Why Society's Beauty Standards Are Unrealistic, Controlling And A Big Problem For Women.
By Rupsa Debnath | YEET MAGAZINE | Published 0456 GMT (1256 HKT) July 3, 2021 The pressure society places on women comes from many different sources, such as social media platforms.

By Rupsa Debnath | YEET MAGAZINE Updated 0200 GMT (1000 HKT) July 20, 2021
The pressure society places on women comes from many different sources, such as social media platforms.
We constantly compare ourselves with other users, magazines full of "flawless" celebrities who have some serious Photoshop going on (trust me), TV shows, movies, etc. There is so much information out there that it's hard not to feel like we're never good enough.
We must remember that no one person possesses the key to what beauty looks like, and as women, we have so much more than our exterior appearances going on! We don't require society to tell us how to look or act or dress.
This blog post may be a reminder of why you should start loving yourself just the way you are but first, what is beauty?
The answer can be so personal, depending on the person you ask. Unfortunately, society has played a huge role in shaping what we consider to be beautiful. The problem with this is that society's standards of beauty can be controlling and oppressive. In our blog post today, we will discuss how people have been affected by societal pressure for being "beautiful."

Eating disorders are one way an individual might feel like they need to measure up to society’s standard of beauty. According to WebMD, there are four distinct eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Another Specified Feeding or eating disorders. All of which harm an individual's health and often lead to other mental disorders such as depression.
"Anorexia nervosa is the usual lethal psychiatric illness in the world." This sentence from WebMD shows that eating disorders have been detrimental for not only those who suffer from these conditions but also their families. In addition, the lack of nutrients necessary for survival has led many people to feel like they are never good enough because society’s standards can be so difficult to live up to.
Bodies come in all aspects and sizes, yet there is still strong societal pressure placed on individuals wanting them to fit into certain categories. Society's beauty standards can be so controlling and oppressive that it is almost impossible to live up to them. We need more than anything in community today are people who will love their bodies, no concern what size or form they may be!
How does it impact the younger generation?
Children and teens are also affected by societal standards of beauty. They can be teased, bullied, or even worse for not fitting into a certain category. In high school, some people might feel pressured to partake in dangerous behaviours such as drug use that will help them look good outside and create an illusion of perfection. The pressure to fit society's standard is so great that studies have shown teenage girls would rather skip food than miss out on social media platforms like Instagram, where they often compare themselves with others #comparingyourselfwithothers
This excerpt from "What You Can Do" says it best: “When we tell our kids how beautiful they are every day – regardless of their weight or looks - we empower them to love themselves now, so they don’t have to wait until someone else tells them. When we put down the phone and look our kids in the eye for a few minutes every day, it shows them what is important – that they are worth loving right here and right now."
Does the fashion industry own any hand to it?
The fashion business has played a big role in beauty standards that are so commonly accepted today. Therefore, it is essential to remember the power of this medium and how it affects people on a specific level and culture at high.
The pressure put on women by society's standards can be shocking sometimes and very real and heavy. Women have been pressured for centuries to look like "perfect" Barbie dolls with huge breasts, tiny waists, full lips, flawless skin tone, etc., which isn't something we could ever achieve no matter what we do! We deserve more than just our outer appearances - there’s nothing wrong with feeling good about ourselves inside or out! Society needs to start seeing us all equally- not just for our looks.
What can we do to make a change?
We need to start teaching children that they are perfect just the way they are and that their self-worth doesn't depend on society's beauty standards! It would be great if adults felt good enough about themselves, too, so maybe one-day parents will stop telling kids how "beautiful" or not "pretty" their haircut is because it isn’t important #itsnotimportant. This blog post may be a reminder of why you should start loving yourself just the way you are. There is no pressure with what clothes we wear, who we date, what career path we choose, or what we can and cannot do. We are all equal in the eyes of society!
Has the media any hand in this?
Yes! The media also represents a huge role in influencing the standards of beauty. Magazines are full of "flawless" celebrities who have some serious Photoshop going on and make it seem like everyone else needs to live up to their same standard. TV shows, movies, social media platforms – they all play into this idea that society has created for us about what is beautiful when we can be different sizes and shapes, skin colours, or heights - there's no one perfect type!
And here's something you might not know: A study by Dove (2017) found that over half of women believed themselves to be too fat after viewing ads with skinny models while only 22% thought so before seeing the ad." What does this say about the impact of media? This says that society's beauty standards have a huge effect on how we view ourselves and what we think is beautiful.
How can it be normalized?
To combat society's standards of beauty, we need to work together. You can be a part of the movement by donating your time or money to organizations like The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). They are working hard every day to raising awareness and helping those with eating disorders. You could also encourage people around you - friends, family members, co-workers - towards self-love while supporting them not to compare themselves with others.
The National Eating Disorder Association has some great resources for dealing with body image issues: "You don’t have to remain until someone tells you how beautiful you are before affirming it yourself." In addition, they offer tips on how individuals can better love themselves, such as using affirmations, being mindful of how they speak about themselves and others, or practicing self-compassion.
How to start loving yourself?
Believe in yourself, and you are worth it! You are deserving of appreciation just as you are. Do not ever bother on what others tell you, about your appearance. Let them say what they say. Its what Taylor Swift says, “Haters gonna hate”.
Consider what would happen if people started living up to the standards that society has created for them instead? What a pleasant world it will be when we all learn how to embrace our differences, stop comparing ourselves with others, and start enjoying ourselves - flaws and all.
It's not easy, but it is possible! With so much pressure from society telling us that we're not good enough or beautiful enough, seldom it can feel like an impossible feat to do something different – but let me tell you this: It does get better."