Heading Back To The Gym? Here's How To Get Back In Shape After Months Of Sedentary Lifestyle.
The desire to move comes back with the beautiful days. Especially this year when teleworking, repeated lockdowns and curfews have forced us into a sedentary lifestyle. Do not rush ball in mind. To avoid injury, it's best to get back to it gradually.
Well-being and Fitness
By YEET MAGAZINE | Updated 0200 GMT (1000 HKT) June 6, 2021
The desire to move comes back with the beautiful days. Especially this year when teleworking, repeated lockdowns and curfews have forced us into a sedentary lifestyle. Do not rush ball in mind however and to avoid injury, it's best to get back to it gradually.
After a long period of physical inactivity, the body has lost its bearings. The joints are rusty, the muscles have melted a little and the ligaments have lost their flexibility.
Resuming sport at the same pace and at the same intensity as before stopping therefore exposes you to pain and injury.
To guard against this and not to get discouraged from the start, "you have to put the basics back in place and set realistic goals ", advises Anouk Garnier, vice-world champion in obstacle course and sports coach at Neoness. Before putting on your sneakers , it is better to regain mobility, that is to say a good range of motion. Start by re-soliciting each of your joints (ankles, hips, shoulders…). "You can also use massage balls and rollers - Blackroll type - to mobilize the upper back, and also the calves if you want to get back to running", indicates the expert who has created a program dedicated to the recovery of running *.
Focus on progressivity
"It makes sense to resume sport in two stages , underlines Florent Gillet, fitness and wellness coach at L'Orange Bleue. Fifteen days before returning to the gym, reactivate your cardiovascular system with 15 minutes of active daily walking, followed by three exercises. muscle building ".
The winning combination: the chair exercise (sitting virtually against a wall, thighs parallel to the floor) to work the hamstrings and quads, the plank to tighten the abs, then squats or lunges for the gluteal muscles . Start slowly the first week (5 minutes per exercise maximum), then gradually extend the sessions by a few minutes each time. Then you can re-approach the devices and classroom lessons without too much difficulty.
"But beware, specifies Florent Gillet, it takes several weeks before returning to its previous level. At the start, perform the exercises slowly and with little stress to minimize the risk of injury". Also, don't forget to warm up and stretch well after each session. Some clubs offer specific sports recovery programs that allow you to gently re-energize. Inquire.
A medical examination is also recommended before resuming the sport , even if you do not need a certificate of contraindications.
Dose your efforts
"Do not immediately resume high-intensity impact sports, such as athletic step , mini-trampoline or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) classes , recommends Anouk Garnier. Prefer cycling, for example, where you can more easily dose your efforts". To get back to running safely, you should not strain either. “Start with two to three sessions per week at a moderate pace, no more than 20 minutes at a stretch,” adds the coach.
On a treadmill, you can alternate cycles of hill walking and running, two to three times in a row spaced a few minutes of calm. And on a weight training platform , start by strengthening your back and your deep abdominals in order to find good posture. "Do not load too heavy too quickly and do not perform too many repetitions, recommends Anouck Garnier. Also allow 2 to 3 minutes of rest between each set."
Stay tuned to your body so as not to brutalize yourself unnecessarily. This is the best way not to get discouraged and to reduce the risk of an accident.
More: Recovery, or when rest boosts your athletic performance
Maintain motivation
We procrastinate more on our own than with others. So that the euphoria of the first days does not fall like a breath, it is preferable to get back to sport while being accompanied by colleagues or friends or supervised by a coach. Friendliness is indeed important to maintain motivation. But do not compare your performance to that of others, or to those you achieved before, otherwise it is the feeling of failure guaranteed.
"You have to focus on the positive, observes Anouk Garnier. Returning to sport is already great in itself. You can also boost your motivation by evaluating your progress on an impedance scale which measures the percentage of body fat and lean body mass. ". Most gyms have one.
Pleasure also comes into play. This recovery is perhaps the opportunity to test playful physical activities such as dance , boxing or fly-yoga .
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Is walking an effective weight loss exercise?
Given that it is never counterproductive to use the little legs that the good Lord gave us to move, walking can mean many things ... from taking the dog "to pee", to the tub in the center to admire shop windows, to the fast and constant pace of the type in overalls traveling with high cruising speed.
The best way to evaluate the caloric effectiveness of this as well as other physical exercises in addition to continuity (no stopping) and duration, is the number of heartbeats / minute. An effort, even sub-maximal, is incisive when it involves a significant increase in heart rate.
From 90 b / m upwards, the body starts to consume (therefore to lose weight) and, as with all machines, consumption will increase with the speed of movement up to the maximum allowed by the degree of training, weight, sex and age.
These values are easily verifiable with common wrist monitors and valid for everyone. The distance, as the only consumption data, cannot be indicated as an absolute value: the untrained individual reaches a cruising speed very quickly (it is also a very trivial method to evaluate his own efficiency) compared to the coach who, in the same time interval, he travels a greater distance with the same calories used. At the cessation of physical work, the recovery time of the basal indices (bc and breathing rate) is indicative for evaluating the potential of the walker.
The theoretical maximum values (but we are not all the same ... bradycardia and tachycardia ... sex, physical characteristics and clinical history) are easily calculated with the formula K: 220 - age or T: 208 - 70% of age.
As I said, these are purely theoretical values and the most important data, in relation to efforts that last 1/2 hour or more with values from 120 bc / m up, is the possibility of drawing on one's coronary reserve.
In the case of a subject who is no longer young and predominantly sedentary (but valid for all) who intends to explore their limits, the most common test, which can be performed at all ages, is the submaximal effort test (80% of the threshold value) at cycle ergometer or treadmill.
How far do I have to walk to lose half a kg?
How many hours should we walk each week to lose 10 kg in 2 months?
There can be no single answer to this question .
In fact, weight loss depends on:
- starting weight and height
- food / energy history of the individual (one thing is to be at the end of a low-calorie diet for 12 months and have completely altered hormones from too much diet and another to be at the end of 10 years of high calorie and be 60 kg overweight)
- daily calorie deficit and its duration
- hydration level and its temporal variations (losing 1 kg of water is trivial, losing 1 kg of body fat is not trivial !!)
The most appropriate action that can be done to understand this is to stabilize the caloric intake by checking the person's weight (average of daily weighings of 7–14 days) and looking for balance. Once you have found the calories necessary to balance the energy expended, they are progressively reduced by 200-400-600 in periods of 7 or better 14 days and it is verified how much the body, at that moment, without necessarily knowing the previous history, is in the state of to lose.
Good diets!
How long does it take to walk to lose 1 kg?
1 kg of human-fat has an average of 7800 kcal (kilocalories≗Cal with capital C), + exactly, × old researches, has 7596 ÷ 8265 kcal whose average is 7930.5 which new researches tend to slightly lower .; but many sites write ≈7000 kcal (perhaps confusing with the ABSORBED calories ), then re-making the calculations of the following paragraph with this data, which seems to me inaccurate (I have seen human fat and it is + concentrated butter having ≈7170 ÷ 7580 kcal × kg), the result of km would decrease.
The operation × calculate ± how many kcal you BURN while walking is: 0.5 ÷ 0.7 ( energy expenditure at ± sustained pace ) • self -weight • km traveled , then 1 heavy person 60 kg every 5 km walked at step ± sustained would consume 0.5 ÷ 0.7 • 60 • 5 ≈ 150 ÷ 210 kcal ; from which she missed × 1 kg fat-own should walk 7800 / 150 to 210 • 5 ≈ 260 ÷ 185.71 kilometers. Then, by sweating, a lot of fluids are lost which, if not replenished, should be done, the consequent temporary decrease. weight could be exchanged × slimming. Also to be evaluated is the risk of drawing from one's own muscles (if not correctly ingested) the necessary proteins × to carry out activities.
Weight-own influence kcal burned: the higher + you fatigue then + you burn .
Weight-fit (what should be had regardless of own-weight) also tot influence. kcal consumed. In fact, male form weight is 1 bit greater than the female one, then males burn 1 bit more kcal than females .
- 1 kg lipids ( pure fat ) develops mediam. Kcal 9300 for vegetables and 9450 ÷ 9500 for animals - pure , but normal. 95% of the lipids introduced with the diet are ABSORBED , then they supply our body ≈ Kcal 8835 for vegetables and 8977 ÷ 9025 for pure animals .
- 1 kg non-pure -animal-fats ≈ Kcal 7800 because there are more aqueous particles , in fact butter (there is 1 bit of% water there) ≈ 7170 ÷ 7580 kcal × kg. While olive-oil (no water therein) ≈ 9300 kcal × kg.
- 1 kg carbohydrates develops mediam. kcal 4200 the starches and 3740 the glucose , but normalm. 97% of those introduced with the diet are ABSORBED , then they supply our body ≈ Kcal 4074 the starches and 3628 the glucose.
- 1 kg protein develops mediam. Kcal 5650, but since our organism is not able to use the nitrogen contained in them, their energy-power is reduced to 4350. Furthermore, mormalm. 92% of the proteins introduced with the diet are ABSORBED (97% of animal-proteins and 78% of vegetable-proteins), then they supply our body-mediam. Kcal 4000.
Kcal per hg is indicated on food packages ( obviously relative to the actual energy-value supplied, i.e. absorbed by our body), then olive-oil ≈900 kcal × hg, while butter depends on brands or on% water content, in addition today there are light butters containing fewer calories but they are few suitable for frying because there is too much water.
I started studying very deeply. these topics since I was 15 years old, always keeping me updated on new discoveries over the past 42 years (now I'm 57). Moreover, in parallel, in the same span of time, I studied various natural phenomena that have helped me to have a complete overview about + "operation" nature-itself (V.ult.righe response fixed in my profile: What is the most unique language you have learned? ).
What I have written can be expanded with many other details on different websites, eg: How many Calories are there in 1 kg of Body Fat?; How Much Fat Do You Consume While Running?; How many calories do you burn while walking? How to calculate it and health benefits; How many calories do you consume while walking?; Diet: why men lose weight more than women; Why is it harder for women to lose weight?; always-hungry-why?; Hunger: why is it hard to stay in the evening?
How many kcal does the calorie deficit have to be to lose about half or a kg per week?
Is losing half a kg a week a healthy choice for an overweight person?What is the fastest and healthiest way to lose 5/7 kg?
Yes. In reality it would be the lifestyle that one should adopt rather than an impromptu diet to be done. Thinking about it, half a kg less per week means 3500 calories less per week (1 kg = 7000 calories), this means that, if you are a man and you burn 2000 calories a day on average excluding physical activity, then you will have to eat for 1500 calories. In summary: by eating 1500 calories per day you lose half a kg per week. If you add physical activity even more of course. Once you have reached your ideal weight, my advice is to continue eating in that way, always preferring healthy foods, but also allowing yourself some cheating, always dictated by common sense, which at that point will not affect your weight
How often should I fast to lose weight?
Yes, you lose excessive weight by eating, and certainly not by starving. That said, it doesn't mean that one can go to McDonald's, eat pizza every night or quench their thirst with various sugary drinks. Ah, I forgot. The aperitifs; forget them! Always if you use it, of course. Consider that 1gr of alcohol provides 7kcal empty, that is, devoid of nutritional elements.
Anyway, having said that, you'd better hear from a nutritionist.
How can I lose 10 kg in 2 weeks, with little or no exercise?
Try fasting, cutting 500-600kcal per day should be enough. But you'd mostly lose muscle mass, and then you'll get them all back as soon as you start eating normally again. The correct time to lose 10kg (unless you are severely obese) is 1-2 years.
Why do I lose about 1 kg of weight overnight?
How can I lose 26 kg in 6 months?How long should you walk to lose weight each day?
Losing weight is something very delicate, even more so when it comes to tens of kilos ...
In addition, losing weight too quickly leads to a loss of muscle mass and the skin becomes sagging because it does not have time to shrink.
But then, why is everyone in such a hurry to lose weight after years of being overweight? 8/10 months what would change?
The most important thing is to lose weight and rebuild an efficient metabolism capable of not regaining anything when you finish the diet, and for such a goal 6 months is perhaps half the time it takes .
Can I lose 10 kg in 7 days of dry fasting?
What do you advise me to do to lose 3 kg effectively?
I can't tell you exactly but I try to answer you based on my experience.
I tried 48 hours of fasting with water and lost 0.5kg per day then 1kg in 2 days.
I don't know how recommended dry fasting is, especially for 7 days, I hope you are informed properly and with the help of competent people on how to proceed.
I believe that a lot of the weight lost depends on the starting weight, the amount of fat and starting muscle.
I started at 72kg with 56% muscle or skeletal and 14% body fat. (Measurements made with scales), basal metabolic rate was reported as 1700 kcal per day.
Surely those who weigh more, have more muscle, and even more fat can lose more weight for the same fasting days.
So from my personal experience I would estimate a weight loss of about 3.5kg in 7 days of fasting with water!
How can I lose 5 kg in 5 days?
How can I lose 1 kg in one day?
I think it's a very vague question.
Losing 1 kg in general is relatively easy over the course of a day. It would be enough not to drink, you could lose even more.
Maybe what you mean is aimed at fat mass. Regarding this, the speech is a little more complex and serious. Getting rid of excess fat presupposes a metabolic condition in which our body draws energy from lipids, vulgarly "fat" in excess. To create this process, first of all, it is necessary to reduce our daily / weekly caloric intake by creating a situation in which our body, unable to feed itself sufficiently with the nutrients (food) introduced, uses the surplus ones we already have (eg lipids).
In this way, then:
- Eating less (lowering our caloric intake)
- Doing more physical activity (raising our energy expenditure)
For a more or less prolonged period and with a more or less pronounced approach to nutrition and physical activity, we will consequently have a weight loss.
In short, this is the process that leads to weight loss. The fact remains that I advise you to consult professional figures who can follow you and advise you in the correct way on the path to follow, according to your needs.
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