weight loss.

For the article:

I hope I would have helped you somehow get your question answered.

If you liked my answer give me a positive review 🙃. It always feels good 😁.

All the best ! 🙂22k  viewsShow 52  positive votesShow shares52222  comments from Rhita Zanid and other usersQuestions for youAdded question Weight loss

How to lose back fat?

10  replies · Last subscription on 20 AprilReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Salah Boubri

Salah boubri·February 25

Twenty years practicing martial arts for the maintenance of

How to lose weight smoothly?

Good evening Mounia! I start by saying and bluntly that it's very simple: you need a good will and some little advice: then 1st point c be careful what you eat that means eat less and of good quality (especially a lot of vegetables-fruits and vegetables-) reduce foods d(more)1Response Weight loss

Sleep less stupid icon

Sleep less stupid·December 7 Response from Virginie ouyang

How to lose weight without diet and quickly?

To lose weight naturally without even thinking about it, the diet must be qualitative and each food category must be consumed in the right proportions. In reality, there is nothing very complex since it suffices to favor raw foods, simple preparations based on natural ingredients.241  views Sending accepted byKenji guillemot11  comment from Fred PakaResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Hayat Mahamed

Hayat mahamed·March 21stKnowledge: English

How to lose weight at home quickly?

  1. Continuing to drink plenty of water and avoiding chewing gum is one of the most important tips for losing weight without dieting.
  2. Avoid eating chicken with the skin on as it contains a high percentage of hormones and fats that cause weight gain.
  3. Also, there is an offer for all health and weight loss products, a reduction of 50, and this is a link;  Loading Offer ..Auto-Redirect failed, Please Click Here to continue.  views11  comment from James ALAOResponse Weight loss
Profile picture for Claire Joyeux

Claire Merry·March 5, 2019 I lost 52 kg with vegetable protein and fasting

How to lose weight after 45?Original answer:

What's your secret to losing weight after 45?

Personally, I lost weight when I was 50 (I'm 55 now). And not a little: 52 kg!

This was made possible by two things: a change in diet (I now run on vegetables), and intermittent fasting.

These two things combined have radically transformed me, both physically and mentally.

Intermittent fasting is the royal way to lose weight, and moreover whatever the age but especially when the metabolism slows down with age. The bonus is that fasting has regenerating and rejuvenating effects, among other benefits.

Thanks to these two methods, I was able to change my life after 25 years of obesity and a difficult marriage that plunged me into sadness. Today, I feel good, better than ever!

There is also a blog on which I tell all this, if that tempts you: Recettes Minceur & Bonheur | Lighten up the body and the heart35.5k  viewsShow 63  positive votesShow shares · Reply requested byPatrick crosset6372525  comments from Françoise Mercier and other usersResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Sally Taimforiou

Sally Taimforiou·  April 6 Wwoofing ( 2017 - present )

Does it take long to lose weight?

No, but you must first know exactly why you are taking it or have taken it. For example I am quite lanky but I could not lose weight no matter if I was careful I lost 8 kg by melting everywhere in 1 month without depriving myself of food. But be careful, I was strict with myself(more)32Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Nicolas Pont

Nicolas Pont·January 11Business engineer

How to lose weight easily and quickly?

Hello, I myself wanted to know how to lose weight easily and quickly. I started by watching videos and one caught my attention. Quora does not appreciate too much that we add links directly in our messages ... So, do not hesitate to send me a message at the following email address(more)1Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Hamze Official

Hamze Official·August 14, 2020Knowledge: English

What to do to lose weight in 30 days?

Hello my name is hamze and I want to remind you there is no real way to lose weight immediately but there are some proven ways that if you follow it you will get good results namely follow your daily diet and going to the gym.2Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Junior Séri

Junior Series·August 24, 2020

Bachelor in Computer Science and Sports , Tertiary and Technological University LOKO ( Diploma obtained in 2017 )

I do 15 hours of sport per week but I am not losing weight, what should I do?

Hello, It's amazing what you do (15 hours of sport per week) and the problem is that you don't lose weight. In this case for me you should review your diet and try to adapt your sport to this diet. For your food, I should ask the help of specialists in this mili(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Nathan Martin

Nathan Martin·8 March high level cyclist

How to lose fat effectively? hello, I know a technique that allows you to lose fat without too much difficulty and not very expensive (it is not a diet) that I use personally; what I suggest is to send me a private message with your email address: to take stock of your goalsQuestions for youAdded question Weight loss

Does it take long to lose weight?

15  replies · Last subscription on 7 AprilReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Philologue Pom

Philologist Pom·December 16 Knowledge: English

Why do you regain weight after stopping a weight loss diet?

Hi We often gain weight after a diet because we do not maintain good eating habits most of the time. We think better to talk about it by the end of this week on Health and Good Living. ~ We decide to live well. Passed there to inform you more1Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Lucusluc Mode

Lucusluc Fashion·January 26Wellness Coach / Weight Loss Expert

Is it possible to lose weight by increasing the amount of food?

Hello ! Yes ! you can lose weight by increasing your food amount with healthy foods which promotes the loss of bad calories. What foods to eat in quantity to lose weight? Foods to lose weight 1. Fruits and vegetables. 2. Potato and corn. 3. Whole grain(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Luiry Nguepkap Keumegne

Luiry Nguepkap Keumegne·February 19

License in Health and Sciences , University of Buea ( Diploma obtained in 2013 )How did you manage to lose weight?

In fact, I had a bad back (lower back) some time ago. this disease had almost paralyzed me. After consultation it emerged that I was overweight. In short, to remedy this, a good diet was for me a lot. I limited my meals to one meal per day, this over about a month(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Abalo Serge

Abalo Serge·August 24, 2020

Masteur of Universities ( Graduated in 2013 )

How to lose weight effectively by following a slimming program suitable for all?

When you want to lose weight, and you confide in a cotch, be sure that he can only give what he knows and masters. And when we talk about a suitable program for everyone, means that you can also follow this program and find good results. Maint(more)2Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Poke Mongo

Poke Mongo·March 23Knowledge: FrenchHow to lose pounds easily?

Hello, First of all, know that like everything in life nothing is really "easy", losing pounds requires a long-term commitment. First, we can talk about nutrition and the quality of it: * No more sugar! No more coffee and sweet tea, no more cakes, etc.(more)2Response Weight loss

Profile picture for IMPROVEYS

IMPROVEYS·Sun.dietetic curriculum

Is it normal to gain stomach when you are in your thirties? Thin in the beginning, when and why did you start to gain stomach?

Yes, it is normal to gain stomach. The thirties is an age where the body begins to decrease in these physical capacities for a general tendency. Growth has stopped for a while, the body needs fewer calories, different consumption does not necessarily help (excess,(more)1Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Jonathan Richard

Jonathan richard·March 4Food Advisor

Can you lose weight without changing your diet?

Yes, and fortunately! In fact, it's much easier than you think. People don't make their lives difficult. * No need to count calories * No need to weigh dishes * No need to cut out favorite foods * No need to cut back on portions * No need to exercise. It s(more)215Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Pauline Martinet

Pauline Martinet·Updated April 19 Corporate tax advisor

How to lose 5 kg per week with just one diet?

I am a former top athlete. The muscles that I have gained have been there for years without my taking care of them. Under my little stomach, swimmer's abs, ready to be used again. Like any former top athlete, I have a good foundation in nutrition. All solutions(more)41 Response Weight loss

Profile picture for James David

James david·February 17 Knowledge: English

How to lose weight in 1 week?

Hi everyone, several results exist but there is a more effective way to "lose weight" in a week. For more details, please contact me directly via my email address and I will get back to you: davidzikfoot2020 @ gmail. com (without spaces in the address)1Questions for youAdded question Weight loss

I weigh 58 kg and measure 1m56 how can I lose at least 10 kg?22  replies · Last the subscription ago 12  hoursReplyResponse

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Profile picture for Sarah Kassa

Sarah kassa·November 28 Weight loss in record time

How to lose weight without side effects?

It's quite difficult but possible! You will need to adopt a certain lifestyle and improve your physical condition through regular physical activity. take lemon juice and adopt a healthy diet. Vegetables are full of nutritional value and low in calories,(more)13Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Caroline Amine

Caroline Amine·February 22

Passionate about nutrition and healthy eating

What is the best diet to lose weight fast?

To lose weight quickly, the ketogenic diet is particularly effective, on the other hand as in any diet, the weight may be regained quickly ... The ideal is to learn to eat better, it takes more time but to long term it is much more effective and better for health. I(more)1Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Laouen Celestin

Laouen Celestin·14 november

Knowledge: English

How to decrease excess fat in the body?

Hello among all that I could find on the internet in relation to this subject I found a guide which really allowed me to lose fat, it is offered if you also want to take advantage of it I invite you to send me an email to laouencelestinpro @ gmail. com (remove the spaces in the address(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Anonymous

Anonymous Aug 22, 2020

What's your biggest weight loss?Is it inevitable to be fat? if you think so you can immediately stop reading this text, because it is intended for those who really want to take charge and who believe in a solution. If I post this message it is to tell you that I lost 15 kilos in 1 month without doing regimen(more)Response

Weight loss

Mysied Naturopathy·January 4th  Knowledge: English

What food can you eat 3 times a day that is healthy and has enough nutrients to lose weight without eating anything else?So let me tell you something very simple, the lack of variety (besides leading to deterioration of health) will definitely not lead to weight loss. Variety is the basis of a correct diet. Nature has given us wide choices to create meals going(more)2Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Magatte Diop

Magatte Diop·29 november  Formerly Manageur to Product Marketing ( 2016 - 2019 )

What is the surefire way to lose weight permanently?

Want to lose weight and don't really know how to do it? To lose weight permanently, it is better to do something. Quelque The I Eat, I Mincis MethodResponse Weight loss

Caroline Amine·February 22 Knowledge: French

How to lose weight if you're a woman?

To lose weight sustainably, you have to take good habits. Some of them are very simple, such as eating slowly, chewing food well, and avoiding eating under stress. As far as food is concerned, fruits and vegetables should be favored, but that all(more)21Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Mubarak Abdel

Mubarak Abdel·December 3Formerly Knowledge: RussianCan I lose weight just by playing sports and without changing my diet?

Good evening First of all, sport is a very important activity for the body; for this, it is necessary to have its schedule for the sport and the essential thing is the food. Other than that, there is a very efficient and fast way to lose fat. For more details, please contact or write(more)Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Poke Mongo

Pokemon go·March 25 Location: On land ( 2021 - today )

Which product is effective for losing weight?

So what do you mean by product? If you are talking about food supplement-oriented: * Anaca3 +: It is composed of plant extracts of nopal, artichoke and cola. It promotes weight loss thanks to artichoke, contributes to weight control and reduces calorie intake thanks to nopal, helps burn fat(more)13Questions for youAdded question Weight loss

Can we be underweight and have (bad) cholesterol?

1  reply · Last subscription on 22 AprilReplyResponse Weight loss

Profile picture for Gilbert Bohbot

Gilbert bohbot·April 20Knowledge: English

Does walking help you lose weight?Hello, Yes if it generates an energy expenditure that exceeds the daily calorie intake. I suggest incorporating muscle strengthening exercises into your program and varying the pace of your walking sessions: linear at constant speed or fractional with accelerations for your walking.(more)11Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Danièle Baraban

Daniel Baraban December 6

What diet should I do to lose pounds in 2 weeks?

Limit sugar to no more than 20 grams per day during the diet. In most foods there is sugar and especially in large quantities in all starchy foods: pasta - potatoes - flour - rice - bread…. etc. Check the level of carbohydrates in all foods before consumption(more)4Response Weight loss

Profile picture for Jean Daniel Hoarea

Jean Daniel Hoarea·April 16 My personal experience

How quickly can I lose 10 kilos knowing that I am 61 kilos?

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Amazon Games Is Shaping The Future Of Gaming, Here's Why

Shop Amazon Game Products At YEET 1. New World: Aeternum Deluxe - PC [Online Game Code] Price: $79.99 Discount: 10% BUY NOW 2. Throne and Liberty Celebration Pack: Gold - PC [Online Game Code] Price: $99.99 Discount: 10% BUY NOW 3. New World: Aeternum - Deluxe Edition -
7 min read
Anine Bing: Effortlessly Chic, Smart Casual Style You’ll Love
YEET Fashion: Trendsetting Style, Fresh Perspectives

Anine Bing: Effortlessly Chic, Smart Casual Style You’ll Love

ANINE BING | 10mm Waylon Leather Sandals LUISAVIAROMA.COM - 12% discount Discount: 12% BUY NOW ANINE BING | Tay Wool Vest LUISAVIAROMA.COM - 12% discount Discount: 12% BUY NOW ANINE BING | Small Leah Hobo Raffia Effect Bag LUISAVIAROMA.COM - 12% discount Discount: 12% BUY NOW ANINE BING | 10mm Elena
7 min read

Meta Quest VR: Why It's Considered Affordable Luxury – Discover Meta Quest MR, VR Headsets & Accessories

YEET Meta Products Shop Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses $379.99 Buy Now Meta Quest 3S 512GB $499.99 Buy Now Meta Quest Compact Charging Dock $59.79 Buy Now Meta Quest Carrying Case $44.99 Buy Now © 2025 Meta Products Shop. All rights reserved.
3 min read
MUTHA Skincare: The First Inclusive Luxury Brand That Truly Cares About You, the Planet, and Maternal Health
YEET Beauty Hub | Clean Beauty, Skincare & Lifestyle Trends

MUTHA Skincare: The First Inclusive Luxury Brand That Truly Cares About You, the Planet, and Maternal Health

Shop MUTHA Products At YEET 1. MUTHA | Body Contour Serum BUY NOW 2. MUTHA | The Nudist Body Scrub BUY NOW 3. MUTHA | Up All Night Eye Cream BUY NOW 4. MUTHA | No.1 Serum BUY NOW 5. MUTHA | Mutha Pucker Lip Butter BUY NOW 6. MUTHA | Face Oil BUY NOW
11 min read
16ARLINGTON: Glamorous and Bold Fashion – Discover Signature Collections, Iconic Styles, and Must-Have Pieces

16ARLINGTON: Glamorous and Bold Fashion – Discover Signature Collections, Iconic Styles, and Must-Have Pieces

16ARLINGTON | Cindy Feather-Trimmed Sequined Tulle Mini Dress Brand: 16ARLINGTON Merchant: NET-A-PORTER DISCOUNT 12% BUY NOW 16ARLINGTON | Ava Off-The-Shoulder Feather-Trimmed Crepe Mini Dress Brand: 16ARLINGTON Merchant: NET-A-PORTER Commission: 12% BUY NOW 16ARLINGTON | Odessa Cutout Feather-Trimmed Satin Mini Dress Brand: 16ARLINGTON Merchant: NET-A-PORTER DISCOUNT 12% BUY NOW 16ARLINGTON | Women's Vezile
5 min read
KHAITE: Modern-Day Quiet Luxury for Timeless Fashion
YEET Fashion: Trendsetting Style, Fresh Perspectives

KHAITE: Modern-Day Quiet Luxury for Timeless Fashion

KHAITE | Marion Wedge Sandal 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Judo Dress 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Annly Coat 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Sansa Dress 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Mags Dress 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Lohan Dress 15% Discount BUY NOW KHAITE | Vlad Top 15% Discount BUY NOW
5 min read
Ami Colé: Clean Beauty for Melanin-Rich Skin – Glow Up Naturally with Skin-Enhancing Tint & Lip Treatment Oil
YEET Beauty Hub | Clean Beauty, Skincare & Lifestyle Trends

Ami Colé: Clean Beauty for Melanin-Rich Skin – Glow Up Naturally with Skin-Enhancing Tint & Lip Treatment Oil

Shop AMI COLÉ Product At YEET 1. AMI COLÉ | Lip Treatment Oil Trio - Limited Edition Price: $Price Discount: 12% BUY NOW 2. AMI COLÉ | Desert Date Cream Blush & Lip Multistick Price: $Price Discount: 12% BUY NOW 3. AMI COLÉ | Lip Treatment Oil Price: $Price Discount: 12% BUY NOW
5 min read

Arcade1Up Game Machines: Retro Gaming Classics at Home with Modern Convenience

Arcade1Up Big Buck Hunter Pro Deluxe Arcade Machine $599.00 - 4 Classic Games Discount: 12% BUY NOW Arcade1Up Class of 81' Deluxe Arcade Machine $499.00 - 12 Classic Games Discount: 12% BUY NOW Arcade1Up PAC-Man Deluxe Arcade Machine $499.99 - 14 Classic Games Discount: 12% BUY
6 min read
The Bot Wars – ChatGPT Goes to Work Convincing People
Yeet Tech News

Tired of Wasting Food? Reduce Food Waste with Chef-Approved Tips and Tools—See How!

Managing food waste effectively starts with having the right tools, like food waste bins, composters, and disposers designed for modern kitchens. Popular options include indoor compost bins, compostable food waste bags, and recycling-friendly materials like plastic, metal, bamboo, and ceramic. Whether you're looking for decorative kitchen waste bins
3 min read
The Bot Wars – ChatGPT Goes to Work Convincing People

Meta's Bold Leap: AI-Generated Profiles Set to Redefine Social Media

By YEET Editorial Team Social media giant Meta is taking a groundbreaking step into the future by integrating millions of AI-generated profiles into Facebook and Instagram. These digital entities are designed to mimic real users with profile pictures, bios, and the ability to post and interact online. This move, aimed
2 min read

Web Hosting in 2025: Why HostPapa is Europe’s Top Choice

European web hosting 2025, green hosting Europe, HostPapa hosting Europe, WordPress hosting in Europe, eCommerce hosting Europe, best hosting provider Europe, HostPapa plans Europe, fast and reliable hosting Europe, sustainable web hosting Europe, hosting in Nordic countries, hosting in Southern Europe, affordable hosting Eastern Europe. START NOW Building your online
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  25 High-Performing Smartphones You Can Buy Under $500

25 High-Performing Smartphones You Can Buy Under $500

affordable smartphones under $500, best budget smartphones, top-rated smartphones, high-performance smartphones, premium smartphones under $500, smartphones for students, smartphones for professionals, Samsung budget smartphones, Google affordable phones, OnePlus smartphones, smartphones with long-lasting battery, best camera smartphones under $500, smartphones with crystal-clear display, high-speed connectivity phones, vibrant display smartphones, multitasking smartphones,
6 min read
  These Influencers Aren't Flesh and Blood, Yet Millions Follow Them on Instagram - YEET

These Influencers Aren't Flesh and Blood, Yet Millions Follow Them on Instagram - YEET

By YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0200 GMT (1000 HKT) December 11, 2024 TECH & WEB For some time now, social media—Instagram in particular—has witnessed the rise of strange, half-human, half-robot avatars: virtual influencers. This phenomenon is as fascinating as it is unsettling. Take Lil Miquela, with her 3 million
5 min read
 New Galaxy S25 Series Leak: Samsung's Exciting Surprise Offer Revealed

New Galaxy S25 Series Leak: Samsung's Exciting Surprise Offer Revealed

By YEET Magazine Editorial Team Samsung’s Galaxy Watch7 is set to redefine the fitness smartwatch market with a suite of advanced health-tracking features that could outshine its competitors, including the Apple Watch Series 9. Jan 04 Update: New Details on Watch7’s Groundbreaking Sensors Recent leaks from TechLab Insider
2 min read
The Bot Wars – ChatGPT Goes to Work Convincing People

The Bot Wars – ChatGPT Goes to Work Convincing People

5 Technologies Shaping the Future of Business The business landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, fueled by groundbreaking technologies that are redefining how companies operate and deliver value. From automation to enhanced connectivity, the future is now. Let’s dive into the 5 game-changing innovations reshaping industries globally: By Sophia
2 min read
Google Search Is Getting a Huge AI Upgrade, and It’s Coming Fast

Google Search Is Getting a Huge AI Upgrade, and It’s Coming Fast

Yeet Magazine Stay Ahead of the Trends - Tech, Culture, & More Liam Carter Yeet Staff | TECH Liam Carter is a tech enthusiast and digital creator who specializes in breaking down trends in AI, blockchain, and the Metaverse. Known for his insightful analysis on TikTok, Liam has garnered a following
4 min read

The Virtual “Cryptokick” Sneaker Brand RTFKT, Owned by Nike, Shuts Down

Nike’s unexpected acquisition of the virtual sneaker brand RTFKT in 2021 now joins the growing list of pandemic-era crypto ventures that ultimately failed to deliver. By Mia Rodriguez – YEET MAGAZINE | Published: December 3, 2024, 10:00 AM | Updated: December 3, 2024, 3:45 PM Founded in 2020, RTFKT announced
4 min read
 Metaverse The AI and Synthetic Derivatives Revolutionizing the Future!

Metaverse The AI and Synthetic Derivatives Revolutionizing the Future!

An AI-powered metaverse platform, is revolutionizing how virtual worlds are designed, created, and monetized. With advanced technology, MIRAI offers a democratic model for building virtual worlds while opening untapped economic opportunities, redefining the digital landscape. By Sophia Langston – YEET MAGAZINE | Published: December 3, 2024, 10:00 AM | Updated: December 3,
2 min read
 Shop Yellow Label Co. Now: The Trendsetter in Unisex Fashion &  Sustainable Style
YEET Fashion: Trendsetting Style, Fresh Perspectives

Shop Yellow Label Co. Now: The Trendsetter in Unisex Fashion & Sustainable Style

Shop YEET's Curated Customized Collection
5 min read
 Shop Yellow Label Co. Now: The Trendsetter in Unisex Fashion &  Sustainable Style

Bluesky: The New Social Media Platform You Should Know About

What is Bluesky? A New Kind of Social Network By Krystal Lora (@krystalmartinette) YEET MAGAZINE | Published on November 19, 2024 | Updated at 2:00 PM (CET) Bluesky: The New Social Media Platform You Should Know About Bluesky is a groundbreaking social media platform that operates differently from traditional networks like
3 min read
    Robot Waiters Chopping Fruit in the Streets of China: A New Era of Dining Innovation

Robot Waiters Chopping Fruit in the Streets of China: A New Era of Dining Innovation

Experience the Future of Food with YEET MAGAZINE By YEET MAGAZINE | Published on November 19, 2024 | Updated at 2:00 PM (CET) Robot Waiter Chopping Fruit in China: Innovation in Street Food Automation In the bustling streets of China, where street food is a central part of daily life, a
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    The Future of Travel: How Big Data and Flying Buses Will Redefine Mobility

The Future of Travel: How Big Data and Flying Buses Will Redefine Mobility

Discover How Big Data and Flying Buses Are Revolutionizing Urban Mobility for a Faster, Smarter, and Sustainable Future. By YEET MAGAZINE | Published on November 19, 2024 | Updated at 2:00 PM (CET) The Future of Travel: How Big Data and Flying Buses Will Redefine Mobility In the future, flying bus
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 Google’s Upcoming Gemini 2.0: What to Expect from the December Release

Google’s Upcoming Gemini 2.0: What to Expect from the December Release

Gemini AI: The Next Big Thing in Chatbots and Language Models By YEET MAGAZINE | Published on November 18, 2024 | Updated at 2:00 PM (CET) As the AI race intensifies, Google is preparing to unveil its highly anticipated Gemini 2.0 model this December, joining OpenAI and others in what
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   Where To Buy Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max: Release Date, Features, Price, and Everything We Know So Far

Where To Buy Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max: Release Date, Features, Price, and Everything We Know So Far

Latest Tech & Gadgets | Reviews, Trends, and Deals By YEET MAGAZINE | Published on November 16, 2024 | Updated at 2:00 PM (CET) The tech world is buzzing as Apple enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the release of the iPhone 16 series. With questions pouring in about its release date, features, and whether
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