Trying To Quit An Online Shopping Addiction? These Tips Can Help

By Rupsa Denath | YEET MAGAZINE Posted at 0200 GMT (1000 HKT) on July 16, 2021 We all love a great sale, but if you find yourself spending more time shopping online than participating in your normal daily activities or working, it may be indicative of an addiction.

Trying To Quit An Online Shopping Addiction? These Tips Can  Help

By  Rupsa Denath | YEET MAGAZINE  Updated 0200 GMT (1000 HKT) July 20, 2021

Do you have a problem with online shopping?

If you, like me think the  digital age to blame for Online shopping addiction, then it's time to take control of the situation. This blog post will discuss some simple reminders that can help when dealing with an addiction to online shopping.

A 2016 meta-analysis suggests that about 4.9 percent of Americans are addicted to shopping. The prevalence is even higher among university students (8.3 percent) and among shoppers (16.2 percent).

It has been estimated that compulsive shopping affects around 6% of the population in the United States. 4 Research has also shown that: Females are nine times more likely to be affected than males.

What Causes an Addiction to Shopping? According to Ruth Engs from Indiana University, some people develop shopping addictions because they essentially get addicted to how their brain feels while shopping. As they shop, their brain releases endorphins and dopamine, and over time, these feelings become addictive.

This alone  shows  how much money is already being spent and encourage better self-control in the future.

Compulsive shopping is about much more than a “bad habit”. Shopping addiction is a legitimate process addiction and it can be very devastating to relationships, finances, and well-being. You may want to begin by making it more difficult to spend, but challenging your own spending is only the beginning.

We all love a great sale, and we know it feels good to buy things but if you find yourself spending more time shopping online than participating in your normal daily activities or working, it may be indicative of an addiction.

The best way to quit this type of addiction is by taking steps to remind you not to buy anything without thinking about the consequences first.

A few options include:

Turning off push notifications on your phone and computer, so they don’t tempt you with new deals.

Keeping receipts for items bought over the last week to count how much money was spent.

Setting up reminders after X number of days before buying something again.

How has online shopping helped sales growth?

Online shopping has allowed for several changes in how people shop.

More shoppers are accessing e-commerce sites than ever before, and they're spending more money online each year. It's estimated that by 2022, nearly $300 billion will be spent on e-retail, up from about $232 billion this year.

And while the convenience is great for consumers––they don't have to go anywhere or do any heavy lifting to get their desired items––it could become problematic if not controlled well enough. It can lead to things like an addiction which many people struggle with but don't know how to manage properly.

How often should you set goals?

Goals are hugely influential when it comes to our health and wellness.

First, of course, we need to set specific goals for ourselves to make progress, but how often should they be done? Ideally, you'll know what your goal is monthly; this gives you ample time each month to do something about it or work towards achieving the desired outcome at some point during that month.

If there were one thing to tell anyone who has an online shopping addiction, it would have to take control of their spending habit and act as if every purchase made wasn't being made with "free" money.

It's easy because these cards are so available right now––but don't fall prey to thinking you can spend away without ever having any real consequences in the end.

And, of course, it goes without saying that you should be mindful of where your money is going and not let any other "vice" take over just because you think there won't be a consequence for it (e.g., if someone has an addiction to online shopping then they might also smoke cigarettes).

That's why we need to ask us these questions: What are our goals?

How much do we spend on clothes every month? Do I need this purchase, or am I just trying something new out only because the price tag was cheaper than I thought it would cost? Taking these steps will help keep us from spending too much when shopping online and help us with our finances.

Online shopping is not necessary the most addictive habit when it comes to spending money.

Still, it can quickly become one if someone doesn't know how to control their impulses or what they need and buy everything available because of a sale––or worse, an online promotion!

It might be tempting, but you want to make sure your purchases are worth every penny spent on them.

And before you go ahead and purchase something expensive (like clothes), think about whether or not this purchase will improve your life in some way––whether by making you more productive at work, happier during the day, etc. If there isn't any benefit to buying that item, then don't do it! You'll thank yourself in the end.

Online shopping can be one of the most addictive habits to have. It's so easy––you can buy anything with the click of a button, and you don't even have to go anywhere to do it!

But all too often, people use this as an excuse for their addiction, claiming that they could shop online because there are no real consequences or downsides.

And while spending money is never good in any form, there will always be some consequence when you purchase something on credit (whether interest rates are going up or not being able to make your monthly payments).

So before making another purchase ask yourself what the benefits are for buying this item; if you come across one, then think about whether or not it's worth taking out more money on credit to buy it.

If you're going to make a buying anyway, then at least be mindful of what the item is; if there's no real benefit for buying that item in terms of your life and happiness, don't do it! You'll thank yourself later.

Online shopping can cause addiction and other vices such as smoking or overeating because people will use any excuse they can get when spending money––even if these items are unhealthy or bad for their health in some way. But, on the other hand, it seems like "free" money because we never have to go anywhere to spend our hard-earned cash, so we think about how much time we save by doing this instead of going out to buy things.

Take the following series of tips:

Consider the long-term consequences of your actions. For example, do you need that new item? Would it be just as effective if you purchased an older model for less money? If not, then don't buy it!

Take a break from comparing prices and other shopping sites. This will allow time to think about what is needed versus desired or wanted items; consider waiting until later in the day when physical stores are open before making any purchases.

Think twice before clicking "buy" on anything online - sometimes there are hidden costs such as additional shipping fees, tax duties/fees, customs charges, etc. This can make buying something much more expensive than expected. Also, remember that nothing is free these days!

If purchasing something on credit that isn't necessary (such as clothes or shoes), then be sure to set a budget for what you want before making the purchase. Don't go overboard and buy things just because they're cheaper than other stores.

Pay attention to your spending habits. Are there any courses in terms of where and when we spend our money? If so, then try tracking this information with an app like Mint (or something similar) which will help us control our funds!

Knowing how to quit an online shopping addiction with reminders is a big step in the right direction. It may be as easy as locking your phone away from yourself when you're browsing products, or it could mean making more time for self-care activities like exercise and meditation.

The best way to break the cycle is by getting rid of all your connected devices to the internet. You can also try setting up a schedule for when you will use each device and make sure not to exceed this limit. Lastly, give yourself an allotted period for browsing online--say 30 minutes per day or less.

If you want to quit an online shopping addiction, there are a few things that may help. First of all, don't go on your favorite sites as often and make yourself think about how much money you're wasting before making purchases.

Secondly, look for other ways to spend time talking with friends or taking up another hobby! Lastly, try not to compare prices between stores because it will only lead to more impulse buys. Hopefully, these pointers have encouraged you take the first step in quitting this habit!

Do any of them sound like they might work for someone who wants to break their online shopping addiction?

After all this, all you have to do is stop going and adding items to your shopping cart. It's that simple!

About author   Rupsa Denath


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